I recently upgraded to WB 180.5 from 75g bow-front tank. The 75g build included a 9w Coralife Turbo-Twist UV sterilizer that served me well. Now I have upgraded to 130g and added a 36w Turbo-twist 12X for larger volume. I set the 12x flow rate at just over 300gph to deal with Parasites, so far so good. But now I have the smaller 3x and I am wondering if it would be ideal to run it as well at a faster flow rate to help control algae. Would too much UV damage the bio filtration or have an unseen negative effect that I should account for? I a running the Neptune Core-20 as main return with a manifold that I could run 1/2" line at 120+gph to run the 3X. I have a 2nd Varios-4 pump running the 12X. Your thoughts.