
  1. Kaiser

    Not sure what is wrong with my chemistry

    i ended up adding a piece of my bubblegum digi to my tank last week as well as my sunfire grafted cap, and they started to bleach within a couple of days. I also started to notice my acros losing tissue on their tips within a couple of days after that. I immediately tested everything and my...
  2. Louiemiller9

    SPS only frag tank starting to BLEACH!

    Hey guys so about a week ago I noticed that some of my monti cap as well as various acros are starting to bleach. I will attach photos to show what I would call bleaching... maybe I am wrong. 50 g frag tank , running 4 T5 metal halide, 2 kessil 160s , no protein skimmer just 40lbs love rock in...
  3. TwoFrogs

    Montipora growing or bleaching

    I bought this red/orange montipora a week ago. Tank chemistry seems fine - no high phosphates or nitrates and no ammonia. Is it growing or bleaching?
  4. Eggpaul

    Montipora are bleaching after water change!

    Hello everyone, I have had my tank for 2 years and my montipora have been growing like crazy. Everything was perfect. Last week I noticed a gonipora was closed up so I decided to do a large water change. It's a 150 gallon tank. I usually do 30 gallon changes. I did a 75 gallon change...
  5. C

    Fluval EVO 13.5 questions! I need HELP!

    Hey everyone, I have several questions currently about my tank. I'll post specs first before my questions/issues... Tank: Fluval Evo 13.5 gallon Lighting: stock light- 11000K LED. Very Very white light :(. I try to run my blue light from 0700-0-1000, and then full lights from 1000-1900 and then...
  6. C

    Fluval Evo 13.5- EWWWW! Black mold!? Bleaching? All of the questions....

    Hey everyone, I have several questions currently about my tank. I'll post specs first before my questions/issues... Tank: Fluval Evo 13.5 Lighting: stock light- 11000K LED. Very Very white light :(. I try to run my blue light from 0700-0-1000, and then full lights from 1000-1900 and then back to...
  7. J

    Corals seem lighter in colour after tank crash 5 days ago.

    Hey guys, i had a tank crash last week because of a failed return pump. Whole tank went cloudy and i lost some corals, fish and inverts. The one coral that didnt make it was my whole colony of anthelia. 8x6 inch colony disintegrated into a smelly mush on the 3rd day of the crash. I only got it...
  8. Peach02

    Montipora turning white?

    I got this Monti frag recently and when I came back from school it was turning white any ideas how to save it and what’s causing it
  9. MoonRay

    Hollywood Stunner Bleaching Rapidly?

    Hey guys so kinda new to corals and I have this stunner who seems to be bleaching very rapidly. Water Paramaters are: Temp: 76 Salinity: 35 pH: 8.05 NH4: .25 NO2: 0 NO3: 0 PO4: 0 KH: 8 Calcium: 300 (even after dosing yesterday) Mg: 1110 (I know it’s low) Any suggestions or other thoughts what...
  10. Dan13

    Cannot keep SPS/LPS alive. Help please?

    I am having serious problems keeping certain SPS and LPS coral alive. My tank is around 2 years old now, and I have had huge success in keeping soft corals and zoas, but any LPS or SPS coral that I get usually lose their flesh. Montis, Acros, Acans.....they all look great when they go into the...
  11. Orange Setosa (Montipora) PSA!!

    Orange Setosa (Montipora) PSA!!

    Background Classification All of the hard corals fall under the order, Scleractinia, which falls under the subclass Hexacorallia. Hexacorallia is under the class, Anthozoa, within the phylum, Cnidaria. So, when we talk about SPS coral, some people say, "small polyp stony" coral, while others...
  12. LilElroyJetson

    Orange Setosa (Montipora) PSA!!

    Background Classification All of the hard corals fall under the order, Scleractinia, which falls under the subclass Hexacorallia. Hexacorallia is under the class, Anthozoa, within the phylum, Cnidaria. So, when we talk about SPS coral, some people say, "small polyp stony" coral, while others...
  13. BonelessEvil

    bicolor blenny eating corals?

