Terrible Connection Issues with Mobius - Be weary of Ecotech


Charlie the Reefer

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Hello everyone,

I have 4 MP40s and 4 G6 Radions. All equipment is under 3 months old. Since setting everything up, fighting with the mobius app has just been a constant uphill battle.

I feel like the hardware is good on the Ecotech stuff. But any time you change the lighting/flow schedule you don't know if it's going to take you 5 minutes or literally one hour. Equipment randomly disconnects, settings reset or decide to change themselves, and many times the app won't even recognize a device. It would be one thing if this issue was occurring for one piece of equipment, but I feel this is unfortunately the common user experience with Ecotech stuff.

Specifically, I'm dealing with an issue currently where the lights decide to go off schedule, or blast the corals at full intensity at say 11PM, or just shut off randomly mid day. Same sort of thing with the MP40s. I have had to factory reset each piece of equipment at least once. There is one light I've had to factory reset maybe 7+ times because it just goes out of synch/loses connection so often. As a funny aside - at Aquashella in Illinois this year one of the biggest frag vendor had Radions and he was constantly screwing with them the whole show.

I also know I am not the only one having these issues, due to the crappy app reviews on the apple store and elsewhere...

To me it's sort of ironic that some of the most "tricked out" equipment in my tank has given me the most issues. Comparing this stuff to lets say my cheap DC pump I got off amazon, heater setup, or Kessil lights... I don't have to worry about any of that crap and constantly finnick with it. Or compare the Ecotech crap with Neptune Fusion. I never have any issues talking to my DOS, Trident, or really anything in Fusion. It's extremely reliable. I just wish that same standard/seamless experience applied with the Ecotech stuff. Probably a factor is that Neptune gives you the option to hard wire everything together. I'm guessing that's a huge deal.

So I guess this post was sort of a "warning", part "review", and part "does anyone have any tips to fix this crap and make it operate better?". I'm using an Iphone 14 on a 5G connection to communicate. I've also tried connecting to my home Wifi, which is a 1200 mbps connection.

Tldr; if you are debating buying ecotech lights/powerheads, be weary.


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I wish I had some advice for you. I run 8 ecotech devices, radions and vortech. Fortunaly it is all old enough I'm not forced to use mobius and use a reeflink so I can control everything using ecosmart live on my pc. I tried mobius and did not like it at all. If I'm ever forced to use mobius I'll probably unload everything and move to another brand.
Charlie the Reefer

Charlie the Reefer

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I wish I had some advice for you. I run 8 ecotech devices, radions and vortech. Fortunaly it is all old enough I'm not forced to use mobius and use a reeflink so I can control everything using ecosmart live on my pc. I tried mobius and did not like it at all. If I'm ever forced to use mobius I'll probably unload everything and move to another brand.
Thanks for your reply.

Yeah, I have read about the legacy setup/configuration. From the research I have done, it seems the new "ecosystem" has taken a dip in performance/reliability.

I genuinely hope not that Ecotech suffers from any fallout from this, but that a more reliable generation or retrofit solution is released to rectify these issues. I'm really praying that the MXM module (Neptunes Ecotech communicator) comes in clutch. But honestly, I'm skeptical.
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I had the same experience as you, I could never get everything to connect correctly. The frustrating part was pushing an update to my XR15s and MP40s. sometimes the updates would take. Sometimes one light would update, and then a few minutes later, the other would, and sometimes only one would update. I would then have to go through the motions again and push the same update to ensure everything got it. I ended up replacing all my Ecotech equipment in my display tank. I think the hardware is excellent, but the software is horrible. For the price of their equipment, I expect both to be great.
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