Started Ruby Reef Products


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Ok, so I thought I might chronicle my experience using the Ruby Reef Products. I'm sure I will have a questions regarding dosing and/or length of treatment as I go, so feedback is most welcome!

Treatments I have tried: Freshwater 5 minute dips, 2 rounds of PraziPro, CopperPower (on most fish). All fish were quarantined from 1 to 2 months while the 180 gal was cycling. I perform 10-25% water changes each week. API Furan2, MetroPlex, and KanaPlex in combination with FOCUS was added to frozen fish food for 15 days. Fish were then transferred to the 180 newly cycled tank. Within a few weeks, fish were itching again. I have some snails in the tank now, so I though I would try the Ruby Reef products next.

Symptoms developing in the 180 gallon tank: Hippo tang has a few white blotches on skin, almost like body flukes would look after a freshwater dip, but the fish had a freshwater dip for five minutes and the patches did not come off. The fish also flashes or itches gills and body. Sometimes the tang hovers in the power head stream to help with respiration, though velvet may not be the cause because the fish has had this problem for about three weeks now and it has not died. Velvet usually kills quickly. All fish are still eating. All other fish in the tank flash/ itch as well, with the worst signs of flashing observed by the Midas Blenny. No visible signs of parasites on the body of the blenny. No signs of flukes during the freshwater blenny's dip. Sometimes it looks almost as if there is a white fungal dusting covering the yellow tang's body, but then it seems to clear up in a few days. Typical white spots not visible on any fish...just a whitish coating covering the entire skin of some of the fish. The yellow eyed Kole has a bunchy abdominal area. I suspected internal parasites, but food meds did not correct the problem. Maybe the Kole is just a pig when it eats and a bunchy abdominal area is normal? The ruby headed fairy wrasse purchased almost looks as if it's back is broken. It eats well, went through CopperPower well, but still swims funny. I did more research and now suspect Ichthyophonus fungus, which according to information obtained from this fungus can cause curvature of the spine and an odd swimming behavior. If this is the problem in my tank, all the fish are all probably doomed! The problem could also be bacterial in nature. Mycobacterium bacteria, for example, shows no visible outward signs on the fish until late stages except in fish behaviors. Paravortex flatworms or Monogenetic trematode worms are also suspect, even though I did the freshwater dip, the trematode worms may be too small to see.

So, I believe there are multiple problems going on and have decided to try another direction with treatment: Ruby Reef Kick Ick and Rally. At this point, I figure, what can it hurt? I will also try to catch the ruby headed wrasse and remove it from the tank if possible. Feedback on the Ruby Reef products for those of you who have tried them would be great!

I will update this thread as treatment progresses. I will also try to get some pictures up.

Saturday: Day one of treatment: Added Kick Ick and Rally as directed on bottle labels to the 180gal tank. I am using the dosing regiment for visible signs of illness listed on the bottle. All 7 turbo snails survived 1st treatment. All fish seem to be tolerating treatment well. All fish eating. Fish still flashing/itching.

Sunday: Day 2 of treatment: Added 2nd dose of Rally as directed. No visible changes in fish behaviors. Fish still itching and continue to visit power head stream from time to time to support respiration. Turbo snails still alive.

Monday: Day 3 of treatment: Added 3rd dose of Rally as directed. No visible changes in fish behaviors. Fish still itching. White patches still visible on Hippo tang. It may be my imagination, but fish seem to be visiting the power head less frequently. It's Monday, a work day for me, so I was not able to observe fish behaviors as much today. Turbo snails still alive.

On a positive note, the skimmer has finally calmed down for those of you who were helping out with my skimmer overflow problem. Even with the medication in the tank, the skimmer is settling down nicely, though it is setting in only 5 inches of water now and it should be in 8 inches of water. I am letting the skimmate go back in the sump right now to prevent removal of the medications.

Questions... For those of you who have used the Ruby Reef products before, when should I do a water change? How long is Kick ick active in the tank? How long is Rally active in the tank? The one bottle (I think it was the Kick Ick says a few rounds of treatment might be needed, but then in big bold lettering it warns that treatment should continue for two weeks after the last visible signs of illness are noted on the fish. Does that mean I repeat treatment one after the other without water changes for two full weeks after the last symptoms are noted, that I don't pause the treatment to allow any parasite eggs in the tank to hatch? I was under the impression that some types of eggs will only hatch after the meds are out of the tank. If this is true, pausing between treatments seems necessary. Still, what do I know. I've come to the conclusion that I'm terrible at keeping big saltwater fish. I never had these problems with my two little nanos. If I lose all fish again, I will probably leave the big tank hobby for good.:(
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Top Shelf Aquatics


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I never trust products with proprietary "mystery ingredients". Who knows what you're really getting, or what it does or does not do??

