I think neither the DOS nor the spectrapure nor any other hobbyist solution will compare to those industrial pumps in the longevity department.
I got my masterflex for $300. I built my dual stage regulator for about $200. I have to touch them about once every 6 months. Im a bit of a lazy reefer so it works out well for me and I feel it's completely worth it. The dang thing feels practically bullet proof.
I wouldn't pay more than $350 for a masterflex though. I also picked mine up before they got really popular. I'd love to get more for ato/awc/whatever, but honestly I'm now really curious about the DAstaco and spectrapure pumps for the ato/nano carx feed pump.
I use a DOS for awc and even though it's in my garage I can hear it running throughout the house when it kicks on. Having said that, I've got better hearing than most, but I'm pretty sure that the DOS under the tank would result in yelling from my wife.