dang that seems like a great price for the war paint! Yeah sales like this and auctions are what I’m learning to start waiting to buy from. I got such awesome corals from this last summer sale in June. I’m also getting a litttle low on space for some corals. My biggest dilemma now is I’m trying to save up for a waterbox 230.6 in a year…but every time my savings of that just get spent on TG coralsIn the past I tried to stay under 100 for the majority of items I purchased. With the higher range being under $200…but now with how many corals I have it seems I can’t find ones I like in those price ranges.
I recently purchased a master bower that was closer to $500…..I do have a couple of gonies that are $200-300. I was able to snag a war paint bower at an auction for less than $200 (which is why auctions can be awesome!)
I am also running low on space