The only Ruby Reef product that spells out it's active ingredients is Rally: Acriflavine, aminoacridine and formalin.

We know that formalin removes "surface" parasites & worms; the other two ingredients are antiseptics useful to treat bacterial related diseases. From that, we can deduce what Rally can and cannot do. The devil is always in the details. ;)


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Humblefish, I value your opinion greatly. As I am not sure if the problem requires an antibiotic or a stronger treatment, and the fish are all in the MD now, I thought I would try the combo. I don't believe if the problem is ick or velvet that this treatment will work. I posted some very bad pictures (the best my phone camera can do) in another thread. If you get a chance, I would value your opinion about what you think...bacterial, fungal, or other. The discussion in my other thread is leaning toward Brook and/or bacterial infection.

Thank you for offering your opinion about the Ruby Reef products. In my heart I think I knew that I was throwing my money away. I was just hopeful the product would live up to its claims.
Top Shelf Aquatics


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As I purchased the Kick Ick and the Rally already, I have continued to dose it in the 180 gal tank to hold at bay whatever is making my fish itch. If these products don't produce results, I hope this chronicle of my experience with these products will prevent another hopeful reefer from throwing away his/her money. If the products work, I'll report that too, but I hold out little hope at this point for that happening. I am adding garlic to frozen foods 6 days out of the week to entice sick fish to continue eating.

Day 4: Added 2nd dose of Kick Ick and started second round or 4th dose of Rally as directed on the bottles. No visible changes in fish behaviors. Fish still itching. All fish eating well except Hippo tang.

Day 5: A 5th dose of Rally added as directed on bottle to tank. No improvements in fish behaviors noted. All fish still itching. Hippo worse. Not eating. Suspect secondary bacterial or fungal infections starting.

Day 6: 3rd dose of Kick Ick added. 6th dose of Rally added. No improvements in fish behaviors noted. All fish still itching. Hippo tang still not eating. White patches covering head with patches on body and near tail seem worse. Fish looks beat up, but is not being bully by other fish. Hippo was pulled from tank, given Formalin dip, Rally dip, and is being treated in separate 3 gallon tank with Kanaplex + Furan-2 + Metroplex. I sent an extended email letter to asking for assistance with their products. My questions were about water change schedules when repeated doses of products were being given and about increasing dosages when no results were observed. Waiting for response.

Day 7: Have not heard back from I am going to give one day break in Rally treatment before starting a third round of this treatment. My thinking for doing this is that some pathogens in the cysts or eggs stage will not hatch until water parameters are good, and because the meds will not work until they hatch, I'm hoping a day without treatment will encourage hatching. Tank is still in the first round of Kick Ick treatment schedule, but no Kick Ick is scheduled for today. Probiotics added to the tank. No other treatments provided.

Day 8: Still have not heard back from, so a 45 gal water change was completed to keep nitrates under control. A 4th dose of Kick Ick added to tank as directed on bottle. A third round or 7th dose of Rally started. Still no improvements in fish behaviors. All fish are eating. All fish still itching. There are no visible signs of spots, etc., on any of the fish in the tank.

Day 9: Continuing third round or 8th dose of Rally in tank. Hippo tang that was pulled to separate sick tank was observed picking at food today. All fish in the 180 gallon show no signs of improvement. All continue frantic rubbing or itching on objects in the tank and against the sand bottom, itching both at the gill area and whole body flashing.


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Currently in your position, I've done 1 week of copper power solution and today just did a 50% water change with salinity of 1.020. Also trying the Rally and Ich combo, today I did the first dose. See how it goes. here's my link , I've got the pic of the hippo tang.


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Any updates on this?

Hi HomeSlizzice. I don't believe the Ruby Reef products worked for me because I lost multiple fish. I finally had success after dosing the trifecta antibiotic treatment, copper, and cp at the same time. See additional threads chronicling my battle with the multiple issues in my tank. It's a lot of reading, so skim and scan if/as needed. All is well now...thank goodness! Thanks for asking.

