Wwc Striptease turning white at base

TCK Corals


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Hey guys! I have an Acropora frag from WWC. It's a few months old and it's starting to show a little growth but at the same time is white at the base. It was much darker and has colored up nicely but I'm worried about this white coloration. Should I leave it alone and assume that it's just new growth that hasn't colored yet, or should I frag it and and try to cut off as much of the white as possible?
Some of my parameters are
Temp 79
PH 8.1
alkalinity 9
Nitrates 0.1
ammonia 0
I also have it in high flow area area and high lighting top 4 inches of tank. 2× AI prime 16
50 gallon Waterbox
Phosphates 0-1

Screenshot_20211228-134620_Gallery.jpg Screenshot_20211228-134939_myAI.jpg
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That is textbook STN. There could be many, many reasons why. I would not recommend chasing any of them without a very strong suspicion which it might be. If your tank is fairly new, like your joined date, then you most likely just need more time for everything to mature - it is hard to tell from one photo, but the abundance of hair algae and lack of much coralline are signs of a new tank.


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That is textbook STN. There could be many, many reasons why. I would not recommend chasing any of them without a very strong suspicion which it might be. If your tank is fairly new, like your joined date, then you most likely just need more time for everything to mature - it is hard to tell from one photo, but the abundance of hair algae and lack of much coralline are signs of a new tank.
The contents of the tank are actually a year old old the water Box is a new tank that had everything transferred over to it. There is really only hair algae on that top rock closest to the light which I have removed. Is this condition transferable to other corals? I have read as such. I have a microscope should I do a slide? I'm not sure exactly what I'd be looking for but it might be interesting to find out what's going on here and if there's anyway possible to save it. This stupid little thing cost me a $179.


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I do not believe so. However, if the other acropora are not in tip top health, they can STN too, but not because this one infected them but because the same conditions that made this one do it are the same ones that will make others do it too.

If you would like to try WWC Striptease again, just look for generic shortcake acropora. There are a bunch of them out there and all look pretty identical if you were to doctor up the photos like WWC does. Hobbyists usually sell them for a lot cheaper than WWC does. All of this said, that photo does not look like WWC Striptease to me, but I will admit that the photo is not great.

If you can frag it while leaving good tissue behind and remount it to a fresh plug, this might have a chance, but it is no sure thing.


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I do not believe so. However, if the other acropora are not in tip top health, they can STN too, but not because this one infected them but because the same conditions that made this one do it are the same ones that will make others do it too.

If you would like to try WWC Striptease again, just look for generic shortcake acropora. There are a bunch of them out there and all look pretty identical if you were to doctor up the photos like WWC does. Hobbyists usually sell them for a lot cheaper than WWC does. All of this said, that photo does not look like WWC Striptease to me, but I will admit that the photo is not great.

If you can frag it while leaving good tissue behind and remount it to a fresh plug, this might have a chance, but it is no sure thing.
I appreciate that and I do understand now later in the game... that some of these things are renamed which is kinda silly just to make money. I do have quite a few montipora that are also SPS... curious if this could be something that might affect them... should I just pull it and cut my losses? Sorry about my crappy picture I've got an S21 ultra and my lenses no longer fit my camera.
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I certainly appreciate it and I don't take any offense in any way, I am just here to learn! It has never been healthy and has not grown a lot in the 6 months probably that I've had it... Maybe I'm giving it too much light? Of course I don't have a par meter. I'm looking into purchasing one but until then I've been very lucky with everything else that I have. I seem to have a knack for parameters, lighting and such....
I've been keeping fresh water tanks for years but I do find that this is a completely different animal. Lol :)
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