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First off my names Paul from Southeast Texas. I started off about 2 years ago when a 110g freshwater tank and stand was given to me and I had no clue about fish or aquariums. I went through many failures, Dead fish, which led me to countless hours of research and attempts to correct my mess ups, From major algae issues, Got ick twice from LFS ( I assume ), Tank crashed on me all from lack of experience and the worse thing I can have which is being impatient in most aspects. With that being said I got things corrected and wanted an updated tank, I found a tank online for 50 bucks.. a 50 gallon overflow bottom drilled tank, I couldnt pass it up for the price. So I snagged it.. This is where the addiction begun, Little did I know I stepped into a entire new realm of Fish and aquariums. So go on this journey with me as not only a beginner trying to absorb all possible knowledge and learn, to building and learning from my mistakes and taking pride in this. Lets Begin.

50 Gallon:
So this tank was bought on a impulse and kind of on accident due to I could not pass up the price. I took a gamble because I knew NOTHING about overflows, Drilled tanks. I was completely clueless to even what it was for.


The day I picked it up, Threw it in the bed of my nasty truck bed and left out. It was full of dirt, sand, and had no clue the shape, was willing to take the gamble.

I then got it home and started cleaning it, Inspecting it and come to find out it had VERY minimal scratches 4 that I can find and were very tiny. Leak tested it and all was well. Onto the countless hours and keeping the wife awake with my youtube videos and internet searches reading for hours and hours. I had no stand so the hunt for a stand was on, I knew I needed it and wanted something different because this was going in our bedroom which the wife had decided she wanted to do a nautical themed bedroom so I wanted something she could paint and decorate to the room.

The Stand:


So now with the stand built and put into place, I still continued to do research on sumps and equipment, Knowing very little and everyone having their own opinion and me having VERY little to NO knowledge of what I was stepping into and had NOT found Reef2Reef yet.. Which would have been amazing during the start of my build ideas. Never less HERE I AM. I went on to figuring out what to do with a sump and what equipment I wanted to put in the sump. Overly excited I got to ordering and building..


The Sump:


So it began, I went to LFS and got a 20 Long with a cheap Insert kit from amazon I mapped it out and started gluing, As you can see I aquired a Bubble Magnus curve 5 and a return pump, Could have done better with the placement, and a better kit but lack of knowledge kicked my butt and well, here I am.. Knowing nothing of filter socks, Which is what I wish I would have spent the extra bones on and got the kit with the filter socks and laid out the sump better. But we will make do! Now more items start to come in, Impulse buying because I think I need it, Bio balls I decided not to use, Different things I got that I decided not to use. The build goes on!

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This was the idea I had in my head, Bio balls, Filter first pads, and a Fuge spot... This was what I had planned on doing.. With no knowledge I thought this would work out great! The research continunes...

This is the point I find a reefer buddy and a Local reef group that has been more than helpful, With amazing advice, Cheaper items and suggestions on what to do.. and the best part? The link to Reef2Reef :p
So the build continues.

I got the back of the tank painted black, taking my time on making sure I dont have to double work to the best of my knowledge.. I then inspected the bulk heads the tank had came with...

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Barbed Bulkheads, So not thinking about future and reliability etc. I bought some hose.. Which wasnt very easy to find in my area, Plumbed it all up to do its first official leak test and run through... This is where I learned that the bulkhead gaskets were junk, Leaked, I didnt like the hose because it wasnt sturdy, pump falling over. Inconsistent drain flow. Just wasn't my cup of tea. So this is where a reef buddy suggested that I hardline the tank. I love the idea so it began.

I ordered all new bulk heads and gaskets that were slip so I could pipe the sump.

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Not a plumber, Flipped the sump around to help the situation and this is what I came up with, Still to this day need to add a support to hold up the drain line. But all is well. Im new go easy on me :p
But I had a problem... The return pump had no way to attach pvc.. I spent hours and hours in my local hardware store. trying to find parts to make it work, I got so frustrated I went home looking online for parts, I was irritated so this is when the engineering took over and rigging to a sort that MAY not have been the solution for most, but I MADE IT WORK.

Taking the old damaged barbed bulkhead the tank came with which had a slip x barb I decided well. The connection will be under water anyways. I just need a good secure connection and a slip to plumb too.. So I cut some hose I had already bought.. used the old bulkhead.. and BAM

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This was the fix I had, LAUGH IT UP. I did remove the hose clamps in fear of issues being in the water... and went to plumbing worked like a CHARM!

So now that I had everything plumbed and my rigged up what ya call it going. It was time to test leak with new bulkheads and sump in place.. I also knew I needed some kind of power strip but wanted something easy to access because the wife will be assisting in taking care of when im gone for work.

So I added the water, added to power strip with individual power switches I could label and shut off things separately. SUCCESS!!!
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Now is when I was introduced into RODI water and its importance. I found a local guy that had a RODI system brand new in box for an unbeatable price so I snagged it and begun my start of the water process!

