
  1. J

    Fish ID (anthias?)

    I saw this fish at an aquarium and was wondering if anyone knew what it was, to me it looks like a type of anthias but I’m not sure what type.
  2. MarineDepot

    Species Spotlight: ANTHIAS | With Hilary, Marine Biologist of WaterLogged

    Hey reefers! Check out our newest YouTube Video with Hilary of WaterLogged to discus one of the most beautiful aquarium species, Anthias. While you're there, don't forget to hit the thumbs up and subscribe for new and exciting aquarium content.
  3. thevelvetdragon

    92 Gallon Reef Tank Stocking List

    Hi guys! We are getting a 92 gallon tank this weekend that we're buying from someone. It's an already established tank, but since we've had the worst luck with parasites we are going to clean it out and let it sit before adding water to it and starting over. That being said, I'm an avid planner...
  4. J

    Connecticut New York Fish for sale, Tangs

    Yellow tang ~4inches $200 Powder Brown tang ~4inches $90 Blue Hippo tang~ 4inches $80 Anthias~4inches $30 Zipcode 06901
  5. G

    Anthias Trio in 120 gallon

    I've been reading a lot about setting up a 120 gallon tank, and the behaviors of anthias are a huge reason I took an interest in the hobby. I'm curious which species, if any, could be kept in a 120 gallon tank. Originally I was interested in keeping a trio of a shoaling species like Lyretails or...
  6. Diveks

    Anthias arrived Injured.

    Yesterday morning, i received 5 lyretails, 2 wrasses, a small sailfin, and a fish the seller accidentally sent (yellow watchman). I did a 30 min float and safety dipped them before putting them in the 80 gallon qt. I ordered 5 females but i think the seller sold me 2 females that are...
  7. M

    Is there anything to help an ignitus anthia in QT?

    I have three ignitus anthias in QT since Wednesday. I’ve been feeding 6-10 times a day with ROE eggs. And I’m running with an ammonia alert badge to monitor ammonia with all the feedings. One has been less active than the others since I brought the home, but was originally eating well. But today...
  8. esther

    Need Help with Voracious Eaters (Borbonius Anthias)

    So, I woke up this morning to one of our peppermint shrimp in the mouth of one of our borbs. Gotta say it looked pretty funny, but I couldn't get a pic of it. We feed 3X a day, but I'm now thinking that isn't enough. Questions & stock list below. Questions for all you Borb owners... How many...
  9. Cetus

    Questions about the Square Spot Anthias

    I'd like someone who has experience with the Square Spot Anthias because I've been considering a few for my stocking list but I want to hear some feedback first. The tank in question will be 125 gallons and 72 inches long. On LiveAquaria, the Squarespot Anthias is said to require 100 gallons...
  10. Krully

    Lyrethail Anthias questions

    Hey guys, I currently have a Reefer 350 with the following stock list: 2 clowns, flasher wrasse, Midas blenny, yellow clown goby, Tomini tang and one female lyretail anthia. Everybody gets along great. The anthia was bought recently, I saw her in the store, didn’t really consider anthias...
  11. RobberyinCSharp1824

    Spontaneous Stress in QT

    I'm in the final stages of my QT for my Yellow Tang and Lyretail Anthias. They have been readily eating medicated food (GC+Focus+Mysis and Brine Shrimp Mix+Garlic) with ample appetites. I keep a pvc pipe with nori attached to it since my Tang isn't particularly good at finding nori on a veggie...
  12. esther

    Show me your Borbonius Anthias!

    You guys.... I’m so excited. We just added 3 Borbs to our tank yesterday and they’re just the most beautiful fish. Here’s a photo of one that I got this morning. :)
  13. W

    Stocking advice - Anthias, Foxface, Copperband

    Hi everyone! My first time posting here! I’m looking for some advice on fish stocking for my 120gal mixed reef. The tank is 5’x2’x2’. I have a large sump in the basement - total water volume 170gal. The tank has been up and running for 3 years (including a house move) and has a majority of SPS...
  14. Andrew Schubert

    Mixing Anthias?

    I was wanting to have a small school of Anthias so I purchased a trio of Pseudanthias ignitus Anthias. Unfortunately, only one of the 3 made the shipment from Divers Den. Question is, do I have to purchase more Pseudanthias ignitus, to get a school. I was thinking of add some Nemanthias...
  15. ianryd

    Help! Ventralis Anthias has scale damage

    I picked up this ventralis anthias from my LFS yesterday. It's been there for over two months, eating like a pig, with no signs of diseases. I skipped QT and put it in an acclimation box in my DT. Today I noticed a diagonal white stripe on each side of its body, of what seems to be damaged...
  16. AquaLocker

    HOT DISCOUNTS 30% to 65% OFF Select Coral, Inverts & Fish This Week!

    No coupon codes required for these savings! Shop all Sales here:
  17. Nurse.Reef.Reapeat

    California Moving out Sale. Zoas, LPS, Anemones, Fishes

    Hello Guys, Were moving out of the state within the year. I’m selling the set-up equipments and livestocks. But have to sell the livestocks before I can ship or have the equipments picked up. Buy more to save. Livestocks are for pick up only unless you want to pay for shipping and shipping...
  18. Radman73

    How thin, or fat, should female lyretail anthias be?

    I recently added 1 male and 5 females to the DT. They seem to be competing for food just fine and I have no indications that anything is wrong. But I also have no idea if things are right either. I work from home which allows the luxury of feeding the fish 5-6 times throughout the day most of...
  19. ZoWhat

    4in Male Square Anthias VS 2in Sunburst Anthias

    Compatibility??? 4in Male Square Anthias in the same 180g 6ft tank as a 2in Sunburst Anthias
  20. Marine Iguana

    Anthias in a 65? Stocking Suggestions

    Howdy all! 2 weeks ago I rebooted my 65 gallon mixed reef and I'm starting to restock it. Currently the only livestock in the tank is a serpent star and yellow cucumber, as well as a few softies/zoas that have been with me for years. I'm looking for some ideas for restocking the tank- not sure...
  21. AquaLocker

    Blotched Anthias (Odontanthias borbonius) - SAVE $64.00 (7 Available)

    Get 20% with coupon code: BLKFRI10
  22. Hypen2000

    Anthias mixing questions

    Hi all, wondering if I can put 4-5 species of Anthiases together, all as individuals. I know this isn't normal practice, but wondering if they will get along. So something like 1 Bartlett, 1 Lyretail, 1 Dispar, 1 Bimaculatus, and 1 Resplendent. I guess I'm asking if anyone has tried this or...
  23. Ferrell

    Lyretail Anthias and QT

    Received my 3 lyretail from LA last week 2 F 1M. Acclimated and put in QT was th no meds to observe til eating well. Male died after day one and now females are eating like pigs. One however is hiding with my tank qt resident YWG who wasn’t being treated well by my lawnmower Blenny. Long story...
  24. Angel_Anthias lover

    Build Thread My Red Sea Reefer Build thread

    This tank was set up in April 2017 and never thought of making a build thread until now. It has a slight cyano issue which I'm working on but doesn't want to go away. It was second hand and so I don't know much about the equipment which came with it. It has a deltaec skimmer and a medic media...
  25. AquaLocker

    Livestock 3 Med-Large Sunburst Anthias

    3 Fathead Sunburst Anthias for sale - Medium-Large: 3” to 3-1/2” Free Shipping $299.99 for all 3 - only comes with an arrive alive guarantee
Black Label Aquatics