I had two clown fish and a pistol shrimp. And some coral (torch, frogspawn, hammer and mushroom) I woke up and one of the clown fish was dead in the shrimps cave that he made. This is the second time this happened I got fish like 5 months ago and the same thing happened 3 weeks after I got them...
I have a 16g biocube with two BUbble tip Nem’s... I started with two tiny ocellaris clowns. One killed the other... as the other grew I introduced two different tiny ocellaris at two different times and it killed both.... fast forward to now. I rehomed the mean clown and got a new “pair” of tiny...
I got a new 15 gallon tank and did a salt water aquarium setup 3 weeks back.
I left the tank idle for a week and treated it with beneficial bacteria liquid (seed) and also added food pellets and did measurements, I couldn’t see any spike in ammonia. It was constant 0.
so I went to the...
As the tittle says, one of my clownfish won't eat after a transfered them from my 75g to my 175g. I've had both clownfish for about 2.5 years and the female clownfish is going on day two since I transfer her over to the bigger tank. The 2 clowsn are the only 2 fish I've transferred so far and...
They swim vertically in the back corner of the tank all night. They're literally sideways and hug the side of the tank.
They swim normally during the day/when the lights are on. I've had them for about three months, so they're pretty new. They eat with zero issues and are fed primarily PE...
One of my clownfish is laying on the sand in the corner of the tank, he isn't gasping or breathing fast and he moves his fins but normal nothing abnormal. His other half of the pair comes over and swims by him for a bit every few minutes.
Is he okay, is this normal or is there something wrong...