
  1. W

    Can you use too many bio blocks?

    Hey guys so I was testing out putting bio blocks in my tank’s back compartment where the skimmer use to be since someone in a different thread recommended I didn’t truly need a skimmer for a 13.5 gallon, I want to add I previously have added live rock to the display, I have the little bag of...
  2. Muffin87

    Best way to seed bacteria for carbon dosing?

    With my last tank it took ages to get biopellets going: Two little fishies Bactiv8 was a failure for me. Zeobak seemed to take ages, maybe because of the barebottom? I now have 90G barebottom with newly cycled dry rock. What are the best products to introduce the bacteria needed for carbon...
  3. F

    Is that ugly phase?

    Hello, My tank is currently 2 months old, problems started a month ago, when I though that Dino appeared in the tank (phosphates bottomed to 0) and I did 5 day black out and dosing bacter7, but recently I discovered that algae on rocks turning green. Here are some photos: 1. During water...
  4. L

    Help identifying algae

    Hi y’all, my Biocube has recently been pounced on by some sort of algae or Dinos i think. I wasn’t able to get the best pictures but it’s like brownish color and at first I thought it was just diatoms but now it’s long and grasslike and billows in the current. It’s all over my glass but only a...
  5. FindingCoral

    API Marine Stress Zyme

    Has anyone used API’s Marine Stress Zyme? It says it cleans life rock with bacteria and doesn’t harm corals but just trying to look for someone’s experience with it.
  6. L

    Skeleton Flesh Slowly Receding

    I have 3 LPS corals currently, and all of them are slowly losing flesh along their sides, but seem to show no ill effects. I JUST received this NY Knicks torch. It acclimated almost immediately and looks awesome, but you can clearly see where the flash has gone up in ONE day. I also have this...
  7. rja

    End of cycle? All my nitrAtes disappeared?

    Hello, So I have been fishless cycling my BC29 for a couple weeks now and I went through an ammonia spike, nitrite spike, and… not a nitrate spike? [USING API TEST KIT— I know, it’s junk] I may sound delusional but literally, my ammonia was so high that the tests were robin-egg blue. Everyone...
  8. Soilworker

    How to set up a new tank with an eye towards building biodiversity?

    So I'm looking to get back into the hobby (after 15 years away, had a small reef tank in college...finally have a house to dedicate to a big tank) and have been doing a lot reading and one thing that stood out to me is 1) Live rock is hard to get nowadays and is expensive and has issues with...
  9. Z

    Cycling 110 Gallon Reef tank - I think I screwed up

    Hi Guys, i started cycling my new aquarium 40 days ago. I first used dr tims one and only but it seems that bottle was dead as i saw no reduction in ammonia 17 days. Went to my LFS and they suggested adding the Red Sea reef Mature kit as they believe the bottle of dr times could have been dead...
  10. ElderMillennial

    Cycling and Temperature

    So I have just a general question. I haven’t been able to find anything out on this. I know about cycling,flow, light, no light, skimming, time and the stages etc… my question is: does temperature play any role or have any affect on the quality of the bacteria and the quality of the cycle...
  11. jaime31

    EMERGENCY Switching salts during my cycle

    Hello I need a little bit of help.. my tank is in the process of cycling and it’s actually almost done but I want to change the salt before I add my clowns. I started with dead dry rock. I am currently using the tropic Marin pro reef salt but I won’t be having corals for a while because I rather...
  12. J1a

    Bacteria Products: which one would you use?

    There has been a lot of discussion about ingredients in commercial products. There is something in these discussions which really make me stop and reflect: why does reefers give so much confidence to bacteria (or natural) products? Help me out to do this poll, and let's see if this discussion...
  13. Kolby’s Reef

    EMERGENCY Bubbles at top of tanj

    Hello, was wondering if anyone knew why I had bubbles at the top of my tank and what I can do to fix this? My levels are good and my ATO water is good.
  14. reef_daddy

    Bio Pellets During Cycle to Manage Nitrates

    Hello, I Just began cycling my tank (shrimp method) and as we all know, the standard method for reducing nitrates is to perform a water change at the end of the cycle. Instead, I'm going to run bio pellets in a reactor through the cycle and see if it will help keep the nitrates low. I'm going...
  15. Z

    Is wet sand (carabsea ARAG-ALIVE) okay for initial cycle with dry rock and a bacteria starter kit?

    Hi First time here setting up a 75 gal mixed-reef. I am getting ready to set up and cycle the aquarium and want to know if I can use a wet sand (Caribsea AragAlive) sand with my initial cycle plan using dry-rock and a Microbacter Dry Rock Bacteria Starter Kit - Brightwell Aquatics. Will this...
  16. M

    Nitrite not zeroing out?

    So I've got a Red Sea Reefer 250, but I might be having some issues on the cycle. The tank has been up for exactly a month today. I am currently testing the cycle with API (I have red sea test kits for all other aspects of testing, the API is only for the cycle). My current readings are ammonia...
  17. SaltwaterGuruNeeded

    What is all this? (Microscope Pics)

    It's an orangey brown color.
  18. ClownFish664

    will this work?

    So my question is will using this reactor - Combined with seachem denitrate work as to create and anerobic chamber to turn nitrates into nitrogen? I will be using...
  19. Adam1985

    White particles in phyto?

    Hi everyone, For those of you that are culturing (or have cultured) phyto, have you ever noticed white particles developing? If so, any idea what they are and if they can be fed to the reef or need to be filtered out, or even not used? I’ve got two cultures going; one has these white...
  20. S

    Anyone know what these microscopic bugs are? ID

    Hi, I’ve just finished cycling my tank and I’ve put a grain of sand under the microscope to see this? There like little bugs zooming round near/next to the grain of sand. Anyone know what it is? Is it bad or is it the bacteria that came with the live sand? Thanks :) Here is the video of microscope:
  21. SaltwaterGuruNeeded

    Red bacteria on clownfish!? Micro pics.

    I took a gentle skin scrape off one of my clownfish and found red bacteria moving very slowly. Should I be concerned? And could the picture be a fluke of some sort? Btw they are taken at 800x And I've been using prazipro for about 2 1/2 to 3 weeks now.
  22. SaltwaterGuruNeeded

    Clownfish skin scrape, any diseases?

    Do you see any thing worry some in these microscope pictures? 1. 1(1). 2. 2(1). 3. 3(1). 4. 4(1). Any help would be greatly appreciated. @Jay Hemdal do you see anything? And if you don't see anything what power should I look at for a bacterial infection or the flukes?
  23. SaltwaterGuruNeeded

    Microscope Skin Scrape I.D. 2000x

    Does anyone/ microbiologists know what these things are, I believe my fish have a bacterial infection, just trying to find out if anything in these pics are worry some? And what to look for when I do a skin scrape. 1. These are just from my rock and water in tank: 200x -800x...
  24. Oceanis

    This has taken over my tank. Plz help!

    Hi, Ive been out of the hobby since HS (used to be very active on Reef Aquarium Guide) but recently got back into it and got a waterbox Peninsula 25 for Christmas. Everything was going great until I moved house and left by aquarium to be looked after by family for a couple months.... when I...
  25. T

    Slime/ mucus/bacterial?

    Hi I have just noticed some mucus looking stuff hanging off my rocks and clinging to some things. I originally set up a 29 gallon JBJ about 11 months ago and everything was going great and then it sprung a leak. I was able to manage it long enough to get a new tank, a 60 gallon ProStar. So, the...
Coral Frenzy