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With everything working great and a few large spills because well not everything can go right for me! I was making water!!! How exciting, Never knew id be so excited about water in my life! HAHA

Knowing I needed a Fuge light etc, a light was recommended to me by a fellow local reefer that I trust so HERE IT WENT

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Went and got me a bucket of salt and some sand set aside! then went and purchased powerheads! Ordered rock online and BOOM

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63 lbs of rock at the door! Poor UPS HAHA

My 6 year old daughter LOVES helping so much she decided to help me wash the rocks, then come up with a plan for the tank!

She had an idea and she had a plan! A home for the FISH! Such a big help!!

This is the ultimate ending of our brainstorming together!

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We made caves, we made valleys, we made arches which are hard to see from the front angle but we did GREAT and I loved it. Lights on just for looks and she LOVED the pink light! haha

So we made our salt water and FILLED!

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Time has now gone by, we have dosed the tank with DR tims, and ammonia, she is fermenting the amazing cycle and doing its thing! Impatient but patient us waiting to see it grow!

I knew a light would need to be a thing of the future also a place for all the testing and items I aquire!

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So a shelf was added!! also a screen top was made that I didnt take pictures of!

More time goes by and the LIGHT HAS ARRIVED, couldn't wait. had to hang it and see how this bad boy looked!

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Ahhhhh Love it!

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Settings right of the box blasted the tank and about burnt my eyes to liquid lava! What a LIGHT! TURNED THAT STUFF DOWN! and Powered off!
Cycle still going!

Found a filter sock mount to add a filter sock to the sump!


Not exactly what I wanted but WILL work!

Now for labeling to help myself and wife!


Excuse the rats nest, I am straightening wires and mounting them all today! :)

Things are looking really good for this tank!! BUTTTTTT I found a deal... and boy.. am I in trouble....

I couldnt for the life of me pass it up, I had this big! blank spot in my entrance to my house where my freshwater tank was and this popped up by a friend.. Could I possibly!!!?? Pass it up???

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Nope!!! I couldnt pass it up!!


NO WAY I could pass this up!! Am I over my head?! Maybe, But Ill figure it out!!


Where the crap does all this go!!! So confused!!! Yet so Excited its the most beautiful flawless tank Ive ever seen!!!


OHHH OK like that!!

So needless to say, Ill either have 2 builds going on in this thread or start a SECOND for the 120. But for now.. The 120 sits full running with water a vinegar because it sure needed a good cleaning! BUT MY GOD ITS BEAUTIFUL!



As I continue with both tanks I will be updating each in their own section accordingly! I am SO excited for both tanks and WOULD LOVE any advice or changes that would help me! tips! WE THANK YOU AND WE WILL be updating as we go!

So continued on throughout the week levels became GREAT with the small tank! Got out first FISH IN and we are in love!

Got us some snails added, A BEAUTIFUL baby Yellow tang! and 2 Clowns :) Theyre happy as ever!


Tang really blends in as hasnt fully colored up yet as they sold a very young tang! but BOY! HE or She couldnt be happier so far! Clowns being clowns! My kids love them! Also added snails, got a Diamond Goby coming, a cleaner shrimp and crabs coming! excited for this tank! Auto doser going on and on the way to coral!

Worked on the Larger tank aswell! Tried my hand at mortar for making rock shapes etc.. NOT MY CRAFT I tried so hard and was so patient and was NOT happy with what I created! I do love the tank tho, what I crafted. I have entry ways to every point of the rocks, Flow through everything! and a stunning natural look that I personally love! I did end up with a sand bed deeper than I expected once things moved around some but Itll have to work!



Dosed it with the Dr Tims and ammonia, let her sit and brew up the lifecycle we all desire! I also took down the 300 watt off the small tank as I found a local that made me a really good deal on 2 165w so I can put the 2 165 over the small tank and put the 300watt over the larger tank!


Now time for some cleaning up! and more work ahead of me!
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Wow, you came off the bench and into the game at full speed... very well photo-documented! Welcome to R2R, and keep it fun! :)
Yeah it was very accidental to come at it this hard, I had zero intention of taking on a second tank either, But its very fun and something me and the family can watch grow and do together, Im enjoying the hell out of it and hope im taking the correct steps! Thank you!
Top Shelf Aquatics


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Kudos on your new tanks! That aquascape is really well done I like how natural it looks and that 120 really is a beauty of a tank. Are you running the return pump submerged or dry?
its sumbmerged on both tanks :) and thank you! I got it so cheap I still cant believe it HAHA


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Well it's been a long time since I've updated the post, the 50 is gone as I focused on the 120 fully. Complete overhaul of the 120.
List of things added and upgraded.
New trigger sapphire 39 sump
Awuamaxx controllable skimmer.
38watt uv
Apex doser
Dx18 t5 with 3 ai primes
Added controller cabinet.
Neptune atk
Replumbed the entire tank removing the metric plumbing.. more videos and pictures to come.
Top Shelf Aquatics
Top Shelf Aquatics

Polyp polynomial: How many heads do you start with when buying zoas?

  • One head is enough to get started.

    Votes: 27 10.6%
  • 2 to 4 heads.

    Votes: 145 57.1%
  • 5 heads or more.

    Votes: 65 25.6%
  • Full colony.

    Votes: 10 3.9%
  • Other.

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