
  1. Kevinkmk

    Alk drop without live stock?

    hi everyone, I just recently upgrade my old tank to a 91 gallon tank. The new tank is currently running 3 days with only live rocks. However, my alk has drop from 9.9 to 8.5 in three days with only live rocks. I’m wondering is it something normal? Currently I’m running BRS GFO and carbon (using...
  2. T

    Remote Calcium Reactor

    To save space in my tank stand, I am considering placing the reactor about 75 feet away from the 120 gallon display tank. It would be in the lower level of my house where I have my water mixing room. Since I plan a mixed reef that will not have a heavy SPS load, the reactor's effluent volume...
  3. cwb_reeftank

    High Alk?

    I just tested my Alk and it came up 12.2 dKH, I normally run it at 8.0 and it stayed there up until the middle of November. I did a water change with red sea salt and I turned my doser to 2ml every other day and that was about two weeks ago but now like I said before 12.2, before the water...
  4. Uscanga2311


    hi R2R familiy: im starting with a new nano tank (40G), and I can't decide which salt to use... I was thinking about using Coral PRO, but I saw that its alkalinity levels are 12. 2, it's a bit high, is not it? I know alkalinity should be around 7.8-8.3. Which option could I use to start my tank?
  5. S

    Can low PH artificially influence Alkalinity test kit results?

    Question: After seeing some suspiciously low alkalinity readings on a new Red Sea pro test kit, I started thinking about some of the RHF articles I'd previously read on the topic. Specifically: That explanation of how standard alkalinity test kits work seems to be mirrored many places across...
  6. lilbitreefer

    Another Apex chart and starting two part with BRS

    I've been playing with the charts on Apex and found a good way to start two part dosing and and a chart to show it. So I bought some stony corals. Mainly a few LPS. I started checking Alk and Ca at night I then dosed it according to BRS calculator. I went off of what the Alk recomedation for...
  7. divetoday

    How to Fix a Dosing Mistake: High Cal with Low Alk

    Hi folks: long story short but after Hurricane Irma I have been dosing calcium but not alkalinity. I checked my 2-part dosing with Apex immediately after the storm, and all seemed fine on the Fusion console. Unfortunately, I forgot to prime the DOS after that major loss of power, so the pump...
  8. Aaron Davis


    Hey guys, Starting to add some different corals to my tank. Currently have a hammer colony, zoa, birds nest, a candy cane, and 3 types on montipora. I got my first Hanna checker the other day. Tested the Calcium and it was at 261. I'm using Red Sea Coral Pro salt. Got me wondering what the...
  9. G

    Alkalinity & Calcium dosing and consumption

    When you start to think that you are doing the things right in this hobby, there's always a new thing that tells you that you're wrong. That's my case with KH and CA dosing. I have been dosing BRS two-part to my reef tank for about 5-6 months. Was a little hard to find the point and maintain my...
  10. MarlinMan11

    Using Baking Soda?

    Hello everyone! I'm just about ready to order a small CUC for my 10 gal tank (thanks to you guys I know what to buy) but I have one last concern before I purchase. My alkalinity is about 80ppm and I don't think that's good enough. My pH is also ~7.8 and I'd like to get it to 8.1-8.4. I've heard...
  11. MarineDepot

    Buy a Hanna Checker, Earn 10% Back!

    Buy a Hanna Checker, Earn 10% Back! Get 10x Reward Points on Hanna for a Limited Time!
  12. ktigs

    High Readings

    Hey guys! I just received the Red Sea tests for Alk, Ca and Mg yesterday. I just got finished with these tests and my readings are somewhat high. I did compare the results with API tests I already owned (Ca & Mg) and they were spot on with each other. I currently DO NOT dose my tank for any of...
  13. S

    Help reducing alkalinity

    Hi, I'm just cycling my tank and when I measured the alkalinity two times at a week's gap it came to somewhere around 5.5 meQ/L, pH is a stable 8.2, Salinity is 34ppt. I use Continuum Halcyon Marine Reef Salt. I intend to use it as FOWLR for the time being. Could someone please help in the...
  14. A

