Should i cycle new aquarium if it has media from old aquarium?


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Nov 3, 2018
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Hello reefers,
Just got a 10 gallon jbj today as an upgrade from my fluval evo 5 since my pump went out. I got new dry sand and dry rock for the new aquarium. I will be setting it up tomorrow and plan on using 2-3 gallons of water from my previous tank.

I also have a 1 gallon sump with media and chaeto that i will be hooking up to the new tank.

My question is:
Should i still wait a couple weeks before adding my 1 clownfish from my previous tank into the new one if im going to transfer the sump and some water?

Hugh Mann

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You should be alright with one clownfish. I set up my 55 that way. Just used some nasty old media from an established tank. Worked like a charm.

That being said, I would wait at least a couple days from setup just to be cautious. Seachem ammonia alert badge just in case.
World Wide Corals


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Imo you should be ok, just monitor ammonia for a week or two just to be safe. Do you have any sand or rock in the old tank?
Yea i have both sand a rock, one reason i opted for new sand and rock is cause theres a few bristleworms and i want to keep the new tank as pest free as possible, in my sump i do have quite alot of media and i will add some sand. I would wait a day or two but again, my pump went out on my old tank.


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Yea i have both sand a rock, one reason i opted for new sand and rock is cause theres a few bristleworms and i want to keep the new tank as pest free as possible, in my sump i do have quite alot of media and i will add some sand. I would wait a day or two but again, my pump went out on my old tank.
That's understandable lol. If you want to be safer you can take a tiny bit (maybe a few generous pinches in a tank that size) of the old sand and spread it around the new tank to help seed the dry sand.


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Uh, old sand is black, new sand is white
Ah, then you probably don't want to mix lol. I think you will be fine either way but you can always seed some new media in the old tank before you upgrade and just let it sit in the new for a week or two, but again, I think you will be fine.

As Hugh said you can wait a week or two before moving the clown just to be safe

Polyp polynomial: How many heads do you start with when buying zoas?

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  • 2 to 4 heads.

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