Your experience with six line wrasse aggression?


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Sep 6, 2017
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If it is a model citizen then it’s still young. Once they mature they are nasty. Of course there will be one in a million that might not. If you ever plan on other wrasse then six line is definitely a no
This. Tons of stories about model citizen 6 lines only to turn into horror in a year or two. Not an easy fish to remove either.


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Jul 15, 2021
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I've heard probably most people say they had huge aggression issues with six lines, and a few claim they were model citizens. I would love to have one, but I'm wondering what circumstances you've had that resulted in aggression or peacefulness? Specifically tank size, other inhabitants, and also order that inhabitants were added in. Also did you have any problems with it attacking inverts, and if so which ones?

For me I would have no problem adding a six line last and acclimating it gradually, but I have relately peaceful fish that I don't want it messing with, but I'm not sure if simply adding it last is enough to keep aggression at bay, or if you have other suggestions.

My current fish are 2 ocalaris clownfish, an azure damsel fish (who is a model citizen besides occasionally wandering where he doesn't belong), and a royal gramma (who is peaceful unless the damsel comes anywhere near his rock which he does). I'm also looking at getting either a firefish goby, a diamond watchman goby, or a single green chromis.

Six lines are beautiful but I'm definitely still weighing if they're worth the risk.
My Six-line is about to become a fish chip. That thing went from model citizen to the spawn of Satan. I have an IM Fusion 40 Pro 2. Back chamber removed and made a sump for it so there's space and places to hang out at for all fish. He just has a thing for Pajama Cardinals, Fire Fish and gobies.