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I have multiple tanks for few years. For most part I have learned a lot and can handle things. But this one is confusing.

I already treated tank twice with prazipro. Did a 25% water change yesterday. Now trying bacteria remedy as per LPS advice.

Our bat fish is scared at his own shadow and often jumps when the kids don’t think and walk past tank with flashlights when lights go out. I woke one morning to water puddles on floor and along glass. The bat had these huge holes in his skin by his eyes from hitting rocks. So we changed the landscape. Moved rocks to sump. Made more room for him. Did a water change. I did put melafix in at this time to help with his wounds.

two weeks pass. His wounds look great. Skin healed over for most part. But now has really bad cloudy eyes that keep getting worse instead of better. LFS stated it is bacteria infection.

when we clean tank I been going into sand to try to remove some of that dust that still left. The bat at times goes in way and takes longer. Which I think is why we are thinking bacteria

in meantime my blue tang and Angel been rubbing into rocks and sides (they both want to claim dominance). Looks like blue tang won that battle. But now the tang has white spots on him. At first we figured sand because he was rubbing into sand. But they appear more under his skin than on his skin.

the lion had one cloudy eye until I dosed the bacteria meds and now it’s gone

Angel, rabbit, clown, fox and chrome have no symptoms of anything.

everyone is eating EXCEPT the lion.

ph 8.0
Ammonia 0
Nitrites 0
Nitrates 25

I know nitrates still a bit high. We have been at a 100 for 2 years. So getting to 25 is huge.

No new additions. Only change was the rocks being removed.

the bat appears to have sand in eye. we treated prazipro for safe measures with the way the blue tang and Angel was acting. We thought dominance but wasn’t 100% so figured for safe measures we would treat for that. The white spots on blue tang are Under the skin.


Top Shelf Aquatics

Jay Hemdal

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Batfish are really prone to Neobenedenia flukes. Those can cause these symptoms. Prazi doesn’t work well for this as it doesn’t kill their eggs. The eggs hatch out later and reinfect the fish.
Can you run hyposalinity on this tank?
Nutramar Foods


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I have an eel, urchin, 4 starfish and two Kenya trees in tank. Am I able to with those? How do you do this?
My husband also said don’t 4get we have two shark eggs ready to hatch. I hav head this bat over 2 years now. Never had an issue til he got injured. Now just been battling with this.
I was reading the tang May just have lympho from stress of the Angel.

I can’t QT the bat. He is about 18 inches now long. Plus will stress him out bad.


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I was going to say you could remove all the inverts and run hypo but the shark eggs I would think.. no. Not sure if that changes once they hatch. Hopefully @Jay Hemdal or someone is familiar with sharks. They are foreign to me.

Removing the inverts is easier then removing so many large fish.

I suppose you could keep re-dosing prazi and hope to get every egg. I have had to do this before but it was in a QT and I believe bacteria in a tank can start to break down prazi as well so it may be a bit more difficult.
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I can move the shark eggs to another tank as long as they don’t hatch. The urchin and 4 starfish I can’t… I have a horseshoe crab that made a starfish lunch. I wouldn’t want the sharks born in there for that reason. Two of the starfish are serpants so be harder to locate being under the rocks. I am not sure we will find all the snails either.

the eel… he is about 2 feet now. I can’t move him either.

the blue hippo has less white spots now than when I took the photo earlier today.
Orphek OR3 reef aquarium LED bar


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I have an eel, urchin, 4 starfish and two Kenya trees in tank. Am I able to with those? How do you do this?
You are addressing the fish/eel only not inverts
Hyposalinity for Neobendenia flukes is 30-40 days a1.009 - 1.012 and with hypo, do monitor the pH during this treatment.


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I have multiple tanks for few years. For most part I have learned a lot and can handle things. But this one is confusing.

I already treated tank twice with prazipro. Did a 25% water change yesterday. Now trying bacteria remedy as per LPS advice.

