
  1. Macbalacano

    Normal Alk Consumption? Reefer 170 with mostly LPS + Clam

    Photo and tank parameters below. Started dosing about a month ago due to getting a Squamosa Clam, its currently about 4 inches. Tank is mostly LPS with a couple of montiporas. I'm continuously having to increase my two-part dosing. I'm currently dosing Alk + Calc ESV at 6ml a day. 1ml x 6 doses...
  2. D

    Previously happy clam closed and looks unhappy

    Hello all, My Squamosa clam looks unwell, today I came home from work to find it was closed up. It's been happy for a while, I've had it for over 2 years at this point. It's probably 7" tip to tip at this point and it's grown 1.5" since upgrading my tank in May. I left for work last night at...
  3. Z

    Something growing on my clam

    Hey guys, not sure what’s growing on my clam here is a photo of it. I appreciate any help id it. Thank you!
  4. MrDeathKills

    32gallon biocube. Lighting solution.

    Alright wife has decided to look into all avenues of lighting. She may allow me to take the hood off if the light we get is worth it. So I will list the lights we are looking at and you guys/gals can tall me how you feel about it. 32gallon biocube. Ai prime 16HD Hydra 26HD Hydra 32HD RedSea 50...
  5. T

    Build Thread 750XXL SPS Dominant mixed-reef upgrade w/ low-maintenance aspirations + too much COVID lockdown time on hands

    Backstory About 2 years ago my wife and I started looking for a property to build a new home. We found a lot about 3 blocks (Los Angeles, CA) away from our current home. I'm an Architect, so went to work doing what I do. New favorite client :cool: We pushed the local codes pretty hard in a few...
  6. Zoa_Fanatic

    Clam with my blasto?

    I just got this amazing blasto for 20$! It’s a small colony and it has what I think is a small clam attached. It’s alive still. Can anyone tell me what this is for sure and if it will hurt anything?
  7. 7FC79C9A-3518-4C1C-804D-D65704E45E08.jpeg


    New baby 1.5 inch Maxima! First Clam :)
  8. KeystoneMalone

    Hitchhiker Clam

    Hello R2R community! Hope everyone and their families are healthy! I noticed this little guy last time I did a water change, and buried him before I could get a pic while I was vacuuming the substrate, but I was just feeding some reef roids and noticed he popped up again, kinda looks like some...
  9. esther

    Anyone Else Get New Tank Mates This Weekend?? I Wanna See Them!

    You guys... I'm SO EXCITED!!! We finally got our clowns today! We got a pair of Black Ice Snowflake Clowns along with an Ultra Rose Anemone and a Maxima Clam. I decided to only buy my livestock from Adam at Ocean Devotion LA because of his QT procedures. Before these clowns we got a Dejardini...
  10. Devin_R.

    Cleaner Shrimp eating Clam?

    Hi, I just picked up a small gold maxima clam today. I drip acclimated it for about 2 hours, and added it to my tank. I watched it a bit and all seemed fine so I walked away for a while. A couple of minutes went by and I went to check on it and that’s when I noticed my cleaner shrimp picking at...
  11. GoodKat

    Need some help identifying possible pinch mantle diseases.

    Hello everyone, Can anyone provide their two cents on whether my new clam is suffering from pinched mantle. It's a squamosa clam I picked up two days ago. I put him high on the rock right under AI prime. He is very responsive to shadows and I'm hoping he will attach to the rock himself. I...
  12. BloopFish

    Clam in a tank filled with Crabs?

    Currently have a 13.5 gallon thats loaded with crabs. I have a halloween hermit crab, 20+ electric orange hermit crab, decorator crabs, pitho crabs, all of which are crabs that don't touch my corals. On the other hand, I put a tiny cross barred venus clam in the sand bed and I later found that...
  13. TommyGo

    Clam PM Help

    My maxima clam (size ~3") has had what looks to me like pinched mantle since December 13th. I though it might be agitated from the algae growing on its shell so I brushed it off. It doesn't seem to be getting better. What can I do to remedy this? Thanks in advance for the help. Tank Parameters...
  14. Andrew Schubert

    New clam..not taking root?

    Hello, I just got my first clam. Its a 2.5 inch Tridacna maxima ultra grade clam. I've had it for 4 days now, and am wondering if something could be wrong with it. I've placed it on one of those claim hammocks, but so far after 4 days it still has not even begun to take root. His mantle is...
  15. TheWyatt174

    Mystery derasa clam ailment

    First post! Sorry its not a happy one :( I got home today and my clam that I have had for about 5 months now is gaping open wider than I have ever seen it. It also seems to have a bump in the center of the mantle as well. This weekend everything was fine and I even have pictures from then as...
  16. Perpetual Novice

    I dropped a rock on my clam!

    I was adjusting the aquascape in my tank and a large coral skeleton fell on my 7 inch derasa clam. It has opened back up since then and I can see that there is a scratch in the mantle and also another spot where it appears a small piece of coral may have pierced the mantle and broke off. or at...
  17. Jamestown

    Clam not opening

    Hello, My ORA Maxima has appeared unhappy as of lately. I did move him due to some rock-scape reworking, but its been about a week since and hes still not happy. I'm attaching a picture of his current state. Parameters are stable. Ca 420 Alk 8.1-5. Should I be concerned? Thanks.
  18. P

    Do Maxima Clams Move?

    I bought a maxima clam about 1.5in a week ago. Placed it in the sand bed. After trying to move it I felt it had dug in my shallow sand bed and attached itself to the glass. After being put of town for 2 days. I come back and it looks to have loved a few inches. Is this normal?
  19. M

    Trouble with Inverts - Shrimp, Clams, name it

    Hi, I am having a heck of a time with inverts and it's only getting worse. Tank: 70 gallon mixed reef. Kole tang, 2 anthias, bi-colored blenny, and 2 clowns. Several SPS and LPS (SPS grow well in the tank but LPS is hit and miss) and softies (grow really well). I lose cleaner shrimp every...
  20. P

    Maxima Clam & Green Emerald Crab

    I just purchased a Maxima Clam today and I have a Green Emerald Crab that is checking it out. Are these two combatable with each other? Or will I need to dispose of the crab?
  21. Peach02

    Bristle worms keep showing up on my clam

    i got a small maxima clam for my 33g last Thursday and it seems perfectly healthy however in the mornings and at night I’ve seen a total of 4 on it and 1 several weeks before I had it, I’ve killed all the ones I’ve seen on the clam but couldn’t find the bigger one again, does anyone know if they...
  22. Peach02

    Bristle worm predators?

    So I recently added a Maximus clam to my 30g reef tank and it is adapting great but every night and sometimes in the mornings it will have a bristle worm or two on the shell, I've been removing them with tweezers but I know that this is not sustainable. I always wanted to get a clam so removing...
  23. TheOneWhoIsThere


    I want to put a clam in my tank. I’m not sure how big it will get, or if my 20gallon is fine. Can I get a clam? How big will it get?
  24. sdcosta

    Theres a clam on my clam?

    It does open and close/respond to movement and light It doesnt seem to be bothering the big clam at all, just curious on an ID.
  25. D. Torres

    What is my clam doing?

    I've had this clam for about 4 months and I don't know if I just never noticed it doing this but today I noticed it was expelling some sort of milky/cloudy substance. I got a video of it doing it which is linked here in a YouTube video. Is this normal or something I should be concerned with...