UV sterilizer questions


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So I just got a used 180 gallon aquarium. In great condition. Anyways, I’ve just about got it all set up but have a few questions for a uv sterilizer. I currently have a 40 gallon (no sump/canister filter) going with corals and fish and everything is going pretty good. Early on, I had issues with ich, dying fish and Dino’s. I got a used 25 watt sterilizer and it eradicated Dino’s and no more fish die from ich. Very rarely will I see a fish with a spot or two, but it always goes away. Best decision I ever made.

Anyways, with the new tank the obvious option was to get a UV. I wasn’t sure what size to get so I went down to the local fish store. To get some advice, and see what they have. Keep in mind I want a UV to control parasites. They had some of the name brand sterilizers that cost an arm and a leg, and some Chinese brand sterilizers that were dirt cheap. Right up my alley. Lfs recommended 2 of the 36 watt (Biggest off brand ones they had). So I guess my question is, are two 36 watt sterilizers equal to one 72 watt sterilizer? Also, what would be the best way to install a UV. I have a 60 gallon sump. My current UV hangs on the back of my 40 gallon (no sump). Everything is doing great, but it’s basically a science experiment.


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First, forget the Chinese crap. Second, you don't need 72-watts or a pair of 36-watt UV sterilizers.

I run a AquaUltraviolet 57-watt UV sterilizer with a Sicce SDC 6.0 pump and I'm getting kill levels for parasite control. If you click on my build thread I have a link to my UV setup with full details.