Vermatid snail vs LPS


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Dec 3, 2014
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St Louis, MO
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I want to share my experience with these pesky vermatid snails.

I have been growing coral/vermatid snails for over 15 years and recently they have become quite a nuisance. I noticed that one of the bigger varieties of vermatid was spreading its web onto my holy grail torch and legit making it brown jelly. I did a kfc dip and put it back only to notice the same thing the following night. I picked up the torch for inspection and noticed hundreds of large, medium and almost microscopic vermatid snails growing all over the torch and making the torch flesh retreat all the way to the mouth. The super tiny Vermatids attack right against the flesh and make the torch retreat. After a couple hours of tweezer and magnifying glass i believe i have gotten most of them off. I am buying bumblebee snails also to prevent more.

My mixed reef is doing great except for the torches and i was thinking maybe it was bacterial but now i believe it was these vermatids! Hopefully i am right!