Waiting list for Trident

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Would you sign up for a Trident waiting list?

  • Yes

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  • No

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Pretty obvious that BRS is not offering Tridents to people in the exact order that they're on the new list.
They're picking and choosing who to distribute them to. This is disappointing but not surprising.
If I had to guess, this is what I think is happening.
They've had the regular waiting list for months. Thousands of names.
Suddenly, due to the shortage and complaints, they offer this supposedly sequential signup list.
But they only offer it here and there. They don't notify everyone at once.
So now, lots of people are going to be royally annoyed; they feel that others have suddenly been moved to the front of the line.
It would seem mightily unfair to those who don't happen to keep a constant eye on R2R Trident threads.
Why should R2R members be given any advantage at all? Really makes little sense.
I bet many of those people have called and complained aggressively.
So, the squeaky wheel gets the grease.
At this point, I doubt BRS will want to try any more 'solutions' that will please some people and anger others.
And frankly, just from some of the outrageously juvenile whiney posts I've seen on threads here, I don't blame them.
I think some clarity would go a long way, for example maybe Facebook was notified before R2R, no big deal but may would explain why ones that signed up here are still waiting. I have come to accept this is going to take awhile and that’s ok, with that said hopefully BRS is following the order in which sign up happened or there isn’t a point of having a list.


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Totally paranoid people here. It’s ridiculous that you think it’s okay to throw out those sort of accusations with zero evidence.

I really hope BRS takes you off the list, as clearly you have no interest in doing business with them anyway.


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Totally paranoid people here. It’s ridiculous that you think it’s okay to throw out those sort of accusations with zero evidence.

I really hope BRS takes you off the list, as clearly you have no interest in doing business with them anyway.
I would buy tomorrow if they called, I spend the majority of my reefing money with them.


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I’m not sure how they are going about calling or selecting. I have first hand knowledge that it isn’t first come first serve. I signed up the day the list went live. For giggles and to better my odds I had my wife sign up (she’s never spent a dime with them). She got the call last Tuesday and I received the Trident on Friday. I still haven’t been called. I’m sure they have a process. As far as I’m concerned, the company is honest straight shooters. They have taken care of me several times when I’ve purchased items and they run them on sale days later. They are the only ones trying to make sure all their customers get one. I am sure they have a selection process, however it’s never been laid out publicly.

BRS isn’t the bad guy in this situation. Supply and demand is. All those who want one will get one. Hobbyists gave Neptune hell to get it out, apparently at the risk of supply issues. Customer demand for product like this will always be high months after the release. Take a look and gaming system releases, new iPhones, Samsung equipment, hell even tennis shoes like Jordans.

Cut BRS some slack and be patient. If you’re on the list you’ll get one. Tanks survived before the trident and tanks will continue to thrive until you get one.

Hold off on the pitchforks and torches until there is something more concrete to be concerned with.


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Totally paranoid people here. It’s ridiculous that you think it’s okay to throw out those sort of accusations with zero evidence.

I really hope BRS takes you off the list, as clearly you have no interest in doing business with them anyway.

Since when asking for clarity is a bad think?


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Totally paranoid people here. It’s ridiculous that you think it’s okay to throw out those sort of accusations with zero evidence.

I really hope BRS takes you off the list, as clearly you have no interest in doing business with them anyway.

I know that BRS created a list and notified some groups but not all their customers. That was a mistake on their part. It would have been as simple as an email to all their customers stating that the list would go live on a certain day so everyone would have a chance to be first on the list. They tried to do something to help the process but unfortunately I feel they didn’t do it well.

Bulk Reef Supply

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Hi everyone, I just wanted to jump in here to answer some of your concerns. There are a few things at play here, so hopefully I get to each of your questions. We are following the list on a first come first serve basis. Open and honest, we did talk about offering the Tridents to some of our high spending customers, but that just didn't feel right. The sign up did go live on the website a few minutes before Facebook and R2R got a heads up about the list. We were dealing with a couple of formatting issues that we wanted to get hammered out before we announced the list. So, I suppose it is possible that some customers just happened to check that page/description out and found the link a few minutes ahead of time. I know the whole purchasing process isn't as smooth as you're all accustomed to, but we're sincerely doing our best to make it as headache free for as many reefers as possible.

Brett S

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I can't say how many, but we have been getting shipments about once per week.

For what it’s worth I think it would be super helpful for people to have some way to see where they stand on the list. Right now you sign up for the list and don’t even get so much as an email confirmation that you are on the list. People have no idea if there are 8 people in front of them or 800 people and it’s extremely frustrating to not know.

I don’t know if this would be a web interface where you can put in the email address that you signed up and it will tell you where you currently stand, or maybe a weekly email that goes out to everyone on the list with their position or what.

