
  1. Perpetual Novice

    It’s been a week. When do I need to intervene to save my wrasse who is always buried?

    I added a couple new wrasses to a tank with two established leopard wrasses. One of the two new wrasses is also a leopard wrasse. It is intimidated by the other fish and stays buried all day except a couple days where it emerged for less than five minutes. I managed to catch the interaction on...
  2. LaraLouM

    Sharknose Goby

    I have a 32G Biocube with 2 zebra Dartfish, a sharknose goby, and a yellow assessor. I purchased the sharknose because he was said to not be aggressive and I thought his cleaner tendencies would not be a negative aspect. Well, he is a bully! He attacks all the fish and us every time we put our...
  3. Perpetual Novice

    Wrasse aggression help needed

    I have a tank with two resident female leopard wrasses. I recently added an ornate leopard wrasse (a different species than the ones I have) and a yellow coris wrasse to my tank at the same time. The yellow wrasse adjusted well and the established wrasses accepted it without a second thought...
  4. Wen

    Bundoon Blenny Trio Aggression

    Looking for advice from Bundoon blenny owners, I purchased a trio from DD 3 wks ago. They went into a 30 gal observation tank as 3 hungry pale buddies. I’ve been trying to fatten them up before release into a 150 gal reef tank. Feeding 4-8 times a day (pellets, LRS and ROE). 1 has colored...
  5. El_Guapo13

    Mini Maxi question

    I have a few questions about MiniMaxi Anemones. How are they towards coral? Will they try to sting corals that are near them? If they were to sting a coral, or go to war with one, how would it turn out for the anemone and for the coral? Has anyone ever lost any corals to Mini Maxi aggression, or...
  6. T

    Larger aggressive clownfish vibrating

    Hi guys, I have two ocellaris clownfish. One black/white and regular one. Black is smaller and always being attacked and trapped in the corner.I have never seen him vibrate. The aggressor sometimes vibrates. From what I have read the black one should eventually start submitting and the...
  7. A

    Fire fish being bullied

    I picked up a fire fish for my 55 gallon about 3 weeks ago now and for the first few days it mostly hid. Recently it has began moving out of its hole more and has become the center of aggression for my coral beauty and female clownfish. They will both take turns chasing it around the tank. Last...
  8. InCodWeTrust

    Aggressive Lawnmower Blenny

    I added a Rusty Angelfish to my tank but my normally timid Lawnmower Blenny doesn’t seem to enjoy the new addition. Any thoughts on reducing the aggression towards the angelfish? Also feel free to post other aggressive or strange Lawnmower Blenny stories.
  9. M

    Clownfish Divorce

    Hi, I have a mid-size Davinci Clown that I've had for about a year who was one of the first tank inhabitants. About two weeks later, I got a much smaller Black Ice. Up until a few days ago, (so for almost a year) they got along well. No bickering, shadowing each other, and only co-hosting a...
  10. Peach02

    What happened to his fin?

    Mandarin fish that I have had for about 3 months has lost part of its left front pectoral fin. his swimming ability does not seem to be impaired at all. Photos below, does anyone know what caused it and how to treat other fish are 1x coral beauty 1x bicolour blend 2x occelaras clown (small)...
  11. MnFish1

    Aggressive Fish....

    So I bought a 4 or so inch harlequin tusk - who is friendly - healthy and beautiful. He doesnt do any of the 'bad things' that they are supposed to do - he doesnt kill shrimp, snails, crabs, etc. However - he and his beautiful blue teeth when he expects to get fed - literally attack he will...
  12. isufishtank

    Flasher Wrasse Aggression

    Hello! I've got a male McCosker's Flasher and a Firefish in a 20 long tank. I love them both to death and they have got along perfectly fine for the longest time. Occasionally during feeding the flasher would flash a little and show off, but the Firefish seemed unperturbed... until now. The...
  13. TCReef84

    Major Aggression After Last Addition

    Hello, I am running a 75 gallon reef tank and have recently added a juvenile Kole Tang to my current stock list which includes two ocellaris clownfish, one banggai cardinal, one fairy wrasse, and a sand hopper blenny. After acclimating the Kole it took quite well to it’s new environment. The...
  14. stan13ag

    Another Fish Aggression Post

    Last week I noticed a small strange mark on my one spot fox face that I have been keeping an eye on ( I tried to get a picture for 15 minutes and can't). Since then, a 2nd and 3rd mark has appeared, which appear to be bite marks or scratch marks. I haven't added a new fish in almost 2 years...
  15. Labridaedicted

    Mild Mannered Tangs

    Hey gang, I just had to pull my White-Tailed Bristletooth tang out of my tank since he decided he hates wrasses and gobies after a couple of months. I was pretty dumbfounded as to why he would be aggressive towards fish that aren't grazing competitors, but have no problem with the other grazer...
  16. Renelope

    Tang aggression

    Hello folks, Looking for some advice. Recently purchased 2 tangs, a yellow and a kole. Bought them together, acclimated them together- they are besties. Problem is my fox face. Had him for several months before getting the tangs and he is easily twice their size, but he is the shyest fish I've...
  17. Eva Rose

    Help! Trying to catch Whitetail Bristletooth gone rogue!

    My whitetail bristletooth was bullying my Midas blenny. So I bought a fish trap and kept watch. The Midas is hiding so now the bristletooth is really aggressive. It is like without the blenny, he is amping up the bullying more. He is leaving my other tangs alone. But today he started going...
  18. W

    Will Anemone Protect New Clown? / Six Line Wrasse Aggression

    Hi All - I added a new clownish (1-1.5 inches) to a 75 gallon reef that has a yellow / blue tang, flame angel, clownfish, melenarus wrasse, and six line wrasse (they have been in the 75 for about a month). Immediately upon introduction of the new smaller clown I noticed that the six line wrasse...
Black Label Aquatics