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How would you say your coral beauties behavior has been in the 40??
Good question. I picked it up on the smaller side, maybe 2" in size, and not really remembering what the recommended aquarium size is. I typically use that has a guide and bounce between what live aquaria has and wet web media with Fenner. Anyway the 40 breeder has a good foot print with regards to depth and width - at least in my opinion - so I figured a pygmy angel of some sort was going in and it was a coral beauty or a flame back. Anyway - believe it or not a pet club by me has an amazing fish section with people who actually care and handling equipment to back it up. I saw the beauty there and picked it up and took it home.

My 40 breeder had left over rock from previous tanks established since 2001 so pretty healthy algae, sponges, and stuff that makes it look real. Four rather large hammer corals each expanding over 12" that crowded one side of the tank, and about 5 or 6 rose bubble tip anemones mixed in with button polyps and a few zoas and leather coral. It was able to roam around the corals an anemones without getting hurt while other fish not paying attention. About the only damage I could say it did was one of the hammers started to not open as much because that was its home oddly enough. It really liked zipping in and out of the branches and every day that is where I would see it wake up from in the morning.

I guess what I'm saying is I thought the tank had a good foot print for it to actively swim and I didn't have wall to wall rock. I did have too much with regards to hammers and anemones but that is why I was building the 210. So I never saw any signs of duress or aggression with anything. He or she has a pretty well rounded belly and nothing outside what I said of his/her home was left alone. Hope this helps - I find it a really pretty fish with a reasonable attitude.


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Good question. I picked it up on the smaller side, maybe 2" in size, and not really remembering what the recommended aquarium size is. I typically use that has a guide and bounce between what live aquaria has and wet web media with Fenner. Anyway the 40 breeder has a good foot print with regards to depth and width - at least in my opinion - so I figured a pygmy angel of some sort was going in and it was a coral beauty or a flame back. Anyway - believe it or not a pet club by me has an amazing fish section with people who actually care and handling equipment to back it up. I saw the beauty there and picked it up and took it home.

My 40 breeder had left over rock from previous tanks established since 2001 so pretty healthy algae, sponges, and stuff that makes it look real. Four rather large hammer corals each expanding over 12" that crowded one side of the tank, and about 5 or 6 rose bubble tip anemones mixed in with button polyps and a few zoas and leather coral. It was able to roam around the corals an anemones without getting hurt while other fish not paying attention. About the only damage I could say it did was one of the hammers started to not open as much because that was its home oddly enough. It really liked zipping in and out of the branches and every day that is where I would see it wake up from in the morning.

I guess what I'm saying is I thought the tank had a good foot print for it to actively swim and I didn't have wall to wall rock. I did have too much with regards to hammers and anemones but that is why I was building the 210. So I never saw any signs of duress or aggression with anything. He or she has a pretty well rounded belly and nothing outside what I said of his/her home was left alone. Hope this helps - I find it a really pretty fish with a reasonable attitude.
That's good to hear! I've heard it's a hit or miss on those guys


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Yeah, it's probably too many, trying to keep my head down for the fish police ;) That said, like 10 of those are 2.5" or under, and the gobies are tiny except for the orange stripe. Zero worries about bio load, just about space at this point. Kind of hoping the BSL doesn't eventually transition solely for keeping the female colours, it's currently 2" long. It and the Midas would be the only "larger" fish in there when grown. The clowns are kind of stunted, they haven't gained any noticeable growth in like a year.
The best thing about this hobby is being able to call the shots. If having that many fish works for you, whos going to tell you not to do it:) I think as long as the fish are all healthy, then it's really nbd


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I have to cut some of the fish since some were impulse pick-ups, or in the case of the Red Heads, an in-place pick up because my bucketlist Greenbanded gobies had no hope of stock, then came in the next week..

