switching to the moonshinners method day 1


david campbell

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Jun 8, 2018
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in the beginning.

So my tank is 4 years old and is a mixed reef, sps lps and softies. I have dosed many trace element products over the years, to many to name. I never understood why one would dose all in one's, this question keep creeping into my mind."why dos something that my tank may not be using as fast as i dose it. Would that not lead to an OD of a certain elements"? thats a rhetorical question for you all but a real one for me. Then I found the Reef moonshinners method...

It's a program that allows u to dose trace elements that your tank is using. for example if your tank uses a lot of cobalt, you dose only cobalt.. unlike the all in one Trace elements; where in order to get cobalt you are forced to add other elements as well...I like this level of control...

Im not bashing all in one Trace elements. I used them for years. I'm knocking there inability to control elements individually.

so this is the first post on my journey to document the effects of the moonshinners method on my tank.

step one; send off an icp test

this program requires monthly, bi monthly or what every your wallet can afford icp testing. for myself; i am going to aim for a monthly test. it also requires some honesty about your husbandry skills.

I'm very curious to see my icp results, because I have not preformed a wc in many months. I also started dosing the chesto grow, iodide and strontium, following the beginners instruction to be safe, a about 1 month ago or pre discovery of the moonshinners method. The part c, seen in the photo has been used for many months at 100mls daily. Claims to contain 70 trace elements. we shall see. That box is empty now. I'm trying to use them up before I switch to the this new method. I got an issue with throwing money in the trash.. I will be keeping the iodide, its the preferred brand used in the moonshinners method.

More importantly at this first stage is the icp test result they will tell if these products instructions are accurate for dosing. doesn't really matter to me now because I'm switching to the moonshinners method and what I need to start dosing to give my tank that boost.

I will share my icp results with you when they arrive. at this point I'm stock piling the trace elements known as dailies and some others. dailies are elements that are to be dosed every single day.. they are iron, manganese, iodine, cobalt, chromium. and a few others that are optional, the other two and remaining elements (still need to be purchased) are correction dosed or you only dose once or twice a month I won't know exactly which ones to buy until the icp test comes In. don't want to by an element that my tank does not use..

IMO this program is not for those who's husbandry skills are sub par or lazy. if you want to read more about this program, go get the free handbook from the reef moonshiners web page...wish me luck.

Nutramar Foods

Polyp polynomial: How many heads do you start with when buying zoas?

  • One head is enough to get started.

    Votes: 27 10.6%
  • 2 to 4 heads.

    Votes: 145 57.1%
  • 5 heads or more.

    Votes: 65 25.6%
  • Full colony.

    Votes: 10 3.9%
  • Other.

    Votes: 7 2.8%