As everyone is well aware, the whole situation is extremely frustrating for consumers and I think BRS is definitely working to do the best they can to make this as easy and painless as possible. I think the list is a huge step in the right direction, but now that we have the list people are still sitting by the phones every day waiting for the call with no idea whether they are next in line or number 500.

Even for the people at the end of the list being able to see your place would be helpful because it means that a) you don’t have to be sitting by the phones right now and b) seeing yourself moving up in the list would be encouraging.


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For what it’s worth I think it would be super helpful for people to have some way to see where they stand on the list.

I think the way it was implemented and/or how fast it was put together ad-hoc that may not be possible without calling in and having someone look then tell you. The main thing now is that you sign up you get a UI confirmation but no number or email reply to say that you are on it, etc.

At this point something is better than nothing and it is probably a good idea to widen the net with other sources if you really want one.

Edit: Not complaining about the list - comment was more about me understanding how a list might be thrown together quickly rather than later with more functionality for email notification, etc.
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For what it’s worth I think it would be super helpful for people to have some way to see where they stand on the list. Right now you sign up for the list and don’t even get so much as an email confirmation that you are on the list. People have no idea if there are 8 people in front of them or 800 people and it’s extremely frustrating to not know.

I don’t know if this would be a web interface where you can put in the email address that you signed up and it will tell you where you currently stand, or maybe a weekly email that goes out to everyone on the list with their position or what.

As everyone is well aware, the whole situation is extremely frustrating for consumers and I think BRS is definitely working to do the best they can to make this as easy and painless as possible. I think the list is a huge step in the right direction, but now that we have the list people are still sitting by the phones every day waiting for the call with no idea whether they are next in line or number 500.

Even for the people at the end of the list being able to see your place would be helpful because it means that a) you don’t have to be sitting by the phones right now and b) seeing yourself moving up in the list would be encouraging.
They have no clue what the list looks like. 0% chance it lines up with exact timelines as to when people actually signed up. It’s embarrassing for them.

Bulk Reef Supply

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I think the way it was implemented and/or how fast it was put together ad-hoc that may not be possible without calling in and having someone look then tell you. The main thing now is that you sign up you get a UI confirmation but no number or email reply to say that you are on it, etc.

At this point something is better than nothing and it is probably a good idea to widen the net with other sources if you really want one.

Edit: Not complaining about the list - comment was more about me understanding how a list might be thrown together quickly rather than later with more functionality for email notification, etc.

You're right on a lot of fronts. It was something thrown together extremely quickly in order to stop some of the madness of adding a few Tridents to the website and having a free-for-all. As people sign up, it hits the program we're using to create the list and can export via an Excel doc. It's pretty rudimentary, but still feel like this is the right move.


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You're right on a lot of fronts. It was something thrown together extremely quickly in order to stop some of the madness of adding a few Tridents to the website and having a free-for-all. As people sign up, it hits the program we're using to create the list and can export via an Excel doc. It's pretty rudimentary, but still feel like this is the right move.
Quick question, were the calls already made for this week?


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I can't speak for them but I'll say I asked this in the other thread and didn't get a response. Usually they go out on Tuesday or at least that has been the trend. So I'm assuming here that they are done for this week. No call here on my side...


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I can't speak for them but I'll say I asked this in the other thread and didn't get a response. Usually they go out on Tuesday or at least that has been the trend. So I'm assuming here that they are done for this week. No call here on my side...
Ahhh. You and I shall be testing it the old-school way for another week. Lol


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You're right on a lot of fronts. It was something thrown together extremely quickly in order to stop some of the madness of adding a few Tridents to the website and having a free-for-all. As people sign up, it hits the program we're using to create the list and can export via an Excel doc. It's pretty rudimentary, but still feel like this is the right move.
Thanks for an explanation. We understand you are trying to do your best. Just appear that you started calling people on the list from the wrong end, and that is why you have bunch of unhappy loyal customers, including me. There is never too late to correct this. :)


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Long story I have an extra trident. Don’t want to make any money on it. Just want to recoup actual costs. Don’t really want to ship it. I’m In the PA/NY/NJ tristate area. PM for details


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Long story I have an extra trident. Don’t want to make any money on it. Just want to recoup actual costs. Don’t really want to ship it. I’m In the PA/NY/NJ tristate area. PM for details


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Long story I have an extra trident. Don’t want to make any money on it. Just want to recoup actual costs. Don’t really want to ship it. I’m In the PA/NY/NJ tristate area. PM for details


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Long story I have an extra trident. Don’t want to make any money on it. Just want to recoup actual costs. Don’t really want to ship it. I’m In the PA/NY/NJ tristate area. PM for details

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