I cant access your linkI’m new to reefing after 15 years out of the saltwater game, recently a store owner described name coral to me as similar to how they make up names for weed. Like this the green nuclear toxic Zoa etc type names. Do y’all agree? I’m new. My tank is at https://www.reef2reef.com/threads/new-reefer-waterbox-mini-penn-25-loves-to-see-what-y’all-think.806223 would love a review. Thanks everyone
That store owner sounds like a hater. Named corals have been around for a long time and are here to stay. Green slimer, Oregon tort, sunset montiporas,etc. Ppl didn’t care until the WD and HW hit the scene.
I consider my corals living art. Ppl have a choice to pay or pass on the prices.