
  1. Matt Bravo

    Gramma bothering peppermint?

    Hey guys, got a peppermint shrimp today and my royal gramma started picking at it like crazy. It found a place in the rocks where the gramma won’t reach it though. Is it gonna be like this long term? I used to have a smaller one but he disappeared one day. Could the gramma have actually eaten...
  2. C

    Looking to ask a couple questions to someone who owns a Dardanus guttatus / blue kneed (hairy) hermit crab

    Does anyone actually have/had one of these guys? They are currently my dream animal and I would love to own one Probably 99% of the threads on every single forum are full of people saying 'i dont own one but this one random website says ________' and honestly i dont believe half of the things...
  3. taylormaximus

    Should I separate my clownfish?

    So I just got two young Ocellarus clowns, both very small but one significantly bigger, and they're still in QT at the moment (I've been doing tank transfer). They'll be ready for the 32 gallon display tank by May 2 at the soonest since they haven't shown any symptoms of anything so far and are...
  4. Cole_Voeller

    Dottyback Aggression

    Hello all! So a while back I got one of my dream fish, a super young springeri dottyback. Super cute dude, aquacultured, love him. I quarantined him with a Flametail blenny, and introduced the two together into their tank. A couple of times the flametail has chased the dottyback off, but other...
  5. C

    Possible Banggai Aggression

    Good evening, I am kind of panicking since I am not sure if this fish behavior/temperament is going to cause stress/death :( Background: 8th month of running a 33 gallon waterbox bare bottom tank with ~25 pounds of dry rock and 1 bag of bio sphere in the sump area. 1 Banggai cardinal added on...
  6. L

    Clownfish pair aggression

    Hey everyone, the hobby has been somewhat of a passive one for me in the last year, but that has sort of changed recently. Anyway, i would love to get a clownfish pair, but I don’t really see the appeal of the usual perc complex clowns. The ones I’ve been really drawn to have been Maroons...
  7. Primus

    Blue Streak Cleaner Wrasse harassing my Long Nose Hawk

    I recently purchased a Long Nose Hawk, A Clownfish and a Cleaner Wrasse. For the most part, everything has gone well except that I have noticed that the cleaner seems to target the Long Nose Hawk disproportionately compared to the other fish for his cleaning service. The Long Nose hawk appears...
  8. R

    Midas blenny biting our tangs. Will it stop?

    We've had a midas blenny for about 3.5 months now, and had no problems with it at all. Super active, interesting fish that didn't seem to care about its tank-mates. Then, about 3 weeks ago we got a blue hippo tang, and more recently a kole tang. Midas blenny keeps biting them, especially the...
  9. educatedreefer

    Mitigating Territorial Aggression of Falco Hawkfish?

    Hello all! Ive added a Falco Hawkfish to my 200 gallon peninsula tank, but he seems to enjoy chasing or fin-nipping at my anthias. I don’t have any aggressive fish, just a few chromis, 1 Randall’s anthias, clownfish pair, royal gamma, and a lawnmower blenny. The anthias swims freely but swims...
  10. gatorcream

    Could a fish die the day AFTER a bully is removed?

    As the title says, I have a tailspot blenny that was being harassed by my starry blenny pretty consistently for about 4 days. I removed the starry blenny yesterday morning, as I noticed the aggression was not calming down. Today, (it’s late afternoon for me) I come home to the tailspot dead :(...
  11. G

    Large tanks with a focus on small inhabitants?

    I suppose "large" depends on what you're use to. I'm just wondering if anyone has specific examples of or experience with tanks dedicated to tiny creatures? Rather than being stocked around minimum sizes, or a mixture of large and small. The closest I've seen are clownfish harems. Half a dozen...
  12. chocomallows007

    new Powder Brown Tang bullying my old fishes

    So I just got a new Powder Brown Tang and I was expecting my Six Line and Basslet to bully him, but instead he’s bullying my Foxface and Basslet. I haven’t seen him bully my Six Line and Clownfishes yet (hopefully he leaves them alone. It’s been 5 hours now and I haven’t seen him chase them). He...
  13. BleachedCoral

    Help on the order of fish I should introduce?

