might be a stupid question but depending on the fish, why don’t people put macros in tanks like this? i haven’t really seen any tanks setup with non reef safe fish and in place a bunch of cool macro algae
I believe angels will eat macro depending on the type of angel and type of macro.
It also seems most large FOWLR have some sort of fish that eats macro in the mix usually. I suppose people would choose the fish over macro.
Another factor is some FOWLR are high nutrient tanks, pest algae like GHA can easily out compete and grow on macro's smothering them if nutrients are in excess.
Totally possible though, I just assume no one is super interested in giving up the tangs or large angels and then balancing the tank around macro, possibly dosing to keep the macro at its best, etc. Some of the joy of a FOWLR I think is also not dealing with that BS