Here are the previous threads chronicle my journey trying to cure my fish if you're interested in the details:
"Started Ruby Reef Products" at
"What does this look like" at
Treatment Plan Okay? at
"Will Freezing Kill All Stages of Parasits and Bacteria in SW Tank


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Hi HomeSlizzice. I don't believe the Ruby Reef products worked for me because I lost multiple fish. I finally had success after dosing the trifecta antibiotic treatment, copper, and cp at the same time. See additional threads chronicling my battle with the multiple issues in my tank. It's a lot of reading, so skim and scan if/as needed. All is well now...thank goodness! Thanks for asking.

Here are the previous threads chronicle my journey trying to cure my fish if you're interested in the details:
"Started Ruby Reef Products" at
"What does this look like" at
Treatment Plan Okay? at
"Will Freezing Kill All Stages of Parasits and Bacteria in SW Tank

Good to know, thank you for the reply. I'll take a look at the links you gave me!


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Hi HomeSlizzice. I don't believe the Ruby Reef products worked for me because I lost multiple fish. I finally had success after dosing the trifecta antibiotic treatment, copper, and cp at the same time.

Wow, that's aggressive! I'm glad your fish made it through that treatment. I'd been wondering if anyone has tried CP and copper at the same time with success @Humblefish ? I remember reading a post by alprazo on the other forum a long time ago that the combo "may be synergistic" but don't remember the details.


Dr. Fish
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Wow, that's aggressive! I'm glad your fish made it through that treatment. I'd been wondering if anyone has tried CP and copper at the same time with success @Humblefish ? I remember reading a post by alprazo on the other forum a long time ago that the combo "may be synergistic" but don't remember the details.

I've never tried combining copper + Chloroquine because the latter already addresses the 2 diseases (ich, velvet) that copper treats, plus 2 others (brook, uronema) that copper does not. From my way of thinking, you want to use the least amount of meds possible to achieve the desired results.


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Wow, that's aggressive! I'm glad your fish made it through that treatment.

Yes, drstardust. It was aggressive as nothing seemed to be working. Just to be clear, the combo of cp and copper was transitional from one to the other med. I did not want to stop all treatment to start fresh as my fish were so sick; however, I got lucky and my sick fish made it through the slower switch of meds well. As @Humblefish stated above, I would not recommend combining cp and copper for the duration of full treatments.


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Yes, drstardust. It was aggressive as nothing seemed to be working. Just to be clear, the combo of cp and copper was transitional from one to the other med. I did not want to stop all treatment to start fresh as my fish were so sick; however, I got lucky and my sick fish made it through the slower switch of meds well. As @Humblefish stated above, I would not recommend combining cp and copper for the duration of full treatments.

Nor would I, and would never plan on it myself. Thanks for the clarification. While you didn't combine the two, and justly so, it would have been an interesting data point had you been successful with that.
Top Shelf Aquatics


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Ok, so I thought I might chronicle my experience using the Ruby Reef Products. I'm sure I will have a questions regarding dosing and/or length of treatment as I go, so feedback is most welcome!

Treatments I have tried: Freshwater 5 minute dips, 2 rounds of PraziPro, CopperPower (on most fish). All fish were quarantined from 1 to 2 months while the 180 gal was cycling. I perform 10-25% water changes each week. API Furan2, MetroPlex, and KanaPlex in combination with FOCUS was added to frozen fish food for 15 days. Fish were then transferred to the 180 newly cycled tank. Within a few weeks, fish were itching again. I have some snails in the tank now, so I though I would try the Ruby Reef products next.

