
  1. pmaddox

    Alkalinity dropping all the time, yet calcium etc. holding

    For some time now i've experienced a constant drop of my Alkalinity although my Calcium and Magnesium do not drop remotely as fast. It's perplexing. Does anyone have experience or insight as to what could be causing this?
  2. MarineDepot

    Stock up and $ave on Supplements!

    Stock up and $ave on Supplements! Save 20% on all AquaMaxx brand supplements for a limited time!
  3. D

    24 hour 2 part dosing?

    My current 2-part dosing schedule splits Alkalinity and Calcium into 2 separate times utilizing the Reeftronics program generator to program my Apex and BRS 1.1 mL peristaltic pumps. I dose 60ml of Alkalinity over the course of 12 hours from midnight to 1200 - my logic being to help buffer the...
  4. cwb_reeftank

    Alk question

    I try to keep my tanks alk between 7-9 but when I use my red sea salt(not the pro) it brings my alk back up to 11. I was wondering if I had a bad batch of salt or something else.
  5. J

    Hanna Alkalinity & Low-Range Phosphate checkers

    One Hanna alkalinity (HI755, ppm version) with a new, unopened bottle of reagent (expires 7/2018), and one low-range phosphate (HI713) checker with 18 reagent packets (expire 2/2018). Both in excellent condition with original cases/boxes. $80 shipped for both.
  6. scubaman99

    Alkalinity >14 dKH ???? What, if anything, should do?

    Hello, This is my first post so please forgive me if I "mess something up": I have a 175 gallon (+20 gallon refugium) mixed reef tank (LPS, softies, fish). Below are my current tank parameters Alkalinity - >14dKH (Red Sea Test Kit) pH - Fluctuates between 8.0-8.1 (lower at night; American...
  7. mcarroll

    Recipe 2: Alkalinity Dosing Suddenly Not Clouding Water

    So I put a new set of Recipe 2 Ca and alk gallons online a couple nights ago and I just noticed that the alkalinity part isn't turning the water cloudy anymore as it goes in the water. Same reagents and formula as always. (About 300+ grams/gallon.) Same old bag of arm & hammer. Anyone have...
  8. MarineDepot

    Replenish your tank with essential elements

    Replenish your tank with essential elements HUGE SUPPLEMENT SALE: 15% off almost everything! Advanced Dosing: Beyond Calcium and Alkalinity
  9. jenreefer

    What level Alkalinity (dkH) in SPS dominant tank?

    I have been researching Alkalinity levels in SPS dominant reef tanks and the numbers are all over the place. So I decided to poll R2R members and see where you like to keep your Alkalinity in your Reef tanks. Feel free to comment on what type of tank, salt, and method of Alkalinity...
  10. Jeremy@CoralVue

    Would you invest a grand for a KH Guardian?

    For CoralVue, Christmas really did come early this year! We have the pleasure of getting hands on with the very first automatic alkalinity controller by the brilliant minds of Dr. Bridge. The KH Guardian is without a doubt one of the most innovative, exciting and ultimate game changing aquarium...
  11. MarineDepot

    25% off Hanna Checkers: Alkalinity (dKH) and Phosphate

    25% off Hanna Checkers: Alkalinity (dKH) and Phosphate Hanna Checkers make testing your water super easy. They are seldom on sale, so today's deals are a real treat! You'll save $12.25 on each Checker you purchase! PLUS... 20% off Maxspect 15% off Neptune Systems WAV Pumps 20% off Vertex...
  12. AmatuerAuer

    Can't keep my alkalinity raised, help wanted!

    Based on the information below, can you solve the riddle? I have a 120g DT connected to a 40b frag tank and an Emerald 39 sump. I am dosing BRS two part on BRS peristaltic pumps running on an Apex controller. Mg is tested and dosed when needed (maybe monthly..) Alk Program: Fallback OFF OSC...
  13. gfordQC

    Not sure on Alkalinity Test

    Hey all, doing my Alk test using a Red Sea test kit. Not sure if I'm doing it correctly. I am using the Red Sea mature pro kit to cycle my tank. When I add the first drop it doesn't get to the start color shown on the card. At drop 9 it gives me the color on the pic attached. If I read...
  14. potatocouch

    Alk solution - shake shake? then how can that be used in Dosing Pump?

    The solution that I use to raise Alkalinity is Red Sea Foundation B and it has some solids at the bottom, which I usually shake shake ... before dosing (pouring) it (manually) to the sump. I intend to automate the process by using dosing pump ... by automation, that means no more manual shake...
  15. Surferpat

    Dosing help!

    My favorite most helpful LFS closed and I'm having some issues with dosing calcium and alkalinity on my own! I dose a 2 part daily in my reef tank. My alkalinity is at 8.5 dKH (right where I want it) but my calcium blew up to over 500 ppm! I need to lower my calcium (I'd like to hit the 400...
  16. Matthias Gross

    ProfiLux and monitoring Alkalinity and other things ...

    Hi with the announcement of the P4 we also mentioned that Alkalinity and measurement of other parameters (e.g. Ca) are coming soon. Personally I didn't expect that much of feedback and interest in these planned new features for the ProfiLux, actually I wasn't aware that this is something...
  17. Triton US

    CORE7 Reef Supplements are finally in the US! (for non triton method tanks)

    The wait is over. Now anyone can enjoy the balanced, 4 part additives from Triton. This set is all liquid and requires no diluting with RO/DI water. When dosing daily- maintaining stable alkalinity, calcium, magnesium, strontium, potassium, boron, iodine, iron, vanadium, etc all becomes much...
  18. uniquecorals

    MACNA $1000 Giveaway, and Alkalinity Monitor Live Demonstration by Jim Welsh

    We'll be giving away a $1000 gift card for shopping at, at MACNA this year, the rules are: As you enter and checkin for your registration, you will receive a blue 'Unique' tattoo, affix it with some water anywhere on your boy (you can be creative!), and come by our booth #326 to...
  19. jason2459

    Saltmix Parameters bring on the test results

    There was an excellent thread put together quite some time ago now by Billybeau1 and hilgert. I've referred to it may times to see if someone is close to the expected values of a particular saltmix. There can of course be slight variations and if any settling has occurred in the mix before use...
  20. pH And The Reef Aquarium

    pH And The Reef Aquarium

    For many aquarists, pH is not something that they have much experience with aside from their aquarium. For many, pH is almost a black box measurement: something to be considered, but whose physical meaning makes little sense to them. This article will describe pH in an intuitive way (as...
  21. What is Alkalinity?

    What is Alkalinity?

    Most reefkeepers know they need to measure alkalinity, and most know it has something to do with carbonate. But what is alkalinity exactly? Why is it important? How is it measured? This article will answer those questions and give you all of the information that you need to fully understand one...
  22. A DIY Alkalinity Test

    A DIY Alkalinity Test

    Alkalinity is one of the most important measurements that a reef aquarist can make. It can become rapidly depleted in many aquaria, requiring frequent measurement in order to maintain stable levels. While hobby test kits for alkalinity can be simple to use, some aquarists find them either...
  23. The Many Methods for Supplementing Calcium and Alkalinity

    The Many Methods for Supplementing Calcium and Alkalinity

    There is no aspect of reef aquarium chemistry more important than calcium and alkalinity. Many of my previous articles have described various aspects of these systems in detail. In reading those articles, aquarists will note one pervasive theme: that maintaining appropriate levels of each are...
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