Our bat fish is scared at his own shadow and often jumps when the kids don’t think and walk past tank with flashlights when lights go out. I woke one morning to water puddles on floor and along glass. The bat had these huge holes in his skin by his eyes from hitting rocks. So we changed the landscape. Moved rocks to sump. Made more room for him. Did a water change. I did put melafix in at this time to help with his wounds.

two weeks pass. His wounds look great. Skin healed over for most part. But now has really bad cloudy eyes that keep getting worse instead of better. LFS stated it is bacteria infection.

when we clean tank I been going into sand to try to remove some of that dust that still left. The bat at times goes in way and takes longer. Which I think is why we are thinking bacteria

in meantime my blue tang and Angel been rubbing into rocks and sides (they both want to claim dominance). Looks like blue tang won that battle. But now the tang has white spots on him. At first we figured sand because he was rubbing into sand. But they appear more under his skin than on his skin.

the lion had one cloudy eye until I dosed the bacteria meds and now it’s gone

Angel, rabbit, clown, fox and chrome have no symptoms of anything.

everyone is eating EXCEPT the lion.

ph 8.0
Ammonia 0
Nitrites 0
Nitrates 25

I know nitrates still a bit high. We have been at a 100 for 2 years. So getting to 25 is huge.

No new additions. Only change was the rocks being removed.

the bat appears to have sand in eye. we treated prazipro for safe measures with the way the blue tang and Angel was acting. We thought dominance but wasn’t 100% so figured for safe measures we would treat for that. The white spots on blue tang are Under the sI have multiple tanks for few years. For most part I have learned a lot and can handle things. But this one is confusing.
I already treated tank twice with prazipro. Did a 25% water change yesterday. Now trying bacteria remedy as per LPS advice.

Our bat fish is scared at his own shadow and often jumps when the kids don’t think and walk past tank with flashlights when lights go out. I woke one morning to water puddles on floor and along glass. The bat had these huge holes in his skin by his eyes from hitting rocks. So we changed the landscape. Moved rocks to sump. Made more room for him. Did a water change. I did put melafix in at this time to help with his wounds.

two weeks pass. His wounds look great. Skin healed over for most part. But now has really bad cloudy eyes that keep getting worse instead of better. LFS stated it is bacteria infection.

when we clean tank I been going into sand to try to remove some of that dust that still left. The bat at times goes in way and takes longer. Which I think is why we are thinking bacteria

in meantime my blue tang and Angel been rubbing into rocks and sides (they both want to claim dominance). Looks like blue tang won that battle. But now the tang has white spots on him. At first we figured sand because he was rubbing into sand. But they appear more under his skin than on his skin.

the lion had one cloudy eye until I dosed the bacteria meds and now it’s gone

Angel, rabbit, clown, fox and chrome have no symptoms of anything.

everyone is eating EXCEPT the lion.

ph 8.0
Ammonia 0
Nitrites 0
Nitrates 25

I know nitrates still a bit high. We have been at a 100 for 2 years. So getting to 25 is huge.

No new additions. Only change was the rocks being removed.

the bat appears to have sand in eye. we treated prazipro for safe measures with the way the blue tang and Angel was acting. We thought dominance
I can move the shark eggs to another tank as long as they don’t hatch. The urchin and 4 starfish I can’t… I have a horseshoe crab that made a starfish lunch. I wouldn’t want the sharks born in there for that reason. Two of the starfish are serpants so be harder to locate being under the rocks. I am not sure we will find all the snails either.

the eel… he is about 2 feet now. I can’t move him either.

the blue hippo has less white spots now than when I took the photo earlier to
I can move the shark eggs to another tank as long as they don’t hatch. The urchin and 4 starfish I can’t… I have a horseshoe crab that made a starfish lunch. I wouldn’t want the sharks born in there for that reason. Two of the starfish are serpants so be harder to locate being under the rocks. I am not sure we will find all the snails either.

the eel… he is about 2 feet now. I can’t move him either.

the blue hippo has less white spots now than when I took the photo earlier today.

First picture at 8:49am and second at 10:32am. Less white spots on tang. Thinking more stress with him. But the bat….

he constantly near us when we clean. We just cleaned out the algae build up in tank (lowered nitrates more) but really thinking more bacterial.


