Tank Parameters Of Some Masters


Val Shebeko

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Here are the rest, hopefully not duplicated.





why did you put a reef in that
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the most shocking param you have listed is ammonia at .29

we study ghost ammonia trends a LOT online and that seems like an aberrant reading not possible in your tank, what meter is indicating that level of free ammonia? a seneye>?

in 100% of the posts about low level ammonia readings in matured tanks, 100% were found not to have free ammonia where is your ammonia source too for this system, anything above the normal fish complement

ammonia is most fascinating to me as its the one compound streamlined in all reef tanks, they all behave the same way regarding free ammonia can't wait to see details here. clearly that's not an API reading, looks like a digital probe reading and we may want to collect this info for our cycling thread where a section is devoted solely to false ammonia reads
Nutramar Foods


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Wonderful article but there is one thing I really, really don't understand.
There are people with wonderful tanks, with corals and fishes in brilliant health and they don't want to share their "secret sauce".
There are thousands of people out here, wondering why their corals and fishes get ill, why their corals don't grow and so on. Instead of telling them:
"Try this and that, that's my "secret sauce", so your tank will be healthy" they keep their ingredients and recipes for themselves, so nobody can have such a good looking tank as them?
Are we in a kindergarten? 4 years old children who wants to have their picture the most beautiful?
Why isn't it possible to tell everyone the secrets of having a healthy tank? Does anybody think of the corals and fishes?

Maybe this post is a bit agressive, but I don't care. At the moment I lost 10 fishes on illness only because I bought them from a wrong shop and I am crying for every coral or fish that is dying at my home and I really don't understand people who say "Who cares, my tank is healthy, look. But I don't tell you how to get it. No. Cry a bit more.

I know this is an older post, and thread, but I just read it so it's new to me .....

I think in many cases any 'secret sauce' is either pretension or the classic correlation/causation problem. I say this as a broad observation, not as a criticism of any of the folks mentioned in the article. Though I have spoken with Sprung on a few occasions, that was 25 years ago; I know nothing about any of the others. Is it possible somebody, somewhere knows 'the secret'? I suppose, though the cynic in me says if that were the case that person would have attempted to commercialize it. I think the takeaway is that resources like R2R or RC offer all the insights that experts and novices alike need. If there is a 'secret sauce' to be found, it's almost certainly within those pages - even if it is more difficult for the novice to separate the wheat from the chaff.

The original PoV here mostly reinforces what those of us tenured in the hobby have long known, that within reason, absolute levels are less important than stability. I've run my tanks at alk levels of 10, and also at 8 ..... No observable difference in performance. It's a good reminder that chasing precision is mostly a fools errand.
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Sorry, but you hit a nerve with this one.
I am grateful for EVERYONE who posts anything, both successes AND failures about their experience with saltwater. I read the info and use it to form an opinion and (maybe) a possible plan or change in the way I do things. Sometimes the changes work for me, sometimes they don't. I, for one, am grateful for any info that these very successful aquarium keepers chose to share about their tanks. They honestly didn't have to us tell diddly-squat.
Every tank is different. I have three different tanks (on the same sump) and EACH ONE BEHAVES DIFFERENTLY. There is no one-size-fits-all "secret sauce", besides STABILITY. Any changes are done one at a time and slowly. If you want to take anything away from this article, take this- STABILITY is key. Patience. Patience. And more patience.
WHO sounds like they are in kindergarten?? You're crying because someone won't GIVE you the answer?? I guess they should give us all the answers, and while they're at it make sure we get a "Participation Trophy"? Good Grief!!
These are just a handful of very very successful tanks on this earth. There are many many more. And I can almost guarantee no two do things the same, besides strive for stability.
"At the moment I lost 10 fishes on illness only because I bought them from a wrong shop "
No secret ingredient or recipe for that one. It's called quarantine. Many, many in-depth articles and threads overflowing with information on how to quarantine fish and corals, both here and all over the internet. You want someone to tell you their secret recipe for great growth and color, yet it seems you are having trouble keeping them alive. I think you're putting the horse before the cart. Don't worry about the leave right now, focus on getting the ball in the pocket.
If you are looking for a hobby where someone tells you exactly what to do and how to do it, take up knitting.
Maybe this post is a bit aggressive, but I don't care.
You think you're clever, don't you? Smug, You probably drive a Prius.


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You think you're clever, don't you? Smug, You probably drive a Prius.
Nice to meet you too!!

Not quite sure where this came from , or how to take it...

Clever? Not quite sure where you got that. Unless because I said stability is key. (Which has been said innumerable times, by hundreds over the years. Plagiarist? Maybe you could make a case. Me, clever? Most definitely not.)
Smug? Not in the least. Quite the contrary. My tanks, all in all, are a mess. I'm always trying to get to a point where I could be "smug", (if I wanted to be), and I can pretty much guarantee everyone on this forum I'll never get there. But I DO know I'm not expecting someone else to get them to there for me. If that was my end goal, I'd hire one of the LFS to do the maintenance... And then, I could blame them for all of my tanks' problems.
And my Toyota is not a Prius. It's a Tundra.
I look forward to your continued contributions to this thread.
Have a Great Day!


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Nice to meet you too!!

Not quite sure where this came from , or how to take it...

Clever? Not quite sure where you got that. Unless because I said stability is key. (Which has been said innumerable times, by hundreds over the years. Plagiarist? Maybe you could make a case. Me, clever? Most definitely not.)
Smug? Not in the least. Quite the contrary. My tanks, all in all, are a mess. I'm always trying to get to a point where I could be "smug", (if I wanted to be), and I can pretty much guarantee everyone on this forum I'll never get there. But I DO know I'm not expecting someone else to get them to there for me. If that was my end goal, I'd hire one of the LFS to do the maintenance... And then, I could blame them for all of my tanks' problems.
And my Toyota is not a Prius. It's a Tundra.
I look forward to your continued contributions to this thread.
Have a Great Day!
You tore into that other person and mocked them for their frustrations. I think that was unnecessary and I felt the need to tell you. That's my contribution to this thread.


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Brandon McHenry

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Great write up! I know I’m resurrecting an older thread but I was curious if we know how many of these amazing tanks were started with live rock vs dry and what role that choice may have played in their success?


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This is an absolutely fantastic thread. Thanks OP for taking the time to put it together and for everyone contributing to the discussion. I learned a lot and hope lots of others will reference this one in the future!

Bill Urbanski

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Million dollar question. What are they and everyone for that matter doing to keep nitrate and phosphate levels manageable? I have my nitrates around 25. Phosphates typically average .07. I have a refugium not large but a decent section of my sump with feather caulerpa that I harvest every couple weeks. I dose vinegar currently dosing 115ml a day and I do weekly water changes of about 40 gallons on a 260 gallon system. I also run Rowaphos and test almost weekly to make sure phosphates are staying in check. My skimmer pulls out a decent amount of crap so I'm not sure what else I can do to get my nitrates lower. I'm bumping up my vinegar slowly. Just raised it to 120ml today. I'll see what that does in a week or so. Any suggestions or guidance would be appreciated. The tank has been running almost 2 years.

Polyp polynomial: How many heads do you start with when buying zoas?

  • One head is enough to get started.

    Votes: 27 10.6%
  • 2 to 4 heads.

    Votes: 145 57.1%
  • 5 heads or more.

    Votes: 65 25.6%
  • Full colony.

    Votes: 10 3.9%
  • Other.

    Votes: 7 2.8%