So I’ve been considering getting a wrasse for my tank. Amongst my considerations are some types of fairy wrasse and certain panther wrasse. One thing I was wondering is about coloration. I’ve read that male fairy wrasse can lose their colors over time. Is there any way to prevent this? And what about panther wrasses? One of my top panther wrasses is the lone star wrasse. Are they known for losing their coloration over time as well? I’ve heard that wrasses are the opposite of clown fish in that they start out female and the dominant one turns male. In terms of longevity would it be best to get a small female? Or two and maybe end up with a pair? Also I’ve been told Halichoeres wrasses are a good option for my setup but I have a blood red shrimp and I think I read somewhere that Halichoeres are known to kill ornamental shrimp. Any input or fish suggestions would be welcome. For reference my tank is a 60 cube.