Okay dumb question but have you measured this (Appreciate your an engineer etc)? Attributed space for glass / Acrylic width?
The reason i ask is you appear to be trying to fit a lot of ideas into a confined space. A 30 gallon display, and a sump with a roller mat, a skimmer, a reactor, a refugium and a return pump, with baffles? And you are on a small budget?
You've not mentioned heating, is that in the sump as well? Will there be room for water? Or rubble / media (for the micro fauna) within the refugium? Just how large a bio load will you have in a 30 gallon to warrant the volume of equipment in the sump?
Appreciate you "over think" but it strikes me your over engineering this, and given the sump size it will be incredible difficult to both service your design and fit in all of the things you "think" you need in a 30 gallon display.
Do you currently have a tank? Or is this the first?
Where is your ATO gonna go?
Having spent decades in the world of engineering the number one rule is KISS!!!
The reason i ask is you appear to be trying to fit a lot of ideas into a confined space. A 30 gallon display, and a sump with a roller mat, a skimmer, a reactor, a refugium and a return pump, with baffles? And you are on a small budget?
You've not mentioned heating, is that in the sump as well? Will there be room for water? Or rubble / media (for the micro fauna) within the refugium? Just how large a bio load will you have in a 30 gallon to warrant the volume of equipment in the sump?
Appreciate you "over think" but it strikes me your over engineering this, and given the sump size it will be incredible difficult to both service your design and fit in all of the things you "think" you need in a 30 gallon display.
Do you currently have a tank? Or is this the first?
Where is your ATO gonna go?
Having spent decades in the world of engineering the number one rule is KISS!!!