Still laughing.I’ve I reported the rabid assaults on your marriage, those comments were pretty tacky. You didn’t ask for marriage advice but you do seem to be wondering how to move forward given your wife’s obsession with aesthetics.
The obvious solution is to put an elevator from the first floor into the basement. This will prevent light bleed around the home and will make the trip to the basement into a carnival ride for you and your daughter. Once you arrive at your watery man cave the tank can be situated with a spectacular entry view as you step out of the Otis car.
Make plans for easy water mixing, automatic water changes, quarantine facilities and anything else you’ll need. You and your daughter can spend many happy hours down there watching and building the reef without bothering your spouse with the tacky lights or salt creep or fish jumping out of the tank. Reefs are messy and creepy really.
And you should build a separate room behind the tank to keep the equipment in so that your daughter doesn’t get hurt playing there. I’d put locks on the doors and set up a sound proof dungeon to keep sounds from being heard from the street. Aquarium pumps are so loud and tacky.
What ever you do, please do not take up clarinet. People can be so cruel with their suggestions but rarely are we truly helpful.
Loving ones neighbor as oneself is impossible really. Most people never figure it out.
Godspeed. :