Unorthodox experiment aggressive species tank Budget Build Nano


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Feb 24, 2014
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Hopefully the title caught your attention. I was hesitant to post this, because I have probably broken way to many rules, but I decided to post it to show it off, showcase a very budget friendly tank and maybe offer some learning points for other hobbiests.

My tank is a 44 gallon tall rectangular tank. I picked the tank up off of Craigslist with the very nice stand for $150. The tank has a black back and looks pretty cool. I’ve always had blue back tanks, and I will say, the light pops a lot more with a blue back tank, but black is certainly unique.

For filtration I bought an Aquamaxx HF-m. I really like this filter dnd use it on my 60g reef tank. I got this for half off as a killer deal online. It was $125. Comes with built in protein skimmer and room for a mini fuge. Lighting, I use the Nicrew 90w reef light. One light is enough and this was just around $100 on Amazon. I also have an ATO system that was $30 and a small Hygger wave maker that was about $50. I might upgrade this at some point or add a second one but it is fine for now.

Finally, an automatic feeder keeps my fish happy between frozen food meals.

Live sand (black) was $30 and picked up some dead rock from Craigslist and live rock from LFS and a few pieces from my other tank.

There are a few other odds and ends and I have a lot of tools and equipment from my other tank.

Total spent to set this reef up was about $500.

Now for the interesting part. Before I move on I have to say, I’ve been in this hobby over 20 years. I’ve had lots of ups and downs, but everything has mostly come together over the last 8 years or so. I have figured out my equipment and lighting dnd been running a stable tank with coral growth and thriving fish.

So, I wanted to do something new for me, mix it up a bit and try a few things based on my experience. I ended up putting more aggressive fish in this tank and am beginning to add some corals. I will probably add a dosing pump, but currently manage parameters with reef water changes.

I cycled the tank with water, rocks and filter media from my establish tank. This helped with cycling but it wasn’t instant. After about three weeks I had good numbers to add a fish. (Note this was only possible this early due to using established media to start the tank.

First I added a descent sized maroon clown. I’ve had these fish before and they are stunning but so mean. I knew he’d have no trouble with what was to come.

I took one of the many anemones I had in my other tank and got it established in the new tank. The maroon hosted it immediately. This was important to make sure he had a safe spot to go.

Next came a cleaner shrimp.

I should mention I had a bunch of cleanup crew (hermits and various snails added with the clown.

Anemone looked good for a couple weeks and shrimp and clown was doing well. So it was time for fish number two.

Fish number 2 was a Niger Triggerfish. This is one of the more shy dnd docile triggerfish, and I’ve found that to be absolutely true in this tank. Absolutely no issues between the maroon and the trigger.

Next came, a very tiny snow flank moray eel. He was about the size of a pencil and hid for the first week. I’ve kept eels before and enjoy the snowflake for its modest size, generally mellow personality and its cool coloring. This one was also tiny which I felt was important in this small tank.

All fish were doing great and I added one more fish. This was the one mistake I think I made. My wife loved it and wanted it and it didn’t quite go, and I had concerns about if it would survive, but against my best judgment I bought it, couldn’t say no to my wife on the yellow mimic tang she liked.

Despite my worry the fish did great dnd continues to do great.

The tank was running about 6 months and doing well when I decided to add some mushrooms, Zoas and a red branching monti. These are still only a few months old but doing well. Thanks been up about 10 months and is doing great.

No doubt I will have to move fish in or out over time but I’d like the eel to be a fixture.

I consider the tank build to be a great build for anyone wanting to do any type of marine tank. I would recommend a shallower tank for sps though. The stocking list I’m going to call advanced bordering on insane.

Let me know your thoughts!

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