
  1. rantipole

    Tankmate for Territorial Clownfish

    I have had my 13.5 gallon Fluval Evo AIO for about 4.5 years. I've had a pair of occelaris clowns since starting the tank. Recently, the large (almost 4 inches) female started bullying the male and, I think due to the bullying, he jumped out of the tank. I recently added a small clown and the...
  2. A

    What is wrong with this fish?

    Can anyone ID what is on my orange clown? It looks like a cloudy white substance. The fish seems fine and unbothered. I haven't noticed any change in behavior, heavy breathing or anything else concerning. However, I've only had the fish for 4 days. I also have another clown, a goby and a cleaner...
  3. J

    Clownfish lump

    Hey everyone I'm not new to saltwater but this is the first time having a tank of my own that is a smaller setup. My main problem is I have a tiny clownfish with a little blueish/blackish lump between it's side fins it looks like it is inside the fish itself . I couldn't find any disease that...
  4. Cantusaurus

    Clownfish scars healing?

    Hi, I’ve been treating my female clownfish for about 3 weeks in my QT tank. She got over her bacterial or fungal build up and has been healing for almost 2 weeks. The build up of bacteria or fungus was gone and she had a bunch of exposed tissue (missing scales?) showing. She didn’t get an...
  5. L

    EMERGENCY Clownfish Breathing Heavy

    Hi - I have a clownfish that started breathing heavily two days ago. I also noticed its been inserting the tentacles of the hammer it has been hosing, and putting them in its mouth and then pulling away. The clownfish have been hosting the hammer for two months and I never saw this behavior...
  6. Erik the Red

    Clownfish resting or something worse?

    Hej, It’s been a couple of days since i noticed one of my clowns resting on the bottom glass in the late afternoon, when its not noticed. That corner is where they sleep at night. The flow in my tank is quite strong, but so far looks like the clowns liked it, though sometimes they move to low...
  7. O

    Clownfish Fin Rot

    My new clownfish developed - what has to be - fin rot. I rushed him to LFS and they agreed. I am treating him in qt with Kanaplex (day 2). I can't tell if he's back to eating (he had stopped). Wondering if anyone has had a clown recover from this? As I was trying to net him yesterday part...
  8. S

    Clownfish hosting condy

    I have three clownfish in my tank, and the tomato clown is hellbent on being hosted by my condy. It rubs in it and swims off, doesn’t have any apparent damage. I’ve read conflicting things about if they can host or not? I feed the condy, so I’m not sure if that will matter or not? The other two...
  9. S

    Hello I’m new to reef2reef!

    My names Andie, I’ve had freshwater tanks for several years but after a devistating tank collapse i turned to solely saltwater. I have a snowflake eel, Indian mud eel, two cinnamon clown fish and one tomato clownfish, sea hare, a bunch of snails and blue leg hermits. We have gsp, torch coral...
  10. Idaknow15

    See through marks on black clownfish?

    Have hopefully attached a video of my clowns both of which have some white patches on them easiest seen on the black male and some even look see through on him! They are both acting the same and eating fine. I have added 3 new corals in the last couple of days but otherwise nothing different to...
  11. Kermitcoral

    hybrid Clownfish

    Hello everyone, Today I'd like to talk about hybrid clownfish and the growing popularity around them. If you have any photos or videos documenting your luck with cross breeding please post below. Other questions what clowns hybrid well and easy to mix? What are the more difficult breeds to mix?
  12. A

    Equipment,Advice, help

    Hellooo So I’ve been cycling my aquarium since June. In my aquarium I have reef base rock and aquarium sand. The rock looks like white coral. As water evaporates I just add in some filtered freshwater. *My goal is to get a clown fish* my tank is heated and has a filter and a light. Recently I...
  13. Nemesis of Pistol Shrimps

    Clownfish ID

    Hello, does anyone know what morph these clownfish are?
  14. A

    WIll the clownfish be ok? help

    Heres what happened, Im fighting dinos, specifically procentrum, and I started dosing silicates. I used sponge excel, and dosed 5 drops into 10 gallons. The drops did harden upon contact with the water and turn into white flakes. I know that silicate based solutions are caustic to humans, but...
  15. Cantusaurus

    EMERGENCY Does my clown have Ich or Brook?

    Hi, I am shocked. I have had my clown for almost a year now. I had a pair about 10-11 months ago, and they got ich and the larger one died. I freshwater dipped the smaller one and the clown pulled through, and grew a lot. I then 5-6 months later got a Black Ice Clown (about half her size). No...
  16. beehive124

    Clowns in Hammer Coral

    So a few days ago I got a hammer coral. 3 heads, with new buds at the bottom. It’s a really nice piece! I’ve made a few posts about it, asking questions and what not, but now I have a curveball. My Ocellaris Clown (male) has started nipping at it and causing it to retract. I don’t think he’s...
  17. Fishguy530

    EMERGENCY Bloated Clown / Sores

    Hi all, Had this clown for 2-3 months now. A couple weeks ago a white spot under his right pictorial fin with some light swelling showed up. It then seemed to clear up. I just noticed tonight that he was swimming lazily, and on close inspection found a sore again in the same spot as before, and...
  18. Michael Tang G

    White bumps around clownfish bump

    One of my clownfish is showing white bumps around its mouth and I’m not sure what it is. I started noticing the white around its mouth yesterday but today there’s a pretty pronounced bump. Any idea what it is and how I should treat it if needed? Attached photos
  19. mikmarie

    EMERGENCY Possible Swim Bladder

    I’m new to saltwater and recently added two clownfish after cycling my tank for a few months. All levels were normal when I added them, and they’ve been eating well. Before tonight, this fish was swimming normally and breathing normally. Now, it’s at the bottom of the tank and breathing rapidly...
  20. Petrichor

    Fish recommendations for Fluval 13.5? More gobies?

    Hey all, I'm looking for one or two fish recommendations for my Fluval 13.5. Current stock is: 1 small mocha misbar clownfish 1 Hector's goby 1 peppermint shrimp 1 hermit crab various softies and LPS (eventually adding a few SPS) Whatever the fish they need to be reef-safe and preferably...
  21. jingles1834

    Can I place a bigger clownfish with a smaller one

    I am currently trying to put a new ocellaris clown into my 20g tank. I had two clownfish before, but one died, so this is the replacement. However, the new clownfish is approx 3 inches, while the clown I already have is about 1.5 inches. I’m worried about putting them together and having the big...
  22. D

    Is my clownfish too skinny

    Hi, i have had my two clownfish for about 3 weeks now. And was wondering if they look healhy? They are eating good and are activ and clowning around through out the day and sleeping at night
  23. andiesreef

    Mate for my Clownfish + Adding a Damselfish?

    Hey everyone, So I have a clownfish named Cooli who seems to be happy and healthy. He likes to swim near my leather coral and dart around the tank through the flow. He's fat and fed clams, pellets, mysis, and even pieces of earthworms (all my fish love them). I was wondering if it would be...
  24. GroverCleveland

    Clownfish paired with a not Clownfish?

    Has anyone ever heard of a Clownfish pairing with something that isn’t a Clownfish at all? Backstory: I had 2 paired clownfish and at some point I bought a single Green Chromis. During the day the pair of clowns and the Chromis would do their own thing, but at night the 3 would rest side by...
  25. Ari’s reef surf

    Montana Reefers For local info\ swaps

    I own a 36 Gal bow front tank in Montana. This Sept 2021 will be 1 year. As a new reefer I am needing frags for a mixed reef tank to begin to fill up my tank. Willing to trade or buy items. I currently have four fish in total, 2 clowns and 2 cardinal fish very reef safe fish