I got home and noticed the tank glass (40 g breeder) was WARM TO THE TOUCH and checked the thermometer which read nearly 100 degrees f!!! Holy cow I was freaking out. I lowered the temp by opening the lid (when I opened it the water was literally steaming!), opening windows and doors and turning fan on. Also put a bag of ice floating in the sump. My tank is fairly new, only 3-4 weeks old and I only have 1 fish and no coral. My orange storm clown seems to be doing fine shockingly. Do I need to worry about my bio filter? Is my tank going to recycle? Waters a bit cloudy. I think the tank couldn’t have been that hot for longer than a couple hours at most. I feel so bad for my fish. I ordered an ink bird and I’m switching to two small heaters. This is my first saltwater tank and I’m already traumatized.