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Aug 7, 2024
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Hey all, I’m looking to get a sump for my 60 gallon breeder. I’ve looked at many videos regarding the plumbing and recommendations but I’m still very confused. I’ve never setup a sump or anything similar; I’ve only had all in one tanks.

My tank can’t be drilled and so I’m going to use the eshopps pf-1000 to get water into the sump. Since this overflow box has two lines, I only need a total of 3 lines right? Two for the overflow box and one for the return line? What type of tubing and what bulkhead/adapters should I use?

I’m also confused on the return line. How do I connect the tubing I’ll use to one of those return flare nozzles? On the brs site I found this return line called “return jet” and it simply just connects to the 1 inch tubing, should I just use this?

As for the sump itself, skimmer, and return pump I think I’ve got it nailed down but I’d just like some confirmation that I chose good options. For the sump I plan on getting the trigger systems sapphire sump CR44. I am not sure if this is too overkill or if there are better options for a cheaper price. Regarding this sump, the input fittings on it are 1.5” while the fittings on the overflow box are 1”. How do I go about making this work?

For the skimmer and return pump I plan on getting the bubble magnus curve 5 elite and the Jebao dcp-4000. I’ll run the return pump at around 800 gph. Any other advice or recommendations are very appreciated.