clown fish

  1. nightmarepl

    Sick clown fish? Need advice please!

    came home noticed my clown has these weird black brownish dots all over his orange spots any idea what’s going on he’s very active and eating
  2. Hugo Garcia

    Does my Clown Fish have Brooklynella?

    Hey guys, wanna ask your opinion. One of my clownfish has been having some issues, he wasn’t eating and started to loose the black color on its fins, and I think he might have a white slime coat. I think it might have Brooklynella. I treat the main display with PraziPro a few days ago and he...
  3. kennydoll

    lightning maroon clowns in a predator tank

    Hello fellow Reefers! it’s kenny again, and i have another question for you. i finally got my 125 gallon tank up and running again, so i can move my fish out of the 55 predator and into the reef once more. HOWEVER. i have a bonded pair of lightning maroon clowns and they are aggressive to my...
  4. NewGoby

    clownfish have Brooklynella - advice on what i did?

    Hello, I'm currently working 50-60hr weeks, with 10-20hrs OT, so my Ocellaris may have had it for a longer period of time. Last night I noticed they were sliming (I have 2) especially at the fins - after googling a bit i diagnosed it as Brooklynella. I started filling a bucket with fresh water...
  5. OffTopic

    Build Thread OffTopic's 20 Gallon SPS Reef Tank

    Introduction Over this build thread I am going to embark on my first ever Saltwater Fish Tank. To be perfectly honest I have never had a successful fish tank; growing up probably like most kids wanted a fish tank and then I simply got bored days later. That being said I really hope it isn’t a...
  6. Mordie101

    Build Thread 16 gallon biocube

    So i started my first saltwater aquarium in July. I have debated on doing this but hey why not. R2R has helped me a lot in the short time and maybe doing this will help others and maybe me too! So i have a biocube 16g. Nothing to special. I have always loved tropical fish and now that I’ve got...
  7. ThunderGoose

    And the race is on!

    My BTA split into three about 6 weeks ago. I've been waiting for them to fully heal before I try to remove them from the rockwork but today I noticed one was going for a walkabout. And the race began. I was trying to loosen the foot and remove the anemone from the rock. Lucy III was trying...
  8. K

    ORA clownfish

    Hello, I recently purchased 2 clownfish from my LFS that they received from ORA. I bought the fish while still in the packages directly from ORA. So the fish were never in the LFS water. I brought the fish home and put them in a QT. They are not in my main display yet. My question is, has...
  9. Reef Dog 29

    Blenny Question

    Hi everybody, I have a Tailspot blenny in my 29gal biocube with a Clarkii CF, Lemon peel Angel, and a newly added Flame Hawkfish. Before I added the hawkfish, everyone in the tank was fine and very visible. Ever since the addition of the hawkfish, I have not seen the blenny out in the open and...
  10. beyer

    Ideal medication for a clown quarantine?

    About a year ago I purchased a couple of clowns from vivid aquariums online. One died and the other lived for about a month before dying. I quarantined both but did not have any medication on hand when their conditions took a turn. Now, I’m thinking of finally purchasing another couple black and...
  11. Seth Francis

    Stubborn Clownfish and The Hungry Anenome

    So.... Anenomes are awesome right? The only appropriate answer to that is certainly YES - (when they’re behaving). Clown fish have awesome personalities? Again, absolutely! As often as the anenome is the source of issues, this time it is with a cute little pair of clownfish that I’ve have for...
  12. jk_s124

    Clownfish picking on chromis

    Hello, tried searching for discussion about this but was unable to find much. I recently introduced a blue green chromis into my biocube 29. I have a firefish, perc and ocellaris as well in the tank. Everything was great for the first few weeks, but the past 2-3 weeks our chromis has been...
  13. G

    Nano Build Guts' 15 gallon column reef tank

    After a spontaneous purchase with my girlfriend who asked, "Can we get Nemos?" I was thrown head first into the hobby. I had a few freshwater tanks growing up (I also could not keep anything alive for too long), but never saltwater. I have recently added some new live rock and a coral-cabable...
  14. potatocouch

    Start them young .. food to enhance colouration for Clownfish

    Clown fishes hardcores ... I have 2 juveniles Picasso Clownfish that I would like to enhance their coloration if I can since they're young .. What would you feed your small clownfish with? something that you believe can enhance and boost their colour. Mind you that they're small hence small...
  15. potatocouch

    Start them young .. food to enhance colouration for Clownfish

    Clown fishes hardcores ... I have 2 juveniles Picasso Clownfish that I would like to enhance their coloration if I can since they're young .. What would you feed your small clownfish with? something that you believe can enhance and boost their colour. Mind you that they're small hence small...
  16. Foofer77

    Clownfish help please!

    I have looked at several pictures online, but I am having trouble identifying what this could be... can anyone help?
  17. bdejong1112o

    Build Thread My raffle Clown tank build.

    While attending a frag swap at a local coral farm I took $10 from my wallet and bought a few raffle tickets for a pair of Maroon lightening clowns. Don't know why other than why not and I love the look of them. I didn't even consider what I would do if I won the raffle. Well, you guessed it...
  18. sil40sx

    Black Storm X Mocha Storm

    Don't they look like puppies?! Sooo adorable. LOL Hopefully they thrive in my tank. I've never got so stoked on a fish like these,... well other than when my CBB started eating like a pig, and when my mandarin started eating pellets. LOL
  19. mike_jorg

    Anemone and Cleaner Shrimp

    I have a 30 gallon aquarium and have had 2 clowns and a cleaner shrimp (along with some corals) for about a year. Last week we decided to add an anemone to the tank, and it seems to be doing alright overall (one of the clowns has even shown pretty consistent interest in the nem). My issue is...
  20. Kenzie Jeanine

    Filling My 24 gal Cube

    Hi! I've had my 24 gal JBJ Nanocube up since late August/early September and I'm really enjoying this hobby. Right now I have a sixline wrasse, a black snowflake clown, and a tailspot blenny, as well as a good size cuc made up of two emerald crabs, a bunch of hermits, and a wide variety of...
  21. Spiritualquest1984

    My clowns prefer my branching hammers over anemones...

    I’ve tried with a couple diff anemones but I hVe a mated pair and the branching hammer 5ey live in is doing noticeably better then my other lps euphylia family of corals it’s like the coral knows it’s not a threat and I have a Picasso clown but he just swims in the one corner most of the time...
  22. Jaag

    Male or female?

    So I have had a clown alone in my tank for a long time a few years. I want to add another but I am worried about adding two females. What do you guys think?
  23. joshbridges


    im a current newbie to the saltwater comunity and my clownfish isnt doing well ,, he is active and showing no signs of being stressed but he has this stuff on his fins and nose, similar to cottonspores in freshwater fish here are 2 pics of my fish ,, any help is very much appreciated
  24. R

    Diagnosis please - Clownfish skin disease

    Hi There, Please can you help me out with a Diagnosis? One of my clowns (which I've had for about a month) had the other day what looked like Fin Rot on the tail fin. I’ve since been treating with Polyplab Crystaline Peroxide Salts on the advice of the Local Fish Store. However, since then...
  25. S

    Ich? Help!

    Ok so I have a 40 saltwater tank. I added 2 clown fishes and in few hours I noticed one of the fishes has a little speck on her head or it might be a little scratch. Sometimes it looks like a dot and sometimes it looks like a scratch. My clown fishes have been playing with each other but I...
TCK Corals