
  1. WallyB

    Build Thread ★ 110 Gallon (In-Wall Office Dream SPS Reef Tank) ★ PROJECT GENESIS [Total Automation, DIY & More ]★

    Hello, my name is Wally. Don't know how to start this Build Thread, since I have so much to share. I'll do an intro, and see what folks are Interested in, and Expand, Elaborate, from there. I've been enjoying the Reef Hobby for the last 20+ years. Started simple and kept going. I'm an...
  2. mainn

    Anthias in a 30 gallon?

    I am setting up a new 30 gallon tank. For reference it is a shallow cube 24x24x12. I was wondering if it would be possible to keep a single anthias in a tank this size, and if so which species. I have read a few posts here and there about success, but nothing recent and nothing super firm. I...
  3. AnakinReefWalker

    Male Lyretail refuses to eat

    Hello all, Two weeks ago I purchased a Male Lyretail Anthias (medium size). I haven't been able to get him to eat anything. I feel all hope may be lost because today I tried live blackworms and saw him spit them out. I tried Capelin Fish Roe (fish eggs), I tried LRS Reef Frenzy, I tried Hikari...
  4. BigKid4788

    Anthias compatibility

    I have a harem of lyre tail anthias and want to add a different type of anthias. Which species would get along with the lyre tail? I'm looking for anthias that are not orange (purple queen, ventralis). Anyone with experience keeping multiple species I would appreciate the input. I have a 280...
  5. T

    Livestock Compatibility and Introduction

    I want to have 6 or so Anthias in my new build. I want to get them now and put them in quarantine now so they will be viable to move to the DT when its ready. How many can be together, and whats the best way to keep them from being aggressive? Are their any fish they can't be housed with? I'd...
  6. Renelope

    Lyretails fighting please help!

    Hello folks, Got three lyretail anthias today, as part of a buy 2 get one free Black Friday deal at the LFS. They were all housed together with 3-4 others. Got them home, acclimated and such and they were very timid at first, huddled together in the upper corner of the tank- away from the...
  7. 90gallonreefer

    Bartlett or Lyretail Anythias?

    I heard the Lyretail looks better, but is harder to maintain. I am leading towards the Bartletts but I just want to know how they do in schools? How many do I need? How do they do with other fish such as tangs? And how long does it take for them to school. Thanks.
  8. Damian4883

    Peach Anthias Issue

    Hi All, I have a very active happily eating peach anthias but I have noticed that on 1 side its stomach area is swollen. Would it most likely be a swim bladder issue? Whats the likelihood of it self resolving? It is swimming 100% you have to look quite closely to notice but like most things...
  9. Renelope


    Hello, I am newish to the reef world, and have a question about adding Anthias to my tank. 120gal / 90DT and it is currently stocked with: Foxface (had about a month, and is very shy) 2 cardinals 2 clowns 1 blenny 1 goby 2 fire shrimp assorted CUC Couple of corals and an anemone, but...
  10. Renelope

    Build Thread 90 gallon newbie- build thread

    Hello everyone! I live in Denver CO, and am brand new to the aquarium world, and while I've been wanting to get into it for years, finally got our tank up and running a few weeks ago! My BIL lives across the country (FL) and does tank maintenance / builds for a living- came out on vacation and...
  11. potatocouch

    All about ANTHIAS questions

    I would start with water temperature. Being a deep water fish, Anthias are used to live in cooler water environment. Anthias enthusiasts, please chime in. Apart from good water quality and feeding, does Anthias really care about water temperature? If so, do you dial the heater down or...
  12. potatocouch

    Vitalis flakes - any good for finicky eaters?

    Am preparing my fallow tank with food for my Sunburst Anthias .. being an anthias, I get that it's very very finicky eater and will start frozen (and mix with flakes). Do you have any experience with Vitalis range, particularly the flakes? Some say more chance the finicky eaters to eat Vitalis...
  13. potatocouch

    stocking 55 gallon (2 foot cube) - fish suggestion

    3 questions: Question 1: Do you see issues in keeping these in 2 foot cube tank: 1 x Randal Anthias 1 x Sunburst Anthias 1 x Dispar Anthias 1 x Sunset Anthias 1 x Orchid Dottyback Question 2: If you think the 5 fishes above work in 2 foot cube tank, in which order would you put them in? If...
  14. potatocouch

    Which Anthias?

    In 2 foot cube, which should i get Squamipinnis (Lyretail) Or dispar Plan to stock with Chromis and Sunburst
  15. potatocouch

    Pseudanthias price tag in US & A

    How much Dispar priced on average in USA? And how much Fathead Sunburst priced on average in USA? What's the most common Anthias readily available and stocked in LFS over there?
  16. Jongalt26

    Square Back / Spot Anthias quick question

    I've done research but have received conflicting info and have been unable to answer my question: Are 2 male squareback / spot anthias in one tank better for the fish or should I just get one? Does anyone have any experience with this? The rest of the story: A local private fish seller has 2...
  17. badstorm48

    Looking for a smaller colorful fish that has a lot of movement

    Just like the title says I'm looking for a smaller colorful fish that has a lot of movement in my reef tank. I also want to have them in a group of say 3 to 5. My tank is a 70 gallon tank with a Christmas wrasse, tribal blenny, ocellaris clown, mystery wrasse, and a hi hat goby, oh and I have a...
  18. radicaltour

    post mortem on a few Anthias

    Three days ago I got 3 healthy Anthias from an LFS. They looked active and were all eating frozen mysis. They all died today in my 37-gal QT which has been up and running for 3 weeks. The seachem ammonia badge is showing 0.05 ppm. Last night was the first dose of furan-2 (3 packets for 30 gal...
  19. shadow1013

    Orlando - Fish and Corals

    We are moving and need to part out our Red Sea Reefer 450 or sell together. First we need to sell our coral and fish then we are going to part out the equipment. This posting is constantly going to be updated to report what is still available. If you see it listed it's still up for grabs. We...
  20. Janci

    Build Thread 120G Rimless shallow peninsula tank

    Hi everyone ""EDIT"" When starting this thread I did not leave the beginner post open for updated full tank shots. So I will just insert the pic here, as well with the equipment list. FTS 8th of June 2019 Current equipment list - return pump Royal Exclusiv Red Dragon (80W) - sump...
  21. seastar

    Anthias Breathing rapidly - hiding - TTM

    I am in the middle of day 6 of 3 Dispar Anthias doing TTM QT. I had a sunburst but he didn't make it past day 5. All were eating well (frozen fish eggs) until today. They will pop out a bit but mostly hangout under this foam sponge I have in a 10gal. I did prazi for about half a day before the...
  22. cwb_reeftank

    possible stocking list

    I have a 55 gallon tank and in it now I have a yellowtail damsel, a chrub angel, and a melanurus wrasse. my tank looks pretty empty right now but I have been looking at several different fish that would do good in my tank Fish list: Fathead Anthias (maybe 2) Yasha Goby Pinkbar Goby McCosker's...
Torch SALE