Slight ammonia spike - tank transfer process


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May 19, 2023
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I’m breaking down my RedSea Maxx 500. I took a 150g stock tank and used a 40B as a sump. My tank is mature, >5Y. I started 3 months ago by taking a GEO cryptic and buying 30 pounds of TBS rubble and running that for 3 months in the max. The first thing I set up in the holding tanks sump was the Cryptic, about 400GPH through it (rated pump, so less…). I also set up two Versas and was exchanging water between the two systems for 10 days at about 20-25g a day. I have 4 medium but very plump tangs, a fox and a clown. I moved 1 fish about every other day. I’ve been testing ammonia every day with a Hannah and I also have a sea hen badge in the tank. (Pictures to follow). In total I have about 150 pounds of mature rock that is now in the stock tank (pictures below). I put 5 wave pumps in the stock tank that were not in use prior, one is already getting coralline on it. I did scrap the back wall and seed the stock tank too. After the second fish my Hannah test was 0.05 for ammonia. Yesterday I moved the last of everything. This morning the water tested at 0.11. You can see the badge below (I need to go snap a pic and will post that a minute after I post this). I was going to break down my max today and start running citric acid through it. I have not run water between the two tanks in 2 days. If I need to do a water change to lessen the ammonia, and if the max tests at zero, I can put the verses in high speed and start softening the spike. I know we want zero, but is .11 something to worry about? I know if the trend goes up, I’ll need to do a larger water change with brand new water. I have water made, I’m going to have to set the chiller up in my mixing station as the water is currently 90 degrees. The last tank I did I hit numbers like off the Hannah scale and had to wait for it to come down. I think I started on that tank at like .25. I’m just looking for some feedback. I have a ton in this stock tank and don’t want to muck everything up. I did put Prime in today. I should note, I’m not a filter sock guy. I e been using them on the stock tank. I took it out today and it has been in there for 3 days. I’ve been feeding very very lightly also. I had tremendous algae on the stock tank and white plastic like over night. Once I got my CUC mostly moved over, wow, man… they are well. Can’t believe how quickly they knocked it back.

I know I am being hypersensitive, but I wasn’t expecting to see it go up on the Hannah.

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