
  1. reefsaver

    Can Leptoseris be grafted or touch other Leptoseris?

    I really fell in love with my Neon green Leptoseris so I got another small frag of Jack-O for $100. I feel like they’re really rewarding as a beginner SPS because they grow fast and are pretty hardy. I want to collect more morphs of Lepto and I was wondering if Lepto can be in close proximity to...
  2. F

    Wrasse introduction order

    I hear about wrasse aggression, especially in regards to other wrasses, obviously I hear about this after I bought a 6line. Then I look into wrasses and fall in love with the look of two, and I'm trying to do my due diligence and actually plan these out as best as I can. I'm looking at a white...
  3. jaihutcherson

    Fish against eels (3) aggression - please help!

    Hey all! just finished the new 400 build. Lots of rock, lots of Tonga branch/plate, and lots of aggression from what we’re happy healthy tank mates for past 14 months in a 230g. background: all tank mates were in a 230g. Had a bad breakout of ick and broke the group up into 3 separate tanks...
  4. I

    Adding a yellow tang

    Hi all! Happy Weekend! currently I have a Purple Tang and a Foxface. They get on completely fine but like brothers sometimes do want there own space. I was thinking about adding another yellow tang. would a third calm aggression or would it spike some more trouble? currently a 200 litre tank...
  5. D

    Tomini tang & Zebra eel aggression.

    Hello everyone. I was wondering if anyone had any experience with Tangs being aggressive towards eels? I purchased a 16' Zebra eel two weeks ago for my 80g (48x24x17) and ever since the first day in the tank my tang is constantly beefing with him. He will swim into the cave the Eel likes to hang...
  6. C

    Multiple clown gobies

    hello everyone, I am researching clown gobies and would love to put a small group or pair in my 20g long, but I have heard conflicting information on putting multiple in, my preference would be multiple or a pair of yellow clown gobies but if I need to get different species I will. Just looking...
  7. SaltwaterGuruNeeded

    Wrasse Owns Tank :(

    I have 2 clownfish and a marble/checkerboard/hortulanus wrasse in my 125g. Wrasse attacks clowns when food is dropped yet, wrasse won't eat it. Clowns are confined to the top of the water or the corners. The wrasse always watches them. The clownfish don't fight back. I feel as though I should...
  8. Petrichor

    Is this aggression normal (cardinalfish vs wrasse)?

    Hey all, I'm not sure if my fish are having aggression issues or if this is normal behaviour. Any advice is appreciated! I recently downsized from a 24g to a Fluval 13.5. In it I have plenty of live rock with many crevices, tunnels, and hideyholes, my corals (mostly small except for a "large"...
  9. P

    Fish stocking question

    1 - my rock work is a series of caves and pass through, getting a problem fish out will be difficult even with a trap. 2 - Currently have 1 blood orange clown, one ocellaris (took about 10-12 days but they are best friends already thankfully) & a Midas Blenny. 3 - 75g, 4’ long with a 40g breeder...
  10. Diveks

    Clownfish lost mate and clown behavior

    Hey everyone, I have decided to get my clownfish (male) a new mate since the female died in qt. The male clown is very adventurous. The tank is around 50 gallons around 3 feet long. They are 4-5 cm .The new clown is almost the same size and when i plopped him in he old clown went straight for...
  11. Ancarol2421

    Recurring lesion on Female Clown

    Hi everyone, I am a tank caretaker at our college and we have this interesting case I wanted to share in case anyone recognizes it. This female clown is in a 30gal SW tank with a purple dottyback. Other inhabitants are really large toadstool, CUC (urchin, green emerald crabs, hermits, snails...
  12. puffer_reef

    Territorial clownfish

    So I’ve had 2 clownfish in my tank and every fish I’ve tried to put in there they have died and I’m pretty sure they killed them maybe just the black one she’s kinda aggressive. I know they can be territorial if I put them in a breeder net for a bit and add another fish to the tank would that...
  13. P

