White Stringy Stuff on Acan


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Jun 30, 2023
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This acan has been in my tank for a little over a month and seemed to be doing quite well. It came to me with some tissue recession/exposed skeleton, but it's healed up nicely and hasn't shown any signs of further recession. Today I noticed some white stringy stuff after I fed some amino acids and finely chopped mysis to my corals. Is this a normal feeding response? It hasn't done this before today. My pictures aren't the clearest because it's not very close to the glass and I'm using a smartphone, but hopefully you can see it.

It could also be a warfare response. My bubble tip anemone went for a walk two days ago and might have come into contact with the acan during the journey. I didn't see them touch, but that doesn't mean it didn't happen.

There haven't been any major parameter changes aside from nitrates bottoming out about two weeks ago from switching carbon sources for carbon dosing. Nitrates are currently around 5ppm and phosphates are slightly high at 0.16ppm from me trying to improve nitrates by increasing feeding.

Ammonia and nitrites are too low to register. Nitrates are 5ppm. Phosphates are .16ppm. Calcium is 430, alk is 8.2, pH is 7.9ish at night and 8.3ish during the day, salinity is 1.025, temperature is currently 78.6 F but varies between 78 and 80.0. I don't measure magnesium or any elements not listed above.

What could it be? Should I dip it in anything if it is bad? I have peroxide and Red Sea Coral Dip X on hand but I can go to the LFS to pick up anything I might need.

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mesenterial filaments…
something could of irritated them.
could just be growing too as they seem to put them out for various reasons