Want to add more fish


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Feels like a lot of rationalization to not condemn something or take a stand, but I am not here to change your mind. I simply offered my opinion on the matter.

I do think that blaming a movie to excuse or explain people being irresponsible is silly. But even if true, when they ask "is this ok" people shouldn't dither and say "well sure, do what makes you happy" or worse condone the "well I don't want to hear from the Tang Police, I am different and my tank is special and it doesn't apply".

FWIW - I have not done a water change in... wow, I guess we are 7 or so years now :grimacing-face:
That’s all fine and dandy. I’m also not here to change your mind as I’m sure you’re well versed in the hobby and likely couldn’t be bothered to hear it out regardless.
However I do take issue when I get disparaged for offering an alternative solution to what was otherwise was a “no you can’t do that” and treated as if I’m malicious for suggesting it.
At the end of the day the base goal is to give these animals comfort for the full term of their existence and as much as people try to assist with anecdotal experience others may take issue which is fine.
I’ll do me and you do you.
Hope you have a great weekend


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I am sorry that you feel insulted or disparaged. As part of our conversation I simply pointed out that I don't agree with your position on the topic and explained why. It is not that I "can't be bothered" as much as it is that I am not going to change my mind in context to this thread and "Tang Police" threads in general, so there is no uses going back and forth.