clown fish

  1. DSmithZ28

    Cube Build 93 Gallon Cube Aquarium Build Series

    I wanted to start this series a little cleaner than what this will probably turn into but I got to get going on something. So here is the start of my 93 Gallon Cube Mixed Reef build series! 93 Gallon Marineland Cube Custom Metal Stand Built by Meh (Video Build: Link 1 Link 2 Link 3) Custom...
  2. BobbyBPG

    Anemone Only Tank Questions

    Hi I got a couple question about doing a nem only tank and figured this would be the best place to ask. I have a nano cube setup with multiple different corals and my Nem which had previously stayed on the rock in front of the tank for 4 months decided it no longer liked the flow there. So I...
  3. Hugo Garcia

    Why won’t my Clown fish get close to the rock?

    Hello guys, so ive has my clown fish on my Display Tank for almost a month now, and they have never gone close to the rock. The female just stays under the light base close to the rim of the tank. Is there anything I can do to make them want to go closer to the rocks? Thanks
  4. smiley28

    Nano Build Hectors IM tank

    Started a 10g nuvo while going through a nursing program. The purpose of this nano is to have fun and maybe show some progression. Please don’t respond to this thread. So far this tanks has been up for almost a month and really not much is going on so weekly pre water change I’m going to post...
  5. Hugo Garcia

    New to all this.

    Hey guys, how is it going? This is my first time at reef2reef, and my first attempt at a saltwater tank. I've had a freshwater tank with goldfish for about a year now, and decided to take the leap and start a saltwater tank as well. So what I'm paling to have is a 20 Gallon tank with 2 clownfish...
  6. averytanky

    Is my clownfish okay?

    Hey guys, I'm new to the saltwater aquarium world and I have my first fish in my nano 10 after cycling for months! He's been in there weeks with no problems, except for the fact that i've never actually seen him eat with my own eyes, (i have blennys that eat like crazy, they go crazy for flakes...
  7. M

    Took tank off someone's hands... what do I have here?

    Hello! Beginner here in search of some much-needed advice. I got this tank super last minute from someone moving out of the country today. It was her ex-roommate's so she doesn't know anything about the setup. I have freshwater tanks but never saltwater, so I need help! I'm not even sure what I...
  8. C

    Build Thread Cory: 47 Reef and 55 Fish-Only

    I live in California and I am an avid saltwater aquarist. I have one newly set up fish-only tank and a full reef tank. The fish-only tank is a 55g tank with a 30 gallon sump. There is at least 65 pounds of live Carrib-Sea Fiji pink sand and about 60 pounds of BRS Reef Saver dry live rock. I just...
  9. L

    AIO Build Rimless JBJ Nanocube 28

    After not being able to sell my nanocube with a broken hood I decided to remove the trim and make it a bedroom tank. I already have a hydra 26 HD to put over it. Just waiting on a replacement light for the hydra as it's running over my 210. I'm planning on a large maroon clown from a friends...
  10. Schmitty

    Build Thread SCHMITTY's 40g Nuvo Build

    Well, well, well... Here we go! I got a new 40 gallon Nuvo tank from IM and so far Im so impressed! I bought 30lbs of cured live rock, 40lbs of sand, and a Tunze 9004 protein skimmer. Gutted my old tank and moved over the Mp10, a couple key pieces and most of the coral frags(Birds Nest...
  11. Aidanwolf

    Clown fish nibbling hand

    So I have four Clown fish and every time I put my hand in the aquarium they all start nibbling my hand I'am not sure why. they don't seen to be doing it out of aggression it is kind of weird.
  12. AlyciaMarie

    Where to buy Wyoming White Clowns

    I'm looking for a pair of Wyoming white clown fish for my new tank. Anyone know of a good place to buy these guys? Willing to pay what I need to in order to get a good, healthy pair! Help a girl out.
  13. S

    Black spots on clown

    hey guys I bought a clownfish about 3 weeks ago and today I noticed 3-5 black spots on it, i did a water change yesterday. I've read it could be black ich or nothing at all so can I have some help diagnosing it and what to do about it. It was hard to get a good picture but this is what I got
  14. leepink23

    Pairing a picasso clownfish

    What types of clowns can I pair with a picasso? Platinum, black ice?
  15. LB Dantzler

    Clown fish string hanging from stomach

    Our male Clownfish had a little brown string hanging from his stomach tonight. Could just be poop, but it's the first time we've seen it in 2 months so it was odd. Then, 2 minutes later our female clown had it too. Also, brown. Just want to know what you guys think about it, should we be...
  16. Mandrew

    Build Thread Mandrews 29g build

    So Ive been all over the place in this hobby the past few months/years and I just set up a 75g tank a few months ago, lost interest, tore it down and sold everything, then decided I wanted a tank again... Ive just been so indecisive lately. So Ive settled with this standard 29g tank I purchased...
  17. fasterznu

    25 Gallon Rimless Cube

    Selling my 25 gallon rimless cube saltwater aquarium with stand and livestock. The majority of it was purchased through World Wide Coral in Orlando Fl. The tank itself holds about 25 gallons and the sump is an additional 15 gallons for a total of 40 gallons. Below is a list of what is included...
  18. R

    One of my clownfish seems to be laying down and not swimming?

    For some reason one of my ocellaris clownfish is laying down next to one of my rocks and the other clownfish is fine and active. My Valentini Puffer also seems to be doing fine and is constantly roaming the tank. Every time i walk over to the clownfish that is laying down it will get up and swim...
  19. R

    Should I always leave my lights on with corals?

    So I am new to corals and only have one at the moment, a zoanthid. I am only using the stock LED lights that came with my aquarium kit so I was not going to introduce any corals until upgrading my lighting system at all, but it seems I gave in to try out one that was known for not needing much...
  20. R

    What should I do with aquarium now? Any tips for someone new who wants corals?

    So my tank is about a month old and my clownfish seem to be doing great (they have great color and are very active) also my cleaner shrimp has molted once and he seems to be doing great (moves around the tank a decent amount but loves the middle rock the most). The only thing I think I should do...
  21. M

    trying to get a bubbletip anemone to host a clownfish?

    I recently got a rose bubbletip anemone from a local friend of mine and I was wondering on how to get my clownfish to host them. Anybody have any tips on how to do that? Let the clownfish find them naturally or is there another way to do it?
  22. Adam113

    Build Thread Newbie Biocube 29 Build

    Hello everyone, I am pretty much brand new to the hobby. Here is my thread from when I first got my tank started up. So, here's my story... My dad was diagnosed with cancer about 2 years ago. We got this 29 gallon Biocube for him for...
  23. rodrigo123

    Build Thread Small 5 gallon Nano tank at work

    Suggestions are greatly appreciated.
  24. Chelsie

    Clowns loosing black coloring

    I have a frostbite clown and a phantom clown both babies still. When I bought them the black coloring was pretty dark but I noticed that since they have been in my tank their colors change. The change seems most drastic when the light changes from a whiter color to the blue. White light=paler...