Which tank can a lone lyretail go to & foxface won't eat frozen


Where to put the lyretail?

  • Dropoff tank

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Sep 3, 2019
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Hey everyone I just got some arrivals in my qt sadly a fairy wrasse died in the middle of the night. I have a male lyretail anthias, damsel (im qting for my friend), and a foxface in a large qt. Im having trouble getting the damsel and lyretail to eat, they ate pellets in the seller (they were shipped from another city and took 3 hrs so i bet they are still stressed). I fed them frozen and the lyretail perked up but didn't bother to take a bite and just swam past. The damsel had no interest in anything whatsoever, and the foxface was interested in the frozen but never actually took a bite. Surprisingly the foxface ate the pellets right away. How do i get him to eat some frozen as i mostly feed frozen in the dt. I usually have the opposite problem so this was unusual.

The other thing would be that they gave me a male lyretail anthias accidently while i ordered a squarespot (here they are the same price). they will be giving me an extra fish for the next time i buy because of the issue. i have a 50 gallon mixed reef drop off 60 if the drop off is counted mixed reef which i would like the lyretail to go in. I wanted a small anthias in the tank and i know the lyretail is a bit big but i would like everyone's opinion with the lyretail in the dropoff or should i just put him in my 210 which i plan on keeping some squarespot in, will he be a problem or will the squarespots be a problem to the lyretail. and if they are ok together would it be better if i have 2 groups of anthias or a squarespot group and a lone male anthias?


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Sep 3, 2019
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Frozen is not the proper food for the foxfire. You lyretail should be fine in the drop-off tank.
i do know they are herbivores its homemade frozen with 2 kinds of seaweed in it to cater to the herbivores and carnivores in my tank i will be feeding sheets of algae but I just had to make sure the foxface will not only take 2 of the 4 feedings i do since 2 of those are frozen and i only feed sheets every 2 days, i do have some algae in the tank but not too much. will a pellet and seaweed diet be sufficient for the foxface?

Polyp polynomial: How many heads do you start with when buying zoas?

  • One head is enough to get started.

    Votes: 27 10.6%
  • 2 to 4 heads.

    Votes: 145 57.1%
  • 5 heads or more.

    Votes: 65 25.6%
  • Full colony.

    Votes: 10 3.9%
  • Other.

    Votes: 7 2.8%