I have a 20 gallon and 2 40 gallon petco tanks in my garage that have done great for some time. It is the larger tanks that tend to have the issues.This thread was so helpful. I just posted yesterday that I found a hair line crack traveling in my 20g tank and I’m worried about tragedy coming my way. (It’s my first tank, the stand sump and plumbing is custom, but I’ve only had it almost 2 years) although I think the glass tank itself came from petsmart or something. I was considering what tank to buy to replace this one and whatever I buy I want to have for a long time! Custom is not in the expense cards for me until I have more experience and space which I am planning for in the next year or so, so I don’t want to have something to hard to move. Anyway, from what I’ve read it seems no one recommends Red Sea and I see more confidence in Innovative Marine. I hear alot about Waterbox too. Hmmm…I just want to make the right choice so I can sleep at night too (without meds) lol!