Symptoms developing in the 180 gallon tank: Hippo tang has a few white blotches on skin, almost like body flukes would look after a freshwater dip, but the fish had a freshwater dip for five minutes and the patches did not come off. The fish also flashes or itches gills and body. Sometimes the tang hovers in the power head stream to help with respiration, though velvet may not be the cause because the fish has had this problem for about three weeks now and it has not died. Velvet usually kills quickly. All fish are still eating. All other fish in the tank flash/ itch as well, with the worst signs of flashing observed by the Midas Blenny. No visible signs of parasites on the body of the blenny. No signs of flukes during the freshwater blenny's dip. Sometimes it looks almost as if there is a white fungal dusting covering the yellow tang's body, but then it seems to clear up in a few days. Typical white spots not visible on any fish...just a whitish coating covering the entire skin of some of the fish. The yellow eyed Kole has a bunchy abdominal area. I suspected internal parasites, but food meds did not correct the problem. Maybe the Kole is just a pig when it eats and a bunchy abdominal area is normal? The ruby headed fairy wrasse purchased almost looks as if it's back is broken. It eats well, went through CopperPower well, but still swims funny. I did more research and now suspect Ichthyophonus fungus, which according to information obtained from this fungus can cause curvature of the spine and an odd swimming behavior. If this is the problem in my tank, all the fish are all probably doomed! The problem could also be bacterial in nature. Mycobacterium bacteria, for example, shows no visible outward signs on the fish until late stages except in fish behaviors. Paravortex flatworms or Monogenetic trematode worms are also suspect, even though I did the freshwater dip, the trematode worms may be too small to see.

So, I believe there are multiple problems going on and have decided to try another direction with treatment: Ruby Reef Kick Ick and Rally. At this point, I figure, what can it hurt? I will also try to catch the ruby headed wrasse and remove it from the tank if possible. Feedback on the Ruby Reef products for those of you who have tried them would be great!

I will update this thread as treatment progresses. I will also try to get some pictures up.

Saturday: Day one of treatment: Added Kick Ick and Rally as directed on bottle labels to the 180gal tank. I am using the dosing regiment for visible signs of illness listed on the bottle. All 7 turbo snails survived 1st treatment. All fish seem to be tolerating treatment well. All fish eating. Fish still flashing/itching.

Sunday: Day 2 of treatment: Added 2nd dose of Rally as directed. No visible changes in fish behaviors. Fish still itching and continue to visit power head stream from time to time to support respiration. Turbo snails still alive.

Monday: Day 3 of treatment: Added 3rd dose of Rally as directed. No visible changes in fish behaviors. Fish still itching. White patches still visible on Hippo tang. It may be my imagination, but fish seem to be visiting the power head less frequently. It's Monday, a work day for me, so I was not able to observe fish behaviors as much today. Turbo snails still alive.

On a positive note, the skimmer has finally calmed down for those of you who were helping out with my skimmer overflow problem. Even with the medication in the tank, the skimmer is settling down nicely, though it is setting in only 5 inches of water now and it should be in 8 inches of water. I am letting the skimmate go back in the sump right now to prevent removal of the medications.

Questions... For those of you who have used the Ruby Reef products before, when should I do a water change? How long is Kick ick active in the tank? How long is Rally active in the tank? The one bottle (I think it was the Kick Ick says a few rounds of treatment might be needed, but then in big bold lettering it warns that treatment should continue for two weeks after the last visible signs of illness are noted on the fish. Does that mean I repeat treatment one after the other without water changes for two full weeks after the last symptoms are noted, that I don't pause the treatment to allow any parasite eggs in the tank to hatch? I was under the impression that some types of eggs will only hatch after the meds are out of the tank. If this is true, pausing between treatments seems necessary. Still, what do I know. I've come to the conclusion that I'm terrible at keeping big saltwater fish. I never had these problems with my two little nanos. If I lose all fish again, I will probably leave the big tank hobby for good.:(

Anyone know if it's ok to run the skimmer as long as it's not actually accumulating anything? I emailed ruby, but judging by this thread, don't think they will reply anytime soon, so can someone help?

This is what I sent them:

If I keep my skimmer running, but have it elevated enough / lower water level, so it is not actually accumulating the junk or anything at all in the container, is this still negatively affecting rally and kick it?

Because my PH level is low unless I keep my co2 scrubber running, which goes through my skimmer. I fear 2 weeks of PH under 7.7 instead of 8.10, combined with your chemicals harming some corals , some say, will be a bad combination

So skimmer doesn't affect your treatments if the foam does not reach the container and collected in the skimmer right?

Polyp polynomial: How many heads do you start with when buying zoas?

  • One head is enough to get started.

    Votes: 27 10.6%
  • 2 to 4 heads.

    Votes: 145 57.1%
  • 5 heads or more.

    Votes: 65 25.6%
  • Full colony.

    Votes: 10 3.9%
  • Other.

    Votes: 7 2.8%
Your Reef