What are they doing?


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Sep 1, 2023
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Spouse woke me up to show me our weird fish swimming pretty much straight up and down in the water column (I go to bed early). Pretty much everyone in the tank joining the party - save the tangs. Even the clowns joining to leave the protection of their Ritteri (just a little) when they are normally hard pressed to leave their protector.

Never seen them do this. Happened like 5 minutes before complete lights out - ramp down is ~1.5 hrs. Usually all the fish are all in their individual bed bye spots by this time. Not out in the open.

My only guess is some sort of copepods hatch but I don’t get why the up and down behavior. We’ve hardly seen any copepods for some time and have not seeded the tank for a while but there were some on the glass today and haven’t seen many on the glass for some time. Just seems crazy that there would be such a hatch if that is what caused all this excitement. We are reseeding copepods tomorrow.

Thoughts? On right track with a potential hatch or some other suggestions.
