
  1. W

    White string floating around

    Hello everyone! I am 3 weeks into my 55 gallon tank cycle and I just moved my over the tank filter to move it the right a little bit and out flew all this white fluffy/stringy stuff and it’s all over my tank! Is this good bacteria or is this bad? I just added two Clownfish in today. Salinity -...
  2. Lylelovett

    Sump/refugium with no lights - what can I grow?

    Hi all, I recently transitioned to an algae scrubber instead of chaeto in my sump (and love it). This means I no longer have grow lights in my sump. In my mind I'd still like to make use of the sump for growing good things: pods, good bacteria, etc. Can I still grow these things without...
  3. tattedupabe

    What is wrong with my puffers eye?

    So i have a porcupine puffer and have had him almost a year now, but today when i came home one of his eyes lost the blue fluorescent color to it, does anyone know what it could be and why does this happen?
  4. AlgaeBarn

    Hydrospace LLC Giveaway Donor Spotlight

    Gift Grab Donor Spotlight Hydrospace LLC is based in beautiful Boulder County, Colorado USA. They craft unique microbial products (PNS ProBio™ and PNS YelloSno™). The purple non-sulfur bacteria used in their products are cultured exclusively on phytochemicals (primarily Tellemagrandin II)...
  5. Oscar’s25Gal

    Red algae excessively growing on sand...

    Hi guys - For the recent few months this red algae / bacteria has been excessively growing on my sand and every time i attempt to remove it with a gravel cleaner, it grows back within a week or so. Can anyone please help ID it and if it is my nitrates what is the most effective way of lowering...
  6. P

    Great water quality, but big cyano troubles

    Hi long time lurker, first time poster. I've had my tank set up for 7 months now, slowly adding livestock and getting my filtration and flow just right. I've had some algae outbreaks that were "typical" of a new tank, but now my refugium kicked into gear and is absorbing nitrates and phosphates...
  7. MarineDepot

    Don't Buy Reef Sand Before Watching This!!

    Join Matthew of My First Fish Tank to cover everything that you need to know about Reef Sand. Feel free to explore more of The Ultimate Beginner Series along with hundreds of other videos on our Marine Depot YouTube Channel.
  8. thebenjibenji

    Suspected Bacteria

    I have a transparent/translucent bacteria/algae that grows on my glass and filter socks/media. Its possibly from Brilliant and/or Reef Revolution's bio blast (then it would be a bacteria) It seems to inhibit the growth of any green algae/ brown dino's and controls cyano. The only cons to this is...
  9. N

    Microorganism identification

    Found these tiny critters under my algae scraper, not sure what they are. Does anyone know what they are? Hopefully you can see the video I posted with this.
  10. L


    Hey guys. I’ve noticed this white splotch on my purple tang recently but did not think much of it. Recently my powder blue tang died, i’m unsure of the cause, but I remembered that the powder blue tang had a similar white splotch a week or two prior to him dying. I’ve attached photos of both...
  11. JimmyToque

    Strange red ribbony algae/bacteria

    What am I dealing with here guys? It’s starting to take over the tank. Appreciate any help
  12. S

    Microbacter 7 with Neophos + NeoNitro

    Hi Everyone, I have been battling Dinos in my tank. I plan to increase my nutrients in my tank. I have Neophos and Neonitro. Brightwell recommends adding Microbacter7 with these products. Why do they recommend Micorbacter7 in conjunction? Can I still not add MB7 and have the same results ? Thanks
  13. Sakosreef

    Salon fairy wrasse with some sort of bacterial infection?

    Hi guys can you help me identify what this is and recommend treatment? Currently it’s in a 75 gallon qt tank running some copper under .8ppm and I dosed knaplex and metroplex as well as prazi in the past 2 weeks, running carbon at the moment.
  14. Alyssalaurente

    DINO ID???

    Hello reef friends and experts! I was wondering if anyone could help me identify this type of dinoflagellate. On the sand bed, it looks more like diatoms. No appearance of stringy/snotty bubbles, just brown patches that appear during the day and vanish at night. Under the microscope they are...
  15. Palytoxin

    Cyanobactera! (Discussion)

    Why does Cyanobacteria get such a bad rap? I haven't dealt with it personally. From what I read it creates Cyanotoxins, steals oxygen, which in itself is bad. But people make it seem like it's the biggest nightmare of their lives! I've heard it can be caused by a multitude of reasons, ranging...
  16. A

    Cloudy water

    I have a 75g aquarium been running for a couple of months now, I cycled the tank with the microbacter starter kit and it went well. The starter kit also came with a bottle of microbacter clean, to use over the next few months to battle through the ugly phase. The ugly phase has begun and hasn't...
  17. RunStopRestore

    Microbes and tissue degradation in SPS - possible solutions?

    SPS tissue degradation and loss, whether its slow (STN) or fast (RTN) or associated with a brown gelatinous mass (BJS) are probably one of the more or even most frequently discussed topics here. A particular emphasis is given on the „help“ requests describing the fast peeling and patchy loss of...
  18. 3

    Dino outbreak

    So I had a green hair algae outbreak, then an ammonia spike, I dosed kordon AmQuelPlus ammonia detoxifier, it kills ammonia nitrite and nitrate, and chlorine. Things started to bounce back. I lost 2 cyphastrea, and a birdsnest, during that ammonia spike, it went to 0.50ppm. my xenia has been...
  19. Salty Hippo

    Help id microscope image video

    Need to know what this is so I can treat it correctly. It’s only a photo but they move around quickly. Thanks
  20. S

    New Tank Cycling: Bacteria or Algae?

    Hello reef2reef community I recently made my dream transition from fresh to saltwater. My setup is a 14gallon (52L) IM peninsula with dry rock and live sand on day 34. The current equipment on the tank is an ato, biopure gems and recently added my skimmer to begin nutrient export and breaking it...
  21. Salty Hippo

    Cyano? Dinos?

    First post, need help.... Can anyone tell me what this is and how to get rid of it. My Phosphates .04 and Nitrates 5. Been doing 25% water changes weekly using RO/DI water 0 tds.
  22. ridgeburyreefer

    New 90 gallon

    Set up my first saltwater tank, a 90 cornerflo! A little cloudy bc I only had one clarifier packet, but I’ve dosed it w dr tims ammonium chloride and microbacter7 started w 8.2-8.3ish pH and zero nutrient, what should I be looking for in this cycle to indicate it’s completed? Loving my rockwork...
  23. polyppal

    POLL: What products do you consider 'essentials'?

    We all know there are tons of additives/treatments/supplements in this hobby... Some have proven their worth and others have been branded 'snake oil'... Using the poll tell us what bottles are considered 'essentials' in your fishroom (pick your top 4). If there's one that's not mentioned in the...
  24. #R_TST

    What additives should I have on hand for fish, soft, sps, lps tank?

    I know I will need to test before doing additives. I don't have a LFS nearby and want to get some supplies in advance. My tank has been cycling and I want to be ready as I stock my tank. What additives should I have on hand for fish, soft, sps, and lps reef tank? I obviously won't have all of...
  25. K

    Reed tank in under a week?

    So I have lived my life setting up tanks the old fashioned way by adding bacteria and waiting for the nitrate spike after a few weeks / months. However recently my parents set their saltwater tank up in less than a few days using “Nano start prodibio vials”. They have used live sand, rock and...