    Low Ph and High Alk - Help Appreciated

    Hi all, My Ph is consistently below 7.90 during all day and below 7.7 at night according to APEX probe (recently calibrated), while Alkalinity is 12.6 And I can't understand why this is happening. I already have a CO2 scrubber running into the Skimmer air line. Already tried opening windows...
  15. HomeSlizzice

    Red Sea RCP vs BRS vs ESV B-Ionic dosing breakdown

    Like the title states, I decided to break down the recommended dosing instructions per brand to help me (and possibly others) when deciding on what supplements to use and dose (and how much if switching). Also Randy, please feel free to correct me if I'm wrong on any of this. I decided to do...
  16. Hanna Instruments

    New Reagent Code for the HI772 dKH Alkalinity Checker

    Hi all, We updated the reagent product code used for the HI772 dKH Alkalinity Checker. The new code is: HI772-26 Marine Alkalinity Checker® HC Reagents for HI772 (25 Tests) This have been updated from the HI755-26...
  17. Dylan Grech

    Huge swings in Mag & Calcium on a DAILY basis. What's going on?

    Hi guys, This forum has been very helpful with all my beginner questions and was hoping some of you might shed some light on my ongoing problems with water chemistry. Tank has been up and running for about 2 months and the levels don't want to stabilize. LFS says the water still needs to buffer...
  18. kingmaximus

    Calcium reactor - high calcium and low alkalinity

    From two months i have been using calcium reactor on sps dominated 75 gallon tank. The calcium is stable around 430 ppm but the alkalinity keeps dropping if i dont dose alkalinity. Its like my tank is using alkalinity more than calcium. how can i keep both Ca and Kh stable using just calcium...
  19. BlueWorldJeff

    Alkalinity Stability

    I have been monitoring my alk every day (mostly) for the past 2 weeks and have seen some interesting trends to which I cant figure out the cause. Tank is a 180 gallon 6x2x2 mixed reef. Three live rock pillars, sea floor special sand (1-2") Fish are: -Dejardini Tang -Blonde Naso Tang -Yellow...
  20. potatocouch

    Enlighten me ... Randy Recipe (Alk) and Red Sea B

    @Randy Holmes-Farley if you may ... and I apologize in advanced if this has been raised in the past. By no means this is to compare between Randy's and Red Sea; I just want to understand. I was looking at your Alkalinity part (recipe #1 and recipe #2) Recipe #1 for pH below 8.3 (bake then...
  21. potatocouch

    Red Sea Foundation B (Powder)

    I'm getting broke having to buy the ready-made liquid of Red Sea B, in saying that my intention is to stay with this brand and turning my head onto its powder version. For those that have utilize Red Sea B in powder version, can you tell me if it's hard to completely mix the powder and making...
  22. potatocouch

    Carbon dosing reduces Alk

    This what I've experienced and some folks too who carbon dose, be that NoPox or Vinegar or Vodka. I can't remember what was the explanation for this. If I recall correctly it is definitely not due to corals uptake, nor precipitation. How does Carbon reduces Alkalinity?
  23. BlueWorldJeff


    I've been battling algae on my sand bed and rocks since i think my tank went through a mini-cycle about 2 months ago when I was vacuuming my sand bed during water changes. I do water changes every other week and do about 30 gallons and now, just vacuum the algae off the surface of the sandbed...
  24. pgooden

    how much soda ash to mix?

    so I am getting more serious about my testing/dosing regime. I was using Ocean's Blend 2 part and I was reading about Randy's 2 different recipes and decided to by the BRS 2 part supplies because Randy mentioned in other posts that they use his recipe. I planned to use recipe 2 because I am...
  25. coralgallore

    New girl: alkalinity, what should it be at?

    Hey everyone, I am new, like literally signed up today. I have read a lot of info and learned a lot of things from this website so I thought I would join. I am fairly new to the hobby and am obsessed ( obviously) its so fun! Anyways my question is, what is the ideal numbers for alkalinity...