60g + 55g sump: 48" x 18" x 16"

2x Ocellaris Clownfish - Amphiprion ocellaris
1x Pink-Streaked Wrasse - Pseudocheilinops ataenia
1x Gold Assessor Basslet - Assessor flavissimus
1x Midas Blenny - Ecsenius midas
1x Social Wrasse - Cirrhilabrus rubeus

1x Blue Star Leopard Wrasse - Macropharyngodon bipartitus
1x Yellow-head Jawfish - Opistognathus aurifrons
1x Royal Gramma - Gramma loreto
1x Blue Flasher Wrasse - Paracheilinus cyaneus
1x Springer's Damsel - Chrysiptera springeri
1x Neon Goby - Elacatinus oceanops
2x Red Head Goby - Elacatinus puncticulatus
1x Tailspot Blenny - Ecsenius stigmatura
1x Orange-striped Goby - Amblygobius decussatus
4x Greenbanded Goby - Tigrigobius multifasciatus

Will probably remove the bolded

3x Red Bubble-tip Anemone
1x Blood Red Fire Shrimp
2x Sexy Shrimp
1x White Spot Anemone Shrimp
1x Pompom Crab
4x Scarlet Hermit crab
2x Blue-Legged Hermit Crab
1x Flame Lipped Conch
~20 mixed Nassarius, Trochus and Cerith snails

2x Crocea Clam
1x Cleaner Shrimp
2x Fighting Conch
2x Emerald Crab

Tried to keep this tank as nano fish wise as possible since it started in a nano fusion 20. Some of the fish don't really move, others do, most of them are small. Going to add things in stages and see how it goes. I'm not opposed to ditching the jawfish, gramma or the social wrasse if they don't get along with others.

This is off topic but how did you make the tabs for the list?


And how does it feel like, to wake up in the sun
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This is off topic but how did you make the tabs for the list?

Orphek OR3 reef aquarium LED bar


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This is my second tank decided to try bubble tips and clowns...want to add some high end nems like a black widow or inferno
Yeah there are some unreal looking ones out there for sure! Best of luck and I'd love to see some pics as to how your tank is coming along!


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Can't wait until I can add a bubble tip to mine!

One becomes lonely...then one morning you see two. Two is a even number then you have three. Three leads to infighting I guess and yet another odd number so before you know it you are at four. Four is a even number and just when you thought it was safe a fifth appears! Now you head into the pantry and grab a 5th and when you wake up you believe you are having delusions of grandure when a 6th appears. By now you believe unicorns exist and want to buy t-shirts to show just how much you believe and maybe a secret admirer of The Rock's character in Central Intelligence flick only to look at the tank and see a bloody seventh show up :(

Yes - that is my story more or less when starting with a single rose bubble tip 6 or so years ago in a 29 gallon bio-cube. Literally out grew that tank when two emerged then bought another to give them room but that wasn't enough so later combined into a 40 breeder. That was shorted lived by about 3 years in which case they forced me to upgrade (ok, maybe I'm telling a bit of a fib here - but that was the reason or justification I told myself) to my 210 I just finished setting up.

So yeah - can't wait :) I'm still trying to figure out which is worse. Xenia or my rose bubble tips!!!!


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One becomes lonely...then one morning you see two. Two is a even number then you have three. Three leads to infighting I guess and yet another odd number so before you know it you are at four. Four is a even number and just when you thought it was safe a fifth appears! Now you head into the pantry and grab a 5th and when you wake up you believe you are having delusions of grandure when a 6th appears. By now you believe unicorns exist and want to buy t-shirts to show just how much you believe and maybe a secret admirer of The Rock's character in Central Intelligence flick only to look at the tank and see a bloody seventh show up :(

Yes - that is my story more or less when starting with a single rose bubble tip 6 or so years ago in a 29 gallon bio-cube. Literally out grew that tank when two emerged then bought another to give them room but that wasn't enough so later combined into a 40 breeder. That was shorted lived by about 3 years in which case they forced me to upgrade (ok, maybe I'm telling a bit of a fib here - but that was the reason or justification I told myself) to my 210 I just finished setting up.

So yeah - can't wait :) I'm still trying to figure out which is worse. Xenia or my rose bubble tips!!!!

