
  1. Irish_clover

    Lighting issues with Red Sea Max S 500 version, please help

    Hello fellow reefers, So I am having a problem. I am helping out a buddy and we can not seem to get the right lighting set for his tank. He has the plug and play tank as listed in the title with the The MAX® S-Series incorporate all-new Hydra 26™ HD LED lighting... to be honest, I myself am...
  2. mermster

    Top of Acro losing polyps

    Just looking for input on a couple of cheap Acros I picked up from the LFS awhile back. It's a little hard to see from the picture, but the side facing the light fixture is almost completely devoid of polyps. They've been in the tank for about 4 months. Is this bleaching? Some sort of...
  3. Beepinheimer

    [Black Box LEDs] Hanging Distance, Power Settings, & Measurement

    Hey everyone, I'm new to the forum. I purchased 2x SunSpect 165W LED fixtures with 90 degree optics probably around 6 months ago now. The fixtures are hung about 5-6 inches from the water's surface. I'm having some trouble dialing these suckers in and would prefer to avoid dishing out 100+...
  4. C

    Help save my Trachyphyllia!

    Hi, Yesterday I noticed my trachyphyllia wasn't doing to well, everything seemed to be okay until yesterday I noticed it was either bleaching or showing skeleton. I moved it too a lower light and lower flow area of the tank so see if this helped as it had been sat in my sand below an MP10. Today...
GHL Advanced Technology