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Post #5 has the info on these guys:



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My husband just reminded me… just prior to the cloudy eyes we did clean the back walls of algae. We were moving rocks out for the bat and was able to reach back wall. The water this day turned nasty green. We assumed bacteria bloom. We turned on UV and the protein skimmer. The skimmer had a cup full of green nasty crap in it next day. Cleaned that. At this time only fish protector was in water and some melafix later for the wounds he had. They were bad and very deep. They look 90% better today than a few weeks ago. But battling now the cloudy eyes.

The skimmer since been running clean. water looks clear and no longer that nasty green.

Just overwhelmed looking on Google and just can’t figure out best course of action.


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Post #5 has the info on these guys:

I just read this. He is swimming all over the tank. Resting on bottom. All the other fish swimming around trying to eat what ever they can find. Nobody on top of water as this article stated. Or even in powerheads


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I just read this. He is swimming all over the tank. Resting on bottom. All the other fish swimming around trying to eat what ever they can find. Nobody on top of water as this article stated. Or even in powerheads
Skin looks as normal except one side appears to have some fluffy stuff loose hanging. I can’t get a pic clear enough of it. His appearance does look same but the eyes and the obvious injuries that are healing. His fins are not injured.

Jay Hemdal

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The trouble is, all of this conversation is based on if this is Neobenedenia or not. Is the damage on the batfish from the Neo, or from running into the tank decorations, or both? That's a big batfish, what is the tank size?

Doing a five minute diagnostic FW dip is how I get a conclusive diagnosis on this. Doing that with a huge batfish that already seems a bit beat up is going to be a trick.

Note - Neo eggs are really sticky. If you move the inverts and shark eggs out of the tank, any tank they get moved to will likely have Neo eggs brought over.



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It’s a 180. He is swimming around today like nothing is wrong. No color discoloration. No fin issues. Not in power head or on top of water. Mostly in mid section to bottom to rest for few moments. I wouldn’t be able to move him from tank without extreme stress. He allows us to touch him and he rubs against us but moving him anywhere is another story. I don’t even have a net big enough for him. I have been googling that neo and he has no symptoms at all but cloudy eyes.
I do know for a fact he is scared of his shadow. He jumps easily. Can’t have tv running if the lights off. Need to go slow and no sudden movements in dark. Been always like that. That one night, he obviously was having a panic attack. Rocks fell and he had those injuries. We know the gashes by his eyes are due to rock. We moved enough rock that now he can swim the tank.
he developed the eye issues after we moved rock and cleaned the back wall of algae. The water and skimmer turned green from this. But now water and skimmer is clean but his eyes cloudy.
Top Shelf Aquatics

Jay Hemdal

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I think the batfish may just be too big for the tank and it is freaking out and hitting things. However, it does have all the hallmarks of a fluke infestation.

The rabbitfish is breathing a bit faster than it should be.

Emperor angels are also very prone to Neobenedenia. As long as that angel's eyes are clear and not hazy, I don't think it is likely that the tank has Neo.



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oh yea that batfish is too large for this tank most likely, also as an emperor gets larger it will outgrow a 180 gallon tank. 2 sharks i an 180 is not good as well once they get to like a year old if this tank was for those 2 as well


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No flashing. No odd behavior b
I think the batfish may just be too big for the tank and it is freaking out and hitting things. However, it does have all the hallmarks of a fluke infestation.

The rabbitfish is breathing a bit faster than it should be.

Emperor angels are also very prone to Neobenedenia. As long as that angel's eyes are clear and not hazy, I don't think it is likely that the tank has Neo.

no other fish has cloudy eyes. Angel eating away at algae now.

Polyp polynomial: How many heads do you start with when buying zoas?

  • One head is enough to get started.

    Votes: 27 10.6%
  • 2 to 4 heads.

    Votes: 145 57.1%
  • 5 heads or more.

    Votes: 65 25.6%
  • Full colony.

    Votes: 10 3.9%
  • Other.

    Votes: 7 2.8%