If you ever want to get rid of some send them my way


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One becomes lonely...then one morning you see two. Two is a even number then you have three. Three leads to infighting I guess and yet another odd number so before you know it you are at four. Four is a even number and just when you thought it was safe a fifth appears! Now you head into the pantry and grab a 5th and when you wake up you believe you are having delusions of grandure when a 6th appears. By now you believe unicorns exist and want to buy t-shirts to show just how much you believe and maybe a secret admirer of The Rock's character in Central Intelligence flick only to look at the tank and see a bloody seventh show up :(

Yes - that is my story more or less when starting with a single rose bubble tip 6 or so years ago in a 29 gallon bio-cube. Literally out grew that tank when two emerged then bought another to give them room but that wasn't enough so later combined into a 40 breeder. That was shorted lived by about 3 years in which case they forced me to upgrade (ok, maybe I'm telling a bit of a fib here - but that was the reason or justification I told myself) to my 210 I just finished setting up.

So yeah - can't wait :) I'm still trying to figure out which is worse. Xenia or my rose bubble tips!!!!
If you ever want to get rid of some send them my way
Yeah I'm in the same boat! If you have too many all accept one with open arms!

Susan Edwards

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Tank #1 RS Max c250 (est. 55 gal)
2 Darwin Clowns
2 Blue green Chromis
1 Mandarin
1 Scooter Blenny
1 Bangaii
1 Dispar Anthias (lost second one this week. Disappeared)
lots of trochus, ceriths, a few hermits
Need a few more fish: More anthias and a blenny I think

Tank #2 125 gal 72 x 18 x 22 almost 3 months
1 Gold Head Sleeper Goby (sand sifter)
1 Yellow Tail Damsel
1 Ruby Head Wrasse
1 reg. clowns
1 Male Lyretail Anthias (lost the 2 females in QT this week)
2 Royal Grammas (if they fight, one will go to the 66 gal)
Assorted snails (trochus, cerith, nerites)
1 Hermit crab in display
1 huge hermit who claimed a huge shell I put in more for decoration. Shell too hard to get around rockwork. Stuck him in fuge.

More anthias
More Wrasses
3 tangs (yellow, kole or tomini & 1 other)


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Oct 17, 2013
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2 B&W clowns
3 Pajama Cardinals
Flame Angel
Lemonpeel Angel
Royal Gramma
Six Line Wrasse
Starry Blenny
Flame Hawkfish
Assorted Other Critters - Crabs, Snails, Stars, Shrimp, Sand Sifters, Urchins (came with "The Package" from TBS)

All housed in a standard 120g


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Tank #1 RS Max c250 (est. 55 gal)
2 Darwin Clowns
2 Blue green Chromis
1 Mandarin
1 Scooter Blenny
1 Bangaii
1 Dispar Anthias (lost second one this week. Disappeared)
lots of trochus, ceriths, a few hermits
Need a few more fish: More anthias and a blenny I think

Tank #2 125 gal 72 x 18 x 22 almost 3 months
1 Gold Head Sleeper Goby (sand sifter)
1 Yellow Tail Damsel
1 Ruby Head Wrasse
1 reg. clowns
1 Male Lyretail Anthias (lost the 2 females in QT this week)
2 Royal Grammas (if they fight, one will go to the 66 gal)
Assorted snails (trochus, cerith, nerites)
1 Hermit crab in display
1 huge hermit who claimed a huge shell I put in more for decoration. Shell too hard to get around rockwork. Stuck him in fuge.

More anthias
More Wrasses
3 tangs (yellow, kole or tomini & 1 other)
I love the anthias!! Wish I could stick one in my tank:confused:


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2 B&W clowns
3 Pajama Cardinals
Flame Angel
Lemonpeel Angel
Royal Gramma
Six Line Wrasse
Starry Blenny
Flame Hawkfish
Assorted Other Critters - Crabs, Snails, Stars, Shrimp, Sand Sifters, Urchins (came with "The Package" from TBS)

All housed in a standard 120g
Sounds amazing!

Polyp polynomial: How many heads do you start with when buying zoas?

  • One head is enough to get started.

    Votes: 27 10.6%
  • 2 to 4 heads.

    Votes: 145 57.1%
  • 5 heads or more.

    Votes: 65 25.6%
  • Full colony.

    Votes: 10 3.9%
  • Other.

    Votes: 7 2.8%