    What will thrive with a pair of maroon clowns in a 25 gallon tank

    I am new to the hobby and I’m pretty set on getting a pair of the devil fish, AKA Maroon Clowns. Is there anything that yall have seen that will thrive with a pair of maroon clowns in the tank? If not, I am perfectly happy having just the pair in the tank. Thanks in advance!
  14. L

    Recent aggression in existing pair of clowns

    I had a lone ocellaris clown fish in my tank for about a year before getting a second clown to pair with it. The new clown I got was significantly smaller, about 1/3 the size of my existing clown. They seemed to pair up almost immediately with only some minimal aggression in the first day or...
  15. jackalexander

    Clownfish Pairing

    I have these two clownfish who have been in the same tank for about a month and at first their pairing habits weren’t worrisome but now it’s getting a little worrying. My WW clown runs the tank while my vivid stays hidden in a crevasse under a rock until the lights turn out and comes out to...
  16. Joe Tony

    Can I add another fish to this tank?

    I have a 30-gallon nano tank with a 3-4 inch deep sand bed and 30-40 pounds of live rock. I have a 2-inch orchid dottyback, a banggai cardinalfish that’s nearly adult sized, and a pair of ocellaris clownfish, both of which together are probably about 1.5-2 inches. The tank’s been running for...
  17. LxHowler

    Can you calm clownfish aggression

    So I have a pair of divinchi clownfish that I have owned for about 9 months and they have been great, they are the first fish in my first tank so getting rid of them isn't really an option. I know clownfish can be aggressive and that is why I haven't added any more fish to the tank, but...
  18. wolt

    Need help with clownfish

    My two clownfish are fight and I don’t know why. I got them as a pair
  19. ItsNiQi

    Canary Blenny attacking snails?

    I asked my LFS for a fun and peaceful addition to my tank. The guy immediately told me about this Canary Blenny that he had. As soon as I introduce him to my tank he starts to bite all of my snails! I’ve looked everywhere and I can only find posts about lawnmower blennys doing this. Is there...
  20. T

    Number of clownfish in a tank

    Hi, I recently got into the hobby with a modest 33g reef tank. Everything has been running smoothly for the past few weeks, and every tank inhabitant seems to be doing well. In my tank dwell 2 clownfish (a Black ice and a Darwin) as well as the good old cleaner shrimp and a few other cleaning...
  21. Underwater Passion

    Fox face Lo aggressive towards PBT

    So apparently I have a unique situation in which I added a PBT to my DT after I added my fox face Lo 4 weeks prior. I thought I had the order of adding them correct based on aggression BUT as many things in this hobby will do, I was surprised to see my fox face Lo was far more aggressive to my...
  22. Squeven

    Six line wrasse aggressive towards watchman goby

    I have had a watchman goby and a six line wrasse living together in a 32 gallon aquarium for two months. I just saw the wrasse attacking the goby. The wrasse isn’t bugging my other fish. Do I need to rehome the wrasse, or is there something else I could try? Water parameters are stable, only...
  23. TroutWithLegs

    Firefish aggression in a nano frag tank

    Hey all, wanted to see what advice and experiences y'all have had with fish being aggressive in smaller tanks, and how to deal with it. I recently added a pair of firefish to my frag reef and their behavior has changed drastically from the fish store, to QT, to now. I was under the assumption...
  24. SwiftStorm

    Royal Gramma and black cap basslet

    I have a 75 gallon with 6 fish; 2 clowns, foxface,blenny, cardinal (which is going bye bye), Royal gramma, and a 6 line. Would like to add a yellow tang, melenarus wrasse, cleaner shrimp, and maybe a black cap basslet. My tank is established and the new fish would be coming from the same system...
  25. G

    Truly bizarre tang aggression

    Tonight I ran into, without question, one of the strangest things I ever have in all my days keeping fish. I recently finished adding my fish back to the DT after a long fallow period for ich. They’ve been back about two weeks, and tonight I cut the lights off a little early to acclimate a new...
Atlantik Icon  reef aquarium LED Bar