    I just bought some great corals from @acro-ed , but as soon as I started acclimating them to the tank, it appeared my blenny was nipping at them. I figured he was just going after algae, but could not see any algae on the acropora at all. Fast forward to today, several of the acros are...
  14. Hemmdog

    Gorgonian seems to be shedding

    Hello!, This is my first gorgonian, I got it a few days ago. It seems to be shedding today? And these rigid little bumps are showing on its arms. This one is photosynthetic I was told, any tips would be appreciated. Alk 9.2 Cal 440 Mag 1380 Nitrate 5 Phos 0.06 1.025 Pic when I first got...
  15. D. Torres

    2 of 4 anemones bleached. Why?

    Here is the short version. I have 4 anemones in my tank. 2 are doing really good and the other 2 seem to be bleaching out. Why? Long version (if you're still interested in helping me): I have 4 anemones. Two are rose bubble tips and they have been doing great for a few months now. The two other...
  16. D. Torres

    2 of 4 anemones bleached. Why?

    Here is the short version. I have 4 anemones in my tank. 2 are doing really good and the other 2 seem to be bleaching out. Why? Long version (if you're still interested in helping me): I have 4 anemones. Two are rose bubble tips and they have been doing great for a few months now. The two other...
  17. Jo P White

    SPS and other corals slowly dying

    Hi everyone, I have several montiporas, a pocillipora, two bizarro, and an a can that seem to be slowly withering away on me. They were doing well for awhile and had growth, but now they’re tissue seems to be receding starting primarily at their bases and then working up. I have a hair algae...
  18. B

    Is my BTA bleaching?

    I bought a rose BTA from a lfs a month ago and it has been doing great. Readily eating pieces of shrimp i feed a couple times weekly, and expanding to about 5 inches with great bubbles. However I notice that when he really stretches out, if you look close you can see through the orange tentacles...
  19. Gator2019

    Bleaching Monti with an LED?

    About a month ago my local reef club was doing a raffle and I ended up winning a grafted monti. I am fairly new to reefing, but the guy who gave it to me that if I slowly work the frag up to the upper most rock in my tank that I should be okay. This is because I only have a current USA orbit for...
  20. Aaron Davis

    Bleaching Coraline and water parameters

    Hey all, My coraline algae that was once purpleish, is now bleaching white or a faded grey. I'm assuming it's my lighting because parts that have less light are still purple. Behind my anemone when it shrinks up, the coraline is still purple behind it. It started with white spots taking...
  21. 0rangeFish

    maxima clam localized bleaching

    Over the past few weeks my clam has slowly been bleaching. The original spot was very very small but now covers two ruffles of the mantle. Also the parts that are bleached are pulled in. After reading a bunch there was only one article that seemed to have an answer, the cause being an infection...
  22. Chase89

    Corals bleaching/losing flesh

    I need some help. I have a mixed reef tank and a few weeks ago I noticed one of my SPS corals, seasons greetings montipora, turning white. He was a recent addition and I thought it was a one off. So I moved him, thinking lighting or flow. He kept getting worse. Around the same time I thought I...
  23. oscar ortiz

    Coral bleaching/dying?

    Got some sps corals last night and placed them in the tank with some reef glue and one of them was already a little white at the base but this morning they all looked alot whiter, not sure what it could be because i have a other sps next to it like raptors claw and birdsnest and they look...
  24. X

    my new monti is bleaching?

    Sorry if its hard to see. This is a 7.5g nano. The tank is VERY new, like a month old? ive been testing religiously every day and within the first week i had zero ammonia and 20 ppm nitrate. continued testing until now, my parameters are: ammonia: 0 nitrite: 0 nitrate: 5ppm (cant get it lower...
  25. Elmolikesfish

    Kessil a80 sps

    Hey everyone, I recently acquired a kessil a80 about a month ago and upgraded from the 14 biocube factory compact fluorescents. A lot of my montiporas and one acro near the top of my tank have bleached. The light is about 5"above the tank and was wondering if anyone had % recommendations for %...