Hey everyone. I have 65 some different acropora frags/mini/colonies in my collection at this point. Everything has been going great for the last few months. Not one coral death, awesome growth on most pieces. Keeping everything from torts, montis, granulosa, speciosa, tenuis, etc. Normally my polyp extension on basically everything is great, with the filamental tentacles or w/e popped out too.
The other day I checked the tank at approx 3PM for the first time in the day (Tuesday). Everything looked significantly bleached. Polyp extension was VERY bad, worst I have ever seen it. Things just looked like they were dying (note nothing has actually died yet). Sorry don't have pics yet.
So... I looked at apex. The night before/Tuesday morning, at 1AM, I observed the below ORP drop. Super crazy! You can see for the last whole week prior ORP fluctuated within 320-340. Then dropped ~100 over the course of the next 24 hours. Note ORP was approx 300 at 3PM when I observed the bleached SPS.
Now... It was pretty clear to me something that could be wrong are nutrients. I tested nitrate/phosphate with Hanna immediately. Nitrate was bottomed out, 0. Phosphate tested at .04. I dosed some nitrate just to ensure it's not bottomed out ( I have done this before with no ill effects).
Also, I have been ramping up my lighting over the last two months. I have 2 AI blade glows with 4x radion XR15s over a 60" x 24" 20.5" tank. I have slowly been ramping to near 100%, things are at approx 80% at this point. Note I did not change lighting for at least the last week and a half, so if it has to do with the lighting ramp (definitely could) it's what I changed a week ago. So, I significantly turned down my lighting thinking I'm just burning the crap out of the corals.
I made those changes/tests at approx 6PM yesterday. Then, this morning at 7AM, I re-tested nitrate/phosphate. Nitrate 4.0, phosphate .13. I dosed a tad more nitrate. Since 6PM also, as you can see by chart, ORP has begun to climb back up to usual levels.
Weirdly enough, alk consumption up until this afternoon today has been very steady. I've tested alk every 3 hours or so. Alk JUST stopped getting consumed meaningfully a couple hours ago, and I've had to tone down my kalk dosage. I'm sure turning the lights down a ton had something to do with this. Alk consistently tests ~8.0. My alk has never fluctuated more than .3 in the same day, since I got SPS.
So... IDK why really I'm posting this. I hope things come back. I'm wondering has anyone ever seen this before? Basically all corals bleaching white at the same time! I think it's pretty clear what happened, although I can def be wrong and maybe I'm just presenting this narrative fallacy. The BIGGEST puzzle to me is why there was a sudden, rapid ORP drop at 1AM! Lights are out at 9PM. I have a fuge with chaeto with reverse night cycle in addition to frag tank with reverse night cycle. Nothing died yet though (at least to my knowledge). Definitely all fish are accounted for. It's just very interesting/puzzling. What caused the ORP drop and why....?
Would really appreciate any thoughts on the matter. Also open to criticism for how I reacted to this scenario or any random thoughts. I'll keep yall posted.
The other day I checked the tank at approx 3PM for the first time in the day (Tuesday). Everything looked significantly bleached. Polyp extension was VERY bad, worst I have ever seen it. Things just looked like they were dying (note nothing has actually died yet). Sorry don't have pics yet.
So... I looked at apex. The night before/Tuesday morning, at 1AM, I observed the below ORP drop. Super crazy! You can see for the last whole week prior ORP fluctuated within 320-340. Then dropped ~100 over the course of the next 24 hours. Note ORP was approx 300 at 3PM when I observed the bleached SPS.
Now... It was pretty clear to me something that could be wrong are nutrients. I tested nitrate/phosphate with Hanna immediately. Nitrate was bottomed out, 0. Phosphate tested at .04. I dosed some nitrate just to ensure it's not bottomed out ( I have done this before with no ill effects).
Also, I have been ramping up my lighting over the last two months. I have 2 AI blade glows with 4x radion XR15s over a 60" x 24" 20.5" tank. I have slowly been ramping to near 100%, things are at approx 80% at this point. Note I did not change lighting for at least the last week and a half, so if it has to do with the lighting ramp (definitely could) it's what I changed a week ago. So, I significantly turned down my lighting thinking I'm just burning the crap out of the corals.
I made those changes/tests at approx 6PM yesterday. Then, this morning at 7AM, I re-tested nitrate/phosphate. Nitrate 4.0, phosphate .13. I dosed a tad more nitrate. Since 6PM also, as you can see by chart, ORP has begun to climb back up to usual levels.
Weirdly enough, alk consumption up until this afternoon today has been very steady. I've tested alk every 3 hours or so. Alk JUST stopped getting consumed meaningfully a couple hours ago, and I've had to tone down my kalk dosage. I'm sure turning the lights down a ton had something to do with this. Alk consistently tests ~8.0. My alk has never fluctuated more than .3 in the same day, since I got SPS.
So... IDK why really I'm posting this. I hope things come back. I'm wondering has anyone ever seen this before? Basically all corals bleaching white at the same time! I think it's pretty clear what happened, although I can def be wrong and maybe I'm just presenting this narrative fallacy. The BIGGEST puzzle to me is why there was a sudden, rapid ORP drop at 1AM! Lights are out at 9PM. I have a fuge with chaeto with reverse night cycle in addition to frag tank with reverse night cycle. Nothing died yet though (at least to my knowledge). Definitely all fish are accounted for. It's just very interesting/puzzling. What caused the ORP drop and why....?
Would really appreciate any thoughts on the matter. Also open to criticism for how I reacted to this scenario or any random thoughts. I'll keep yall posted.