Twitching copperband, after adding API General cure


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I have a 38 gallon QT, and am quarantining a CBB and a magnificent foxface. The've been on 1.9ppm copper for about 3 weeks. A couple days ago, I reduced the copper to .5PPM through water changes, and added carbon to the HOB. The carbon didn't do anything after two days, but thinking that .5PPM is low enough anyway, I went ahead and added two packets of API General cure this morning, thinking I'd observe the fish for a while before adding two more packets.

Then I noticed the CBB twitching. I don't watch the fish in the QT that much, so it could be that he was doing this before, but I don't think so. To be clear, he's not twitching constantly, I only see it if I watch him for 5 minutes or so. Thoughts? Could the GC have caused this? Anything to be worried about? Should I go ahead and add the rest of the GC anyway? Here is a video of the twitching:



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I have a 38 gallon QT, and am quarantining a CBB and a magnificent foxface. The've been on 1.9ppm copper for about 3 weeks. A couple days ago, I reduced the copper to .5PPM through water changes, and added carbon to the HOB. The carbon didn't do anything after two days, but thinking that .5PPM is low enough anyway, I went ahead and added two packets of API General cure this morning, thinking I'd observe the fish for a while before adding two more packets.

Then I noticed the CBB twitching. I don't watch the fish in the QT that much, so it could be that he was doing this before, but I don't think so. To be clear, he's not twitching constantly, I only see it if I watch him for 5 minutes or so. Thoughts? Could the GC have caused this? Anything to be worried about? Should I go ahead and add the rest of the GC anyway? Here is a video of the twitching:

Copper or coppersafe?
While twitching can be flukes, you never gave copper a chance to work properly
Coppersafe is a full 30 days at 2.25- 2.5 monitored by a reliable copper test kit such as Hanna brand- not api
Copper itself is .5 for 30 days
You want to increase aeration and monitor ammonia during this period also with a reliable test kit
Must be full 30 days otherwise treatment period is incomplete


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I'm using Copper Power. I verified the concentration with a Hanna copper tester. I know there is different QT advice out there, but I was following a protocol that has you get it to 1.75PPM for two weeks. The foxface was on copper for two weeks before I got him, I may have cut it a bit short for the CBB.

I do have an air stone in the tank, and have been monitoring ammonia.

Regardless, now that I've moved onto the general cure, is there a chance that that is the cause of the twitching? I want to know if I should dose the rest, or not.
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GC contains prazi and metro.

It's possible this fish had (gill?) flukes, which upon treating with the GC (prazi) caused the gill flukes to fall off, causing some irritation to it's gills. As the flukes drop off, they leave behind tiny wounds in the gill tissue that can cause irritation to the fish for a day or two until it heals.

I would keep up on the GC or prazi treatments and see if it gradually gets better.

I also agree with the other posters that your copper safe treatment may not have been sufficient also.

Jay Hemdal

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I'm using Copper Power. I verified the concentration with a Hanna copper tester. I know there is different QT advice out there, but I was following a protocol that has you get it to 1.75PPM for two weeks. The foxface was on copper for two weeks before I got him, I may have cut it a bit short for the CBB.

I do have an air stone in the tank, and have been monitoring ammonia.

Regardless, now that I've moved onto the general cure, is there a chance that that is the cause of the twitching? I want to know if I should dose the rest, or not.
You fish may be twitching because the prazi in the GC is causing the flukes to move around and drop off - makes the fish a bit itchy.

Trouble is, that copper level doesn’t stop velvet very well and may not handle an active case of ich either. Additionally, the shortest time frame for amine based copiers products really is 21 days, but I find 30 days is much safer.



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Also GC is suppose to be dosed all at once to work properly.

all that being said, CBB are known for twitching wanting food when they see their owner. Mine did even in medicated QT. You’ll need to observe from a distance and see if he’s still twitching or if he only does it when you approach the tank. Unless CBB is obviously infected, I recommend getting them eating before meds. Then follow proper protocols or all you’ll do is suppress any parasites until he gets stressed and they’ll be back.


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Also GC is suppose to be dosed all at once to work properly.

all that being said, CBB are known for twitching wanting food when they see their owner. Mine did even in medicated QT. You’ll need to observe from a distance and see if he’s still twitching or if he only does it when you approach the tank. Unless CBB is obviously infected, I recommend getting them eating before meds. Then follow proper protocols or all you’ll do is suppress any parasites until he gets stressed and they’ll be back.
He wasn’t looking at me when he was twitching, and besides - there was part of a music cube in his pouch feeder at the time. But he had been eating I started meds.

Jay Hemdal

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He wasn’t looking at me when he was twitching, and besides - there was part of a music cube in his pouch feeder at the time. But he had been eating I started meds.

Sorry, I missed that you didn't add all of the GC at once. You need to add a full dose of that at one time, else the praziquantel in it breaks down within ~6 hours of so, and then you never reach a full dose. That might even more explain the twitching - the partial dose may have just irritated the flukes, making them move around even more.

Depending on the time between partial doses, you may need to start the GC treatment over again.



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Sorry, I missed that you didn't add all of the GC at once. You need to add a full dose of that at one time, else the praziquantel in it breaks down within ~6 hours of so, and then you never reach a full dose. That might even more explain the twitching - the partial dose may have just irritated the flukes, making them move around even more.

Depending on the time between partial doses, you may need to start the GC treatment over again.

Ok. I added the rest within one hour of the first dose, so I should still be ok I think?

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