    Hello, I have a 126 gallon cycled tank ready for fish. I understand that aggressive fish are added last as to avoid them becoming bullies, but what about fish that seem to have variable temperaments? From what I read, something like a clownfish can be aggressive or calm, while royal gammas tend...
  14. B

    Blue sapphire damsel aggression?

    I introduced my sapphire damsel AFTER my 2 clowns and AFTER my clean up crew. Then I added a foxface rabbit AFTER the damsel. Now I recently caught my damsel chasing my female clown and now it's trying to intimidate the foxface. Should I remove the sapphire? Here's a video I managed to catch...
  15. mel_ociraptor

    Bully Clowns—Can’t remove the male

    Hey there! New to saltwater but not new to the aquarium hobby—we have a 90gallon (4 month old) reef tank whose inhabitants are 2 emerald crabs, roughly 6 hermits, 8 snails, and 4 juvenile Ocellaris clowns (2 black ice and 2 bulletholes—they’re orange). We got the original four because they were...
  16. ajtomase

    Blenny aggression

    Yesterday, I got a QT'd midas blenny that I had in an acclimation box overnight and none of my fish paid attention to it. This morning, I released it into the tank before the lights went off and my starry blenny is going after it. The starry blenny is significantly larger than the midas blenny...
  17. F

    Big clown trying to eat little clown

    My big clownfish had the little fish in its mouth but couldnt eat him. What to do? I have the little one in a breeder box safe.
  18. P

    Carpenter’s Flasher wrasse with Earmuff and dusky wrasse

    Hello! I have a 210, 6’ long with a 4-6” deep sand bed, space all around rock work with sand for them, etc, plumbed into a 60g sump/fuge. currently have: Goldlined rabbit Two spot bristletooth tang 3 x springeri damsels Royal gramma (helped a friend moving) Midas Blenny P. Fridmani (tiny...
  19. C

    Opinions Needed! Lightening Maroon Clownfish Tankmates

    Hey Reefers! Over the weekend my LFS had a customer appreciation event where a few different pairs of fish, assorted gear and in-store credit were given away. I happened to win a set of Lightening Maroon Clownfish. I have an empty but cycling 65 gallon tank that they will be going in. They are...
  20. ZWesley

    Curbing aggression towards new additions

    TL;DR loss of fish brings issue of peaceful additions near aggressive six-lined wrasse, how do I deal with the aggressor? Is it better to rid myself of it? Hello all, I recently have run into an issue where I am attempting to add a late addition to my tank after the loss of two flame angels (not...
  21. J

    perc and occy in one tank Howdy! The tank is nano 15gallon fluval. All cycled. When I first got them, I did not know what species they were. As I have researched I found that more orange in the eyes is a perc and more black is an occy. I am pretty sure the larger...
  22. Isaac_Tang

    Pink Tail Trigger Peaceful or little Devil?

    Hey guys so I wanted to know before I make the jump but I’ve read on LiveAquaria that the pink tail is aggressive but how aggressive are they? I currently have a blue tang (hippo) and a chromi in the tank theyre small like about 3in so they’re small and I’ve been eyeing this trigger for about a...
  23. A

    Ensure clownfish remain male

    Hey y’all, This is not a fish disease related post, but it is related to quarantine! It’s been awhile since I’ve been on R2R, but I need some advice. I’ve had my clownfish for about 6 months now(alone, not pair), and want to introduce a male. My quarantine procedure includes copper for a month...
  24. Dad2Wyatt

    New Clownfish getting right along with my existing one!

    So I got my first clownfish a couple months ago, and special ordered a a black ocellaris that was not in stock. Then I found out about QT’ing fish and asked my LFS if they could hold the 2nd clown once it came in until I can get a QT tank set up. well LFS called me today informing me that they...
  25. KMCA

    Forktail Blenny aggression

    I picked up a forktail blenny recently and while his first couple days were relaxed, showing no aggression to anything. Today at feeding time he suddenly became aggressive. He ignored the food, even when dropped in front of him (both pellet and flakes) and started hunting (and eating) the tube...