water become cloudy for 5 days

hsn izd

hsn izd

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It will be easy to fix, per those threads it’s simply washing out sand, do a full water change and set back up but copy those two threads exactly don’t change the process. Stop adding all liquids, from here on out only add feed and do common weekly water changes as nanos don’t need anything further.

Cease using additives, they cause problems and small nanos like this only need feed and bi weekly water changes.
Hi guys
I did the rip clean after I read the parts that were needed and the water is crystal clear
these are the medications that I add weekly or daily
I appreciate it if u help me to use which one at the start
ph buffer plus
API quick start
trace elements
bio phosphate(its phosphate that we use to increase phosphate for beneficial bacteria to grow more)
bio nitrate(its nitrate that we use to increase nitrate in water to for beneficial bacteria to grow
bacteria feeder
potassium and magnesium
calcium and strontium
alk and iodine
(seachem bacteria) which I used weekly or after three months I used monthly cause the pet store said
and I do weekly water changes

ill be thankful if u say which one do i use and which one i don't cause i don't really know which medication my aquarium needs
or even if there are some forums that i can use to gain info about the meds cause all i did was what the pet store said
thnx sorry to bother


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Orphek OR3 reef aquarium LED bar


why did you put a reef in that
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You did a good job, that's indeed clear.

Here's how it works on the meds: 100% of those additives can be eliminated. I have a seventeen year old nano and it doesnt use any of those, it just gets a % water change weekly or bi weekly at most.

if you want to use dosers to lower water change work its possible, but as you can see its easy to imbalance.

Your options are to stop adding all those and proceed with common tank feeding and water changes weekly/bi weekly or you can continue adding them and just rip clean the tank when it gets out of balance, its a harmless reset mechanism you can use hundreds of times. I have rip cleaned my old reef tank many many times to keep it from going stagnant. that tank can easily carry a few fish but if you make it cloud again they may die, so have water purely under control a while before adding any.
Top Shelf Aquatics
hsn izd

hsn izd

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You did a good job, that's indeed clear.

Here's how it works on the meds: 100% of those additives can be eliminated. I have a seventeen year old nano and it doesnt use any of those, it just gets a % water change weekly or bi weekly at most.

if you want to use dosers to lower water change work its possible, but as you can see its easy to imbalance.

Your options are to stop adding all those and proceed with common tank feeding and water changes weekly/bi weekly or you can continue adding them and just rip clean the tank when it gets out of balance, its a harmless reset mechanism you can use hundreds of times. I have rip cleaned my old reef tank many many times to keep it from going stagnant. that tank can easily carry a few fish but if you make it cloud again they may die, so have water purely under control a while before adding any.
srry again and when can i add the corals and my fish?


why did you put a reef in that
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We need to verify it was cycled, that’s done by knowing first if the rock shown above was dry or wet when you added it to the tank

was that wet live rock from a pet store, or was it dry when you added it into the tank
hsn izd

hsn izd

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it was dry i washed it and put it in the tank
but i put a ceramic bag which was from my fully cycled tank which i cleaned in the water i get from the pet store my pet store water and i fill most of my aquarium water with my pet store aquarium water which he is in his main tank which is full established with good bacteria and he did a test for me and everything was great
sadly my rock scape last night broke and i need to get it fixed so it became dry
hsn izd

hsn izd

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thx a lot for sure i dont do it anymore
but im a little confused about how people take care of the tank
from the first time i started saltwater aquarium they told me to add ph buffer daily and bacteria weekly with some other liquid that i dont know
after i started reefing they told me to add mg and kh and calcium and potassium
so after i learned more i found i can add them have them with water changes and i dont need to add them weekly and it did great for me but i really dont know what should i dose weekly, daily, etc
ill appreciate if u can attach some forums that can help me or if u someone tell me about these things it would work great for me
good luck


why did you put a reef in that
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those things they had you add caused clouding events though in the conditions of their tanks the additives may not have.

its best to leave them out a while as we can see without them the clear water condition is better.

instead of choosing the full method now, split it up into 5 month intervals.

for the next five months do a big water change matching temp and salinity if the water clouds, it likely won't, and don't add anything at all other than fish food and topoff water. no dosers. dont test for anything other than temp and salinity, because the major parameters will self control considering the tank isn't full of corals.

every week at end of week you should just change a little water, feed lightly when you start adding animals so you dont fill up the system with algae, but not dose anything for these coming months. learn the hands on control way.

then in five months, resume dosing things you want to try and see if it works better or worse than this first way.

once you start adding animals, algae challenges and cyano challenges are coming. they're natural

but you wouldnt buy something or add a doser, you'd do another rip clean. for five months do only physical, not chemistry controls and it will work fine. when you begin chemistry detailing in 5 months you can change water less, if its working.


why did you put a reef in that
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for seventeen straight years I've tested only salinity and temp, I keep a tank full of corals that are well fed and get weekly water changes. its a solid plan. I go through lots of saltwater as the tradeoff for not going through lots of dosers and test kits.
hsn izd

hsn izd

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thx a lot sure ill keep up with this plan its
thx for helping me all
maybe ill made a thread and start talking about my tank to make something like a journal out of it
its gonna be helpful for me in the future
good luck
hsn izd

hsn izd

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for seventeen straight years I've tested only salinity and temp, I keep a tank full of corals that are well fed and get weekly water changes. its a solid plan. I go through lots of saltwater as the tradeoff for not going through lots of dosers and test kits.
i didnt really use any dose just weekly bacteria and water changes till like 6 months ago that they told me to add this bacteria feeder cause my tank no3 and po4 was 100 and 35 and the bacteria feeder lower them a lot so it helped and from that time i start dosing it daily
i myself really like to not dose anything like u do its a very good thing
ill try ur plan and see if the no3 and po4 rise
but the first time it was my problem i was like a newbie in the hobby so yeah im gonna test lots of thing to know how they work and learn about it
sorry just another question is that how can i raise ph cause its 7.8 now?


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I specifically recommend not adjusting pH until these conditions are met:

-after the five month delay on chemistry testing vs manual control practice. Your tank went cloudy because dosing things isn’t as good as not dosing, and letting water changes and feed handle the balancing. Don’t test for or respond to anything but temp and salinity for five months.
Don’t dose anything beyond feed, no bacteria.

-only in response to a digital + calibrated pH probe known for accurate use in our systems. Don’t use test strips or color compare common pH tests at all, use a digital pH probe only.

-only after a digital c02 meter reveals your home c02 levels to be high, and you instate changes to bring down ambient c02 levels in the home and after you verify alkalinity issues using the best alk test.

pH variances arent harmful, nanos that get water changes do fine we can see by sampling nanos that don’t track pH

my whole tank is sps and lps and pH has never been tested one single time.
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