clown behavior

  1. Zoa_Fanatic

    Biocube 32 led stocking ideas

    I’ve been running a nanocube or biocube for 7 years now. In that time I’ve had an engineer goby (who just passed at age 10 and nearly 2ft long) and a four stripe damsel the whole time. A Madagascar clownfish, green corris wrasse, and coral beauty angel have all passed through. I had to get rid...
  2. hds4216

    I was bitten by a clownfish like 20 times today

    Bought quite a bit of new coral and was focused on making everything look just right, and had to rearrange some rockwork because of it. My female clown was not a fan of that. She does this weird tail slapping thing, where she swims up right by me and spins really quick, creating quite a bit of...
  3. M

    Aggressive female clown

    I just recently got a 4th ocellaris clown, who is the female of my take, and she was doing quite well for a while. It’s been about 3 weeks since her acclimation, and she’s begun to bully my smallest male. She hasn’t head bunt/ nipped at him, although she does swim toward him aggressively and...
  4. Eyezik

    Weird Behavior Clown Fish

    These fish are very fresh, 3 days in the tank after the tank was cycled for about a month. Before getting the fish in I got readings of slightly high Nitrate but I took care of it. Currently, the fish are not together and one is "sleeping" in a small cafe on the back of my rock. Is this normal...
  5. J

    Clownfish Aggressive Towards Mate

    Hello, I recently set up a new tank and added two blackice clownfish. They were friendly with each other at first and now recently the one primarily white clownfish keeps attacking the other. They both twitch at each other here and there but the aggression hasn’t stopped. No damage has occurred...
  6. S

    My clownfish is acting strange

    I just got a brand new torch coral for my clowns to host. Today one of my clowns went and bit of of the tentacles of the torch and immediately started acting strange. He wont stop vigorously swimming in one particular corner of the tank. It's like he is attacking his reflection. What would be...
  7. SandyBay

    Clownfish fighting.. but teared up fin.

    Hi all, so I picked up my clownfish two days ago and they were sold as a pair. However today I noticed that they were totally going at it and the smaller one has some tears on his (pectoral?) fins from bites- which only showed up within the past day :( 1. What should I do? Do I intervene or...
  8. gaving

    Pistol shrimp are clown fish

    I had two clown fish and a pistol shrimp. And some coral (torch, frogspawn, hammer and mushroom) I woke up and one of the clown fish was dead in the shrimps cave that he made. This is the second time this happened I got fish like 5 months ago and the same thing happened 3 weeks after I got them...
  9. AquaHobby31

    When you fight with your spouse... sleep in another room. Apparently this happens not just to humans :)
  10. Razorp

    Help with clownfish.. close to giving up

    I have a 16g biocube with two BUbble tip Nem’s... I started with two tiny ocellaris clowns. One killed the other... as the other grew I introduced two different tiny ocellaris at two different times and it killed both.... fast forward to now. I rehomed the mean clown and got a new “pair” of tiny...
  11. R

    Clown fish seems to be lethargic and not eating

    Hi, I got a new 15 gallon tank and did a salt water aquarium setup 3 weeks back. I left the tank idle for a week and treated it with beneficial bacteria liquid (seed) and also added food pellets and did measurements, I couldn’t see any spike in ammonia. It was constant 0. so I went to the...
  12. D. Torres

    Clownfish won't eat after tank transfer

    As the tittle says, one of my clownfish won't eat after a transfered them from my 75g to my 175g. I've had both clownfish for about 2.5 years and the female clownfish is going on day two since I transfer her over to the bigger tank. The 2 clowsn are the only 2 fish I've transferred so far and...
  13. hds4216

    Are my clownfish broken? They just swim vertically in the corner of the tank all night.

    They swim vertically in the back corner of the tank all night. They're literally sideways and hug the side of the tank. They swim normally during the day/when the lights are on. I've had them for about three months, so they're pretty new. They eat with zero issues and are fed primarily PE...
  14. HawaiiTanks808

    Clownfish help

    One of my clownfish is laying on the sand in the corner of the tank, he isn't gasping or breathing fast and he moves his fins but normal nothing abnormal. His other half of the pair comes over and swims by him for a bit every few minutes. Is he okay